0.78 Her Lashing Out

"And that is how we made our product, Golden Flakes," Ariana ended with a huge smile as the crowd erupted into a round of applause. 

She dropped the mic with a sigh. She had made it till the end without a stutter and she was proud of herself. Now, she didn't know how she was going to answer the questions from the reporters.

The flash from their cameras blinded her momentarily as she stepped down from the stage. She was quickly engulfed by the swarm of bodies with microphones shoved into her face.

"Is it a coincidence that your new product is a splitting image of your rivals, the Antianos?"

"Did you steal this line from the Antianos?"

"Why did you still decide to go with the launch when you know you are going to be accused of cheating?"

The different voices mashed up made her eardrums beat from the deafening noise. She wasn't going to answer any questions when she barely even knew what was going on.