

Eve was back on the streets, thinking about what she'd found out. After reading the memories of the rest of the Assassins who came after her, she found out who they were, and who wanted her dead.

They were from the Assassin's Guild, but she only discovered that about them before they died. It wasn't really important who they were, the issue was who wanted her dead.

There was a symbol on the wanted poster, and she knew the symbol very well, as there was information about it in the books she had scanned at the Sanctuary. It was the symbol of the shrine itself, and only those with great authority in the church could use it to stamp documents.

Eve immediately knew who it was that ordered her death, as she knew only one person with authority in the Church of the Four Gods.

Kelart Custodio.

She has no idea why she wanted them dead, but that doesn't matter as in one way or another that was a big thorn in Eve's plans. Calca governs the country, but who controls it from behind the scenes is the church.

If the church goes against her alliance, then her plans for a friendly conversation go down the drain, she'd have to use more...crude tactics.

She may have turned into a machine, but she still has feelings and was once human. She still prefers to settle everything peacefully, with some mind control here and there.

But this is no longer possible.

This was a declaration of war by the Church against her, and she would not take it lightly. If she'd still been in the game, she would have simply brought her military forces and decimated this country, but she had a better idea.

She wanted to establish Alpha Prime as a country for a few reasons, with for example she wanted to use the name 'Alpha Prime' as bait. She wanted to know if more players have been transmigrated, and the better way she thought was to use the infamous name of her Guild to get their attention.

However, even if the alliance worked, Eve wasn't going to publicize Alpha Prime's existence so quickly. She is fully preparing for everything that can happen when her entire existence is revealed, and that will take some time.

That said since the alliance plan went awry before she even spoke to Calca, she intends to play dirty, as they did.

She will corrupt and conquer the Roble Kingdom from the inside out, without others noticing, and the Roble Kingdom, rather than an ally, would become a second Alpha Prime. Or rather, Omega prime? She'll think of a better name when that happens.

As she walked the streets, she turned on her [Transmission] skill and connected with one of her executives.

[Call: Ghost.]

Upon being called, a broken, scratchy, and rusty voice sounded in her head through the transmission.

[YeS...My mAsTer...]

[Order: Stop your current mission. I have a new urgent mission for you. I want you to infiltrate the Roble Kingdom Assassins Guild and the Church branch, and kill all the executives. Feed their bodies to synthetic Doppelgangers and take control of the church and Assassin's Guild. Do it without attracting attention and without leaving a trace. The mission details will be sent to you shortly.]

Eve could hear a burst of broken laughter on the other end, and she can't help but shiver a little. Ghost was the leader of the Assassination squad, the only man among her executives, and he worked alone. He was the scariest NPC designed by Eve and the craziest. Fortunately, he is completely loyal to Eve, his creator.

'He looks really happy. Well, whatever. I think I'll go back to Alpha Prime and finish my plans. When Ghost takes full control of the church, I'll come back and talk to Calca. If she doesn't cooperate...Well, nothing a little shock therapy won't fix.' Eve thought.

She lifted her head and saw the symbol of the four gods just above the building in front of her. She gave a slight smile, and stuck out her middle finger before turning and leaving.


In a throne room in an unknown place, a great skeleton sat majestically on the throne; he was dressed as an archmage, and in his hands was a majestic scepter. From their empty eye sockets, two small lights glowed an ominous red.

In front of the skeleton, a beautiful pale-skinned woman with black wings and a man in a red suit with animal features were kneeling in front of him.

"As expected of Ainza-sama, your wisdom knows no bounds. Your plan to attract humans to Nazarick went off without a hitch. I expected no less from my lord, fufu," the man smiled as he lightly touched his glasses.

"Ah, Ainz-sama, is there anything your vast wisdom doesn't know about?" The woman said dreamily with hearts in her eyes.

The skeleton was silent and still, its eyes still glowing. He looked like a majestic king of death. Inside, however, he was quite confused.

'Eh? What the hell are they talking about? What plan? Oh well...I guess I'll just go with the flow of things, as usual.' The skeleton thought.

Unbeknownst to him, rumors of a large Ancient Tomb containing immense treasures began to spread across several countries.


In a dark and dimly lit room, a man sat on a golden throne. Around him, dozens of naked women fawned over him.

He had a glass of wine in his hands and a smile on his face. While enjoying the wine and the women, a man entered the room; his features completely hidden by a red helmet.

"Guild leader, we have everything ready. We can start our plans anytime."

The man sitting on the throne smiled fiercely and laughed. "Excellent. It's about time this world realized who are the true gods of this world!" He raised his glass and started laughing again.

In the reflection of his glass of wine, a symbol of three intertwined arcs of golden color could be glimpsed.

"Let the conquest begin!"