Mistakes Were Made




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Eve smiled, and then closed the book in her hands. As there were so many books to scan, it took a while, but nothing that is a real problem for Eve, she could easily read a thousand books sitting at the table without getting tired because of her physiology.

Now that she was connected to MainFrame again, she could easily get in touch with her subordinates on Alpha Prime, and so she did.

[Call: Lapis.] Eve said using transmission, and an answer quickly came.

[Good to see you connected to the reactor again, Eve-sama! How can I help you?] Lapis replied.

[Inquiry: Have you received all the scanner data?]

[Oh yes, all the data has already been downloaded, and I'm already working on decoding it and separating it into categories. As expected of Eve-sama, not even a day has passed and you've already managed to collect Terabytes of information data! With that, we can know more about the history of this world, its customs, its strengths, its weakness...Hehehe...] Lapis responded in euphoria.

[Question: Are you drooling through the transmission...?]

[Oops! I'm sorry about that, Eve-sama. Just thinking about these things I can't contain myself... Anyway, do you need anything else, Eve-sama?]

[Reply: Not currently. Focus on the data I sent you for now, the sooner we learn about this world the better.]

[Roger! Have a wonderful trip!]

[Reply: Thanks. See you soon.]

After saying goodbye, Eve turns off the transmission and stretches. 'I think we've been in uncharted territory for too long. Time to pick up Lin and Lily and go home.' She thought.

Eve got up and went back to where she had parted from Lin, but she did not found her. 'It was just what I needed. First Lily, and now Lin. Why the hell do my subordinates look like four-year-olds? Can't they just sit still for a second?' Eve sighed.

Fortunately, Eve had several ways to track them. But just as Eve was about to do so, two men dressed in full silver armor walked through the door, and in the middle of the two was Catherine.

The sudden appearance of the knights and Catherine alarmed Eve, especially since they were heading toward her.

"Hello again. How was your reading?" Catherine, now in front of Eve, asked.

Eve didn't answer, instead eyeing the knights with wariness and hostility. She doesn't know what Catherine wants, but if they try something, she won't mind retaliating.

As much as Eve wants to know about this world and its inhabitants, that's just so there's no trouble between them. She may be an Automata now, but less than a week ago she was just an ordinary woman who lived in a world of peace, so she prefers to avoid conflict, but that doesn't mean she won't kill and fight back if necessary.

She has a goal, and she won't forgive anyone who gets in her way.

Catherine, noticing that Eve was extremely uncomfortable with the paladin's presence, gave a reassuring smile and explained, "Don't worry, these Paladins are just escorts, they won't even think about touching a child, so please, don't be too cautious."

Listening to Catherine, Eve relaxed a little, but not because Catherine said they were just escorts, no. She knows something is up, but knowing that they think of her as a child reassures her that it means they are underestimating her.

"Question: What is it?"

Seeing Eve more comfortable, Catherine smiles. "I just came to invite you to meet someone. Of course, if you don't want to, no problem. But there will be lots of sweets and snacks!"

Eve raised an eyebrow. 'They really do think I'm just a child... Well, at least that means they don't know anything. But still, I must be cautious. Catherine said she is the High Priest's assistant, which implies that she came to fetch me at the behest of someone with greater authority. Who, and why does he or she want to meet me?'

'There is only one way to find out.' She thought.

"Reply: Sweets and Snacks? Sure, let's go." Eve said as she took Catherine's hand. Catherine smiles at this gesture, thinking that Eve was a very cute and innocent girl.


On Lin's side, in a certain PUB.

"Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!"

"Miler, if you lose, I'll tie your balls to the ceiling!"

"Don't lose, Miss Adventurer! I bet a lot on you! Don't you dare loose!"

A crowd was around a table, where a large, burly man and a woman were having an arm wrestle.

The man was a soldier with a big build, he looked like a bear. The woman, however, had a thin build, but that doesn't mean she was weak.

Their arm was stuck in the middle of the table, the woman's arm was firm like a statue, and the man's arm was shaking nonstop as he tried to force the woman's arm down.

"Grrrrr! Go down, dammit!" The man howled.

In the next instant, the woman takes down the man's arm as if it were a small piece of paper.


"Hmph...Too easy." The woman said with a huff.

With the victory, the crowd went wild. " "LIN! LIN! LIN! LIN! LIN! LIN! LIN!" "

Yes, the woman was Lin, and she won her thirtieth victory in a row in arm wrestling.

After a few minutes of conversation with the soldiers who approached her, they invited her to a PUB for drinks, and as Eve ordered her to act like a 'tourist', she simply accepted and went with the flow of things so as not to be suspicious.

Now there she was, having arm wrestling and drinking beer with the soldiers and adventurers inside the PUB, and she can't say she hates it, after all, she does almost the same thing with her soldiers in Alpha Prime.

While almost everyone was chanting victory, Lin heard some drunks talking next to her.

"Hey, did you hear?"


"About Bob! The one who guarded the gate!"

"Bob? Yes, I know him. What about him?"

"He was caught with a purse full of gold coins! And what's worse, they're not Roble coins! He was taken into custody on a charge of treason. They think some foreign spy bribed him to enter the country!"

"What? That Bob? Who does everything to be the perfect guard? Are you sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure! And no matter how loyal someone is, everyone has their price."

"That's true..."

Listening to the drunk's conversation, Lin couldn't help but think, 'I feel like...This has something to do with us...But I can't remember why...'