


| Enola POV |

''Finish loading! We'll be leaving in two minutes!'' I ordered my soldiers.

''Yes, ma'am!''

''Everyone on our side are ready to board, and the Air Force squad has finished refueling their aircrafts, Enola-sama!''

''Report! The reconnaissance aircrafts are also ready to take off!''

I am currently on one of the extensions of the Citadel, which is one of several aircraft runways available in the citadel.

I, along with the other squad leader, Kanon, are preparing for the mission given by Eve-sama, wich is a reconnaissance mission. Many may not understand Eve-sama's concern regarding this matter, but as the leader of the Elite Squad, I understand how important location informations is. Being lost is the same as being vulnerable.

Eve-sama is really a great leader who thinks of everything, as expected! If only Lily could follow Eve-sama's example.....


On the runway, dozens of aircraft were ready to take off.

The aircrafts that my squad are going to use are used only for the transport of soldiers, it's a small freighter. It is not very big, being able to take up to only ten soldiers in each. But it is because it is not big that it is the best option for exploration, since we must cover as much area as soon as possible.


The military air force aircraft, as expected, are heavily armed aircrafts, with plasma cannons, machine guns with magic ammunition, energy shield and anti-magic shield, elemental bombs, missiles and other different weapons.


And the reconnaissance aircraft have only one purpose, which is to collect, scan, get information from all the readings they can do, and send it to the citadel's database. Of course, as it is an important aircraft, it also has protective shields.


Our exploration plan is simple. We will send five ships to eight directions: North, South, East, West, Northeast, Southeast, Northwest and Southwest, and of the five aircrafts , two will be aircrafts from my squadron, two from the air force squadron, and one from the intelligence squadron.

Fortunately, we have a lot of manpower because of Eve-sama, who can create robots like child's play. They don't feel hungry, thirsty, or tired, all they need is to recharge their battery in case it runs out, and because of this, we can quickly do everything we need to do within few minutes, which can be a big advantage in a war.

(A / N: Don't confuse consumable robots with Automatos. They may be similar, being full robots that have batteries [at least in my story they do.], but it's the same thing as comparing an iron man suit, which is an empty shell, to Ultron or Vision.)

Even though we have several Automatons and cyborgs as soldiers in our forces, the robots, which are at thousands, it's what sustains Alpha Prime. There should be at least twenty different types of auxiliary robots, and another twenty types created for combat. There are so many that I don't even know what most do.

I wouldn't be surprised if Eve-sama created a new type in the next few days.

As only Kanon and I were assigned to the field mission, since Lapis Lazuli was not created for combat, we must try our best to accompany and protect the aircraft convoys that will go to each of the directions. That said, I'll go East, and Kanon will go West, and of course, we'll also cover Northeast, Southeast, Northwest and Southwest, leaving out just the North and South without the protection of a squad leader.

Which doesn't worry me too much, because even without our protection, they have enough strength to protect themselves.

I have complete confidence in our troops.

''Very well! Watch out for any signs of danger, and protect the reconnaissance aircraft with your lives! Was I clear?'' I said to my soldiers, who were lined up in lines in front of me waiting for instructions.

''Yes ma'am!'' They all responded together in unison with a salute.

''So what are you waiting for? Get on board! Go! Go! Go!'' I ordered, and my soldiers quickly board the aircrafts.

My soldiers are experts snipers, who were also trained in the art of tracking, trapping, and anti-mage combat. If Eve-sama want to eliminate any kind of mage or sorcerer, our squad is the best in the matter, because if the mage can't see death coming, he can't save himself.

Not to brag, but in my line of sight, mages just turn out to be rabbits ready for slaughter.

The members of the Air Force squad....well, I don't have much to say, they are trained in air combat with their aircrafts, except Kanon, after all she is....a special case.

The intelligence squad, as the name implies, they collect all kinds of information down to the smallest details. Lapis Lazuli always says that the most useless piece of information, in the right situation, can be what will result in victory, and I agree.

Finishing giving my orders, I boarded my personal aircraft, took off, and headed east, along with one of the convoys.


Sitting in the pilot seat, I activate my [Transmission] skill, which allows me to transmit sounds and images. If I could compare it, it's like the magic [Telepathy], but much more advanced.

[Attention all Elite squad units, this is Eagle Queen, give me your status confirmation, over.]

The skill [Transmission] unites and connects the minds of everyone who are on a certain frequency, but it is not normally used, because to work perfectly, it needs an interceptor, which will receive and distribute everything that the transmitters sended. Weak minds end up melting for not being able to process so much data at once. And that's where Lapis Lazuli, the Alpha Prime's brain, comes in.

[Units 01, 02, 03 and 04 in perfect conditions, over.]

[Units 05, 06, 07, and 08 also in perfect condition, over.]

