0.73 The Homewrecker

Jared walked down from the stairs as he moved toward the kitchen. He was famished and he needed something to eat urgently. 

He knew they must have already eaten breakfast without him which was why he wanted to get any leftovers he could find.

As he rounded up the corner to get into the kitchen, he saw his brother, Jason, sitting on the counter as he munched on an apple.

Jared sighed. He really hoped his brother hadn't seen the news trending, if not, he wouldn't let him hear the end of it.

"Hey, JJ," Jason looked up and greeted with his mouth filled up.

"Hey, Jason," Jared smiled slightly and walked into the kitchen, moving towards the refrigerator to get something to fill up his stomach as well.

"How's the jetlag going over there?" Jason murmured.

"Ugh, it's bad. I haven't even had enough sleep yet," Jared sighed as he reached out for the orange juice. He took the cap off about to drink from it when,