0.116 Entrance Into The Club

"Where are we by this time, Ariana? Don't you have work tomorrow?" Jared asked as Ariana sped down the road. 

"Oooh, you just can't wait till we get there, can you?!" Ariana rolled her eyes because he had asked her the same question about five times now.

Jared had left the restaurant with Ariana and Trevor was left behind to explain everything to his mother about why their 'VVIP' customers ran out of the place, terrified and soaked in cold noodles.

Jared knew it will be a lot to explain especially since Mrs Charlington was already holding a slipper in her hand to beat the bones out of Trevor's body but it was nothing his best friend can't handle.

Now, Ariana have been driving down the road for the past twenty minutes and he really needed to know where they were going because it was already getting late.

"Well, sorry if I have a tendency to being kidnapped," Jared joked and Ariana sent him the ghost of a smile.