[Units 09, 010, 011 and 012 are all good, over.]

[Units 013, 014, 015 and 016 are fine, over.]

[Roger that. For all units, activate the camouflage and activate drones to assist the intelligence squad. Eagle Queen, over and out.] I finish, turning off my skill.

''This is going to be a long and tedious mission.'' I mutter as I watch the horizon inside my aircraft, and all I can see is water.


| Third POV |

It had been six hours since the reconnaissance mission began, and Enola, and all the squadrons, had not made contact with land or any aquatic civilizations.

''Urgh, how far did they teleport us to see only water so far?'' Enola said with a huff.

Bored, she remembered a piece of information she received not long ago.

To the surprise of Enola and everyone else, in the meantime of their mission, Eve disconnected from Alpha Prime's reactor and stepped off her silver throne, which is a truly rare event.

From the information she received, Eve didn't say anything and just wandered around the citadel while visiting the shops and entertainment district.

'Maybe the unknown situation we found ourselves in must have messed with Eve-sama a lot. She must be so worried that she decided to check out the citadel's facilities for herself! Really, so dedicated! Ah, Eve-sama!' Enola thought, in awe for Eve's dedication.

However, Enola forgot one detail. Eve doesn't need to get out of her throne to visit the Alpha Prime facilityes. With just a thought she can teleport anywhere she wants within there.

Enola keept daydreaming about Eve for a while. In her mind, to her, Eve is a perfect general. She is kind, strong, charismatic, and always one step ahead of enemies.

And it was during that moment of Enola's pleasure that she received a message. In the corner of her vision, a flashing icon appeared, which said [Transmission].

Enola had her transmission skill turned off, that said, she couldn't send information, but she could receive, since even with the skill turned off, she's still connected to the intelligence command center.

The icon [Transmission] that flashed in the corner of her vision meant that someone was trying to contact her.

Annoyed at being interrupted, Enola clicks her tongue, and then she activates the [Transmission] skill.

[This is Eagle Queen, what's the situation? Over.] She asks in a slightly angry tone.

[Ma'am, this is Unit 06. We have confirmation of land in sight a few kilometers away from were we are. Over.] The soldier said, and Enola's eyes widened.

'Finally! I was tired of this boring mission!' Enola thought, inwardly celebrating.

[ Roger that, over.]

Enola quickly connected all the Units and said, [To all units, this is Eagle Queen. Unit 06 has land confirmation in sight. I will join them in their coordinates. The rest of you continue reconnaissance until further notice, over and out.]

Finishing the transmission, she blocked Unit 06's coordinates and went full speed ahead on their way.

After an hour, Enola's aircraft caught up with the Unit 06, and just as they had reported, a few miles away, she could see land.

Excited, Enola contacts the intelligence command center.


In the Intelligence command center, Lapis Lazuli sat in her commander's chair in front of a huge screen, which showed the view of all the soldiers who were on the mission.

And next to her, a hologram that looked like a map was continually being built.

The Intelligence Command Center was full of Automatons who were sitting in front of computer-like machines, typing non-stop, and robots who had several arms carried documents from one place to another.


The whole place was also full of holograms that kept showing information that was being received, and sent.

[Lapis, this is Eagle Queen, do you copy? Over.]

Receiving Enola's message, Lapis sighs.

[Enola, you know you don't have to talk to me like that, right? I'm not a soldier, just speak normally.]

[Positive, but I can't help it, since all our communication in missions is done like this, over.]

Lapis rests her head under her hand in a relaxed pose as she watches everything from the soldiers point of view.

[It's okay, it doesn't really matter how you speak. And let me guess, what you want to report is about the land discovery, right? No need to answer, I know it is, since I'm seeing everything.]

Lapiz can hear an annoyed grunt coming from Enola.

[Talking to you are no fun. Anyway, as you already know all, how do you think we should proceed? Over.]

[Eve-sama's orders were clear. We must remain secret and collect as much information as possible.] Lapis replied.

[Infiltrate and info collect, roger that. Eagle Queen, over and out.]

Enola turned off the transmission, and Lapiz clapped her hands lightly.

At the same instant, a male Automato appeared beside Lapis, '' Did you call, my lady?''

''Yes. Go look for Eve-sama and report our current situation, as she is not connected to the reactor, nor to the intelligence command center.'' Lapis ordered.

''Eve-sama is not connected? Why?'' The Automaton asked with curiosity.

''Who knows? No one can predict what our creator is thinking. And I would be foolish to try to understand.'' Lapis replied, and with a wave of her hand, the Automaton left to do what was ordered.

Lapis then looks curiously at the images of the uncovered land and a smile appears on her face.

After sending the Automaton away, Lapis focused on the images the soldiers were sending from, and a smile appeared on her face.

''Well well, now this is interesting....''