0.110 The Family Dinner

 "This way, ma'am," 

Ariana looked down at her watch and saw the time reading thirty minutes later than the time agreed for this dinner.

She sighed as she walked down the hallway of the Asian restaurant.

She stopped by the enclosure to which the waiter had directed her and drew her blazer closer as she took a shaky breath.

She had to admit, she was feeling anxious which was unlike her at all.

Ariana had been swamped with work today as usual when a text message interrupted her in the afternoon.

She didn't have time to grimace when she saw it was from Derek because the content made her still in her seat.

He had reminded her that tonight was the date for the dinner his mother had arranged for both parties to meet for the wedding plans.

She tried to inform him that she was busy with work and wouldn't be able to leave on time but Derek wasn't having any of it.