0.66 A Suprising Offer

Ariana blinked a few times to make sure she was seeing correctly, she didn't want the little alcohol she had drank to start influencing her already. 

She succeeded in masking out her surprise and simply stared back at the lady who had done the honour of coming to meet her.

"Madam Le Grand," Ariana muttered, feeling a bit overwhelmed by the charismatic figure before her.

It was hard for anyone to affect her this way. It showed the extent of captivation this woman carried in each of her steps.

"Miss Ariana Jatropesh," Madam Belle greeted with a pristine smile, her aura, totally tranquil.

Stunned that she actually knew her name by her face, Ariana didn't know what to say. Had this lady done thorough research on everyone she invited tonight?

Judging by her meticulous attitude and scrutinising eyes, it seemed Ariana's guess wasn't that far.

"May I join you for a few minutes?" Madam Belle asked politely, to Ariana's astonishment.