Testing Skills 1/2



In the middle of the ocean, where there seemed to be nothing but water and some small mountains, just above, flying over the massive body of water, there was a small figure.

The figure had platinum hair and yellow eyes, and she wore black armor that covered her torso and stretched out to the sides like two lowered wings.

On her back, two huge black wings were open in all their splendor, and on her forehead, there was a black crown.

Her armor, as well as her wings, had some purple and neon blue details, which glowed beautifully, giving her the impression of being something out of this world.


The figure that is flying over the Ocean is none other than Eve.

"Report: Test of skills. Test 001. Defensive and Buffs Skills," she muttered.

[All right, Eve-sama! Go for it! I will write everything down to the smallest detail!]

Eve heard Selena's voice in her head and sighed.

"Order: Selena, don't say anything, just write. And don't forget, this testing session is an Omega level secret."

[Oh yeah! Sorry, Eve-sama! I will shut up now! And don't worry, I'll erase my memories of this test after we're done!] Selena said excitedly.

Eve's left eye twitched slightly.

'Didn't I tell her to shut up? Why didn't I program them to follow my orders to the letter when I had the chance?' Eve thought, regretting not having changed the NPCs' settings while she could.

There were some reasons why Selena was helping Eve with her tests.

Eve wanted to keep these tests completely confidential from everyone and everything as it is directly linked to what she wanted to find out about her connection to YGGDRASIL.

As she wanted to keep it secret, she wasn't going to store the test data in Alpha Prime's database. Of course, she could restrict access so only she can see it, but she doesn't know if there are others like her in this new world. If she discovered something important, and some other transmigrated player, possibly an enemy, get such information by invading Alpha Prime, it would be a disaster.

It may sound like overkill, but after her chat session with her 'father', Eve decided to be more cautious than before, she didn't want another incident like what happened in the Roble Kingdom to happen again.

Getting back to the point at hand, Selena is helping Eve as Eve wants to have full focus on her tests, but she also wants to write in detail about the results. Since she can't do both at the same time, she called Selena.

Selena is the leader of the healing squad, as well as the NPC with the best healing capabilities and buffs in Alpha Prime. Eve called her and not any other NPC because Eve wrote in her Lore that she is proficient in all the medical arts and takes her duties seriously as a doctor.

Selena, like any doctor, takes the issue of confidentiality between her and the patient seriously.

Well, Eve isn't exactly a patient, but still.

And of course, Selena wasn't kidding when she said she was going to erase her memory about the tests, but Eve didn't think she was serious.

"Report: Test on defensive and buffs skills, starting now," Eve said, and in the next moment, she started activating defensive and buffs skills one after the other.

"[Greater Luck], [Greater Energy Shield], [Greater Resistance], [Heavenly Aura], [Greater Metal Body], [Energy Boost], [Paranormal Intuition], [Greater Full Potential], [Bless of the Broken God], [Penetration Up], [Energy Absorption], [Greater Melee Nulify], [Assault Up]."

With each skill activated, her body glowed in a different color.

Eve looked at her tiny hand, she then opened and closed her hand repeatedly. "Report: Test of Defense and Buff Skills. Conclusion: Success. All skills used are active. More data needed in a real confrontation."

She could feel the effects of the abilities, but she didn't know how effective they were, and they could only be tested in real combat, which Eve decided to save for another day.

"Report: Starting Attack Skill Test."

[Create Greater Machine: Prismatic Cannon.]

Upon saying the name of the skill, as well as what she wanted it to be built, two black cannons were created from nothing, and they stayed floating next to her, one on each side.

(A/N: Unfortunately I didn't find a good enough picture of the cannons, but to get an idea of ​​what the cannons look like, they are similar to Nemesis's cannons at rank 3 in ToF. The image here!)

Prismatic cannons were Eve's most used weapons in the Early-Mid Game in YGGDRASIL. They are not items per se, but personal items created from the skill [Create Greater Machine], which is an ability of one of Eve's classes, [Herald of the Broken God].

The Skill [Create Greater Machine] allowed her to create any mechanical weapon or item she wants. Depending on the weapon and item in question, more energy would be needed to create it.

The cannons are weak compared to Eve's current arsenal, and they were also slow to charge, but they were considered powerful weapons at the time.

It was the perfect weapon for a test.

Eve looked around the ocean and located the biggest mountain there. Her eyes then turned red. The muzzles of the black cannons began to gather energy, and after a few seconds, they got fully charged.

Eve raised her hand, and like a goddess of judgment, she proclaimed, "[Maximaze Burst.]"

The cannons glowed like two small stars, and then, with a roar, they fired.

Two huge beams of multicolored energy shot out of the cannons, emanating a crackling high as if the energy itself was ripping through space.

The two huge beams of energy in less than a second hit the mountain, passing through it and melting it like butter.

The mountain then exploded, sending a huge shock wave for a few kilometers. The shock wave and heat from the energy beams were so strong, that the ocean water around the mountain had been almost completely obliterated along with the mountain.

Seeing the result, Eve was surprised.

'Interesting. Now that this is real life and not a game, the power of the cannons is astronomically higher. One shot from these cannons can easily destroy a small town.'

"Order: You saw that, right, Selena? Write down all the details."

[Yea! Sure! As expected of Eve-sama, so powerful with such a mediocre weapon!] Selen replied.

'A mediocre weapon? Well, it's not wrong compared to my main weapon, but still, it's a weapon that can destroy a city.' Eve thought.

Eve then realized something she hadn't thought of before. 'Wait, she said mediocre weapon as if she already knew what she was capable of. Maybe the NPCs have memories of when it was just a game? Now that I think about it, my father also seemed to have such knowledge.', Eve pondered.

She then shook her head. 'Thoughts for another time.'

"Report: Starting Item Test."