Chapter 36: A massive boon

You all must have watched one or two fictional shows where a kind person turned into a villain because of losing their loved one, complete betrayal or sometimes both.

The same plot was constructed for the otome game.

Audrey was the elven prince's godmother and caretaker who went missing from the kingdom a few years ago.

After several years, the prince and his sister would enter the academy in the empire as honor students. At first, the prince was a kind elf, especially to humans and unlike rest of the elven race, he never hated humans.

But he came across a decaying body of an elf one day and later found out that the dead elf was his godmother, who was assaulted before being killed ruthlessly by humans. It broke the prince's trust in humans, and he waged war against them.

In short, he was one of the game's main bosses, and this event will occur regardless of the route.