0.108 The Mysterious Count

Ariana looked down at the file in her hand before she blinked up at the man sitting across from her.

Ha had a warm smile on his face but she didn't know why she wasn't that comfortable around him, it might be because of the burly bodyguard who was standing behind him like a shadow with sunglasses on. 

She even asked Shimaya to stay in the office with her due to the gut instincts she was having.

Shimaya wasn't so discreet in hiding her feelings as she kept on sneaking not-so-subtle glances at the man and Ariana was embarrassed for her.

"So, Mr Vincent Redrol, right?" Ariana dropped the file on the table.

The man placed his teacup on the table and I straightened up with a small grin on his face.

He had a tall and lean frame which was well fitted with the grey and black suit he wore. His dark hair was swept back to rest on his shoulder and his youthful features were put on full display.