0.94 The Cries Of Her Fear

"Police!!! Get down now!!" 

A deafening sound burst through the warehouse as Jared heard men bustling through the building.

A few warning shots were fired and Jared's ears started ringing.

"You called the police?!" Raymond dragged his collar as he seethed.

Jared couldn't say a word because he was just as confused as Raymond would be now. 

He had left the condominium without telling Officer Guarez what he knew about the kidnapping so how did the police get here?

Did Ariana call them? But that was impossible as she had just gotten out a few minutes ago and there was no way her phone was with her.

Steering himself from his thoughts, he grabbed Raymond tightly so he wouldn't escape.

"You're going to pay for what you've done," Jared muttered as the policemen were moving in and getting the other men.

"You're sick!! If we go down, you're coming with us!!!" Raymond hissed before he kicked Jared in the chest.