0.121 A Ride Home

When Jared peeked his eyes open, all he could register was that there was a face staring down at him but his vision was blurred. 

He rose from the hard ground and realised that his head was about to split into two with the headache that was banging against his skull.

"Rise and shine, Mr Antiano," the man dressed in a uniform greeted and Jared could already get the sarcasm from his tone.

"Uhm....officer Guarez?" Jared frowned when he saw the familiar-looking police.

He turned his head to the side to see Ariana getting up from the ground as she dusted her clothes with her blonde hair messed up.

He realised that they were on a little bridge and he could hear the flow of water from beneath them. The sun was shining gently on them and he had to squint his eyes to see properly.

What were-

A flood of memories rushed into his head so fast that he had rested his hand down to be able to process it all.