0.81 The Surprising Sales Report


Ariana jolted up in shock from where she sat when someone burst into her office screaming frantically. 0.81

She furrowed her eyebrows when she saw her secretary, Shimaya, rushing into the room as she jumped from one foot to the other as though the room was on fire.

"Boss!! Boss!!! You need to see this!!" Shimaya yelled as she slammed her fists on Ariana's desk.

Her eyes were widened as if she had just seen a ghost which made Ariana get a little anxious to know what she was about to tell her. The last time Shimaya had brought news for her, it wasn't the best.

"Have you finally gone nuts? Why are you screening like a pig that is being strangled?" She hissed at Shimaya, not wanting to let out the fear she had.

"Boss!! L-Look at this!" Shimaya thrust her tablet into Ariana's front and she picked it up to see the screen lit with a white page where some red and green lines fell on a chart.