0.59 The Successful Delivery

Ariana felt her entire body relax a bit when she heard the cry of the first baby coming out from Sarah. 

"It's a boy," the old lady said with joy in her eyes as she held the reddened figure in her hands.

She met eyes with Jared who looked much more terrified than relieved. She had to give it to him, he had outdone himself today by remaining conscious throughout this incident.

Even as a female, it was hard for her to see another woman in so much pain because she had never witnessed labour in her life but for him as a man, she knew it would have been horrifying to him but he still persevered and helped as much as he could.

"Good job, Sarah, your eldest twin is out," she smiled at the lady as she wiped away her sweat.

"Get the other one out!!!" Sarah yelled as she tightened her hold on again to push out.

"Breathe, Sarah, you need to relax. You're putting too much pressure," the old lady said as she tapped her legs to caution her.