Suzuki's Decision


In front of the black tower that is in the center of Alpha Prime, there is a huge plaza with a statue of Suzuki, or rather, Eve.

The statue appeared to be made of some kind of black shiny metal, and the statue was brandishing a red sword with the point of the sword pointed to the sky while her black wings are fully spread.

And just above the statue, a giant Hologram appears, with Eve in it.

And the hologram didn't just appear in the plaza but through all of Alpha Prime's facilities. Of course, they weren't as big as the Hologram of the plaza in front of the black tower.

All the NPCs stopped what they were doing when they saw that their General and Goddess has an announcement to make.

Upon seeing Eve, their creator, some felt respect, others love, admiration, reverence, affection, and even sadness.

Eve had several racial abilities, which may or may not be advantageous. In the case of Eve, who is an Automaton, she has feelings, but she can't show them through facial expressions and words, so everyone thought it was just a normal announcement since her expression was the same as always, and also because no one would be crazy enough to attack Alpha Prime.

That was until Eve opened her mouth and spoke.

''Attention: For all troops, code alert U-001, I repeat, alert code U-001.''

She spoke through the Hologram with no change in her voice or expression, and the moment she said the alert code, red sirens began to sound throughout the citadel, taking the NPCs by surprise.

Alert code U-001 meant an unknown threat of level one, which is the most dangerous, and knowing this, all of the NPCs quickly began to prepare for a possible war.

So Suzuki continued, ''Attention: This is not training. I repeat this is not training. A few minutes ago, we were forcibly teleported. Our location is unknown, and the reason behind such a phenomenon is still a mystery, so stay armed, prepared, and above all else, stay safe, my children, for I do not know what awaits us.''

Suzuki finishes her announcement, and the Hologram ends.

After hearing the announcement, there were two different concerns among the NPCs, the concern that was in the minds of most of the NPCs was about the unknown situation, and for a more select group of NPCs, who are closer to Eve, their concern was...didn't their creator talked too much?

Normally, when their creator speaks, she doesn't speak more than a sentence. She usually gives orders and that's it. Of course, they don't care much about it, as everyone, especially the Automatons NPC, knows that their race can't express feelings, even if they do have them.

So, aside from the warning, it was surprising for them to hear Eve talk so much, and because of that, they were both happy and worried at the same time.

They were happy because Eve seemed to care about all of them from the way she spoke, even though there wasn't an ounce of feeling in her speech, and they were concerned about the fact what kind of dangerous situation they are facing for Eve to warn them to stay safe.

They are all confident about their powers and abilities, and also confident about the cybernetic army of robot soldiers commanded directly by Eve, so what made her so worried?

This thought started to plague their minds, and only a direct answer from Eve could clear everything up.


In the command center, in the white room, Suzuki was sitting on her throne while keeping her eyes closed. On the outside, she seemed serene, but inside, a whirlwind of thoughts tormented Suzuki's mind.

'Was the speech good? Did they suspect something? Now that I think about it, what was Eve like before I took over? Was she nice? Evil? Dictatorial? I think I'll have to search. Good thing I have access to all the information. Probably has information about myself in the database, right?'

Before making the announcement, Suzuki had understood that she was no longer on Earth and that this was not a dream or a prank, as she had tried several things to determine this.

So as she was in the body of Eve, her character, she tried her best to play the role of Eve in front of the Hologram, not that she needed to, as her expressions never change and unknown to her, her way of speaking still it was the same for the NPC's.

While she was deep in her thoughts, Eve decided to open her main terminal, and with a smooth movement of her hand, a blue light comes out from one of the arms of her throne, and a blue screen appears in front of her.

The content on the screen looked like a desktop of a computer, this was a customization that Suzuki made to facilitate the navigation between the files of Alpha Prime.

Suzuki then, without wasting time, accessed the files where the individual information of all beings that lived on Alpha Prime were. The file had the highest restriction and only Suzuki and a select few NPCs could access it, as it contained the strengths and weaknesses of each of them.

Luckily for Suzuki, file number 001 was about her, and she quickly opened the file, only to get disappointed.


| A-001 Eve -

Description: The strongest Automata as well as the most beautiful of them all!

Code-names: Army of One; Goddess of the Machines; The Supreme One; The One Who Rules The Future.

Personality: Insufficient information.

Skills: insufficient information.

Weaknesses: Unknown. |


'What's with this description that looks like it was written by a fangirl?! And where did these last two codenames that I don't know come from?! More important, why there is no information about my personality?! God damn it!' Suzuki thought in frustration.

Unknown to Suzuki, Eve's real personality, aside from her odd way of speaking, is identical to her personality, as the two are the same person in the end. There is no information about her personality because both in real life and in the game Suzuki barely talked to people, let alone talked with her NPCs, as they couldn't even answer back.

'You know what? Fuck that! I will act as I always did!' She thought, closing the terminal.

Putting the matter of her personality in the back of her mind, the next problem arose.

'If we're not in Nilfgard, where the hell are we? And how were we teleported? Urgh! So many problems! But in the end, I think the best thing to do is call an emergency meeting.' Suzuki decided.

Finishing her thoughts, Suzuki, who was connected to the large machine behind her, which was connected to all of Alpha Prime, sent a secret order to six of her NPCs, who are the leaders of Alpha Prime's six military installations.

After sending the message, Suzuki sighed, 'As exciting as being Eve is, I hope there's some information here at YGGDRASIL on how I can get back home, after all, if this is a real world and not a game, it might have some information about this, right? Damn, I strangely miss my cozy hospital room.' She thought wistfully.