0.139 The Drunk Scene 1

"I'm home," Ariana muttered as she walked into her house after taking her shoes off.

She was utterly exhausted from the night's ordeal and she needed ample time to rest.

She had taken Derek to the nearest pharmacy so his wounds could be treated and she had stayed with him, holding his hands while he was whining like a baby.

At other times, she would have rolled her eyes at his silliness but he looked so much in pain and she was already feeling guilty so she couldn't reprimand him.

Shimaya had dropped him off at his house before she left and Ariana drove back home, wanting to get away from all the drama from the night.

She couldn't believe Jared could wound someone that badly and still thinking about it made her blood boil.

The fact he was trying to justify his actions and paint Derek as the bad guy didn't make sense as well. Why would Derek put himself in so much torture just so he could turn Ariana against Jared?