Finally Back Home

The Narrow sea, Planetos, 8th moon of 275 AC

Ragnar and his group were currently sailing through the Narrow sea; Ragnar was excited to get back to Westeros. He wanted nothing more than focus on making his land prosperous. Now that he had a fleet, this task would be way easier. Whaling would bring many benefits to Skagos, its oil could be utilized as fuel, and its flesh would feed the people even in the winter. Ragnar believed that the future was promising.

"M'lord, the day supposedly will be good; the weather favors us and the sea; if everything goes right, we'll be able to get in Skagos in about 5 Weeks. We got food stocked for more than nine weeks; everything seems to be going pretty smoothly." Said Davos; he was wearing a white ribbon, black trousers, and a good pair of boots Ragnar had given him. His hair was combed to the back, making him look quite ok.

"Good, it's good to receive positive news and prospects. It makes the day easier. Although I like to be prepared for the tomorrow, I also like to appreciate the present." Ranger said; the Nord was handsome in his blue silk overcoat; his hair was braided in a Viking