0.114 A Satisfying Dinner

Jared pushed the cart into the room as Trevor walked in behind him with regretful steps. 

The air seemed to have dropped in the room and they were all staring at one another with what could seem like anger.

Jared focused on the one he cared for. Ariana was sitting on the chair her gaze was far off from reality.

He knew she couldn't recognise him but he wanted to reach out so badly and could barely refrain himself.

He tried to gauge her facial expressions from where he sat and it seemed like she was trying ro keep in a burst of anger.

He had spent enough time with her to know what she was feeling just by one look. Her knitted eyebrows and biting the sides of her lower lips told him that he was doing the right thing.

Trevor began to place the side dishes on the table as the room rang into deafening silence.

No one made a move to say anything and it was like they weren't even there to begin with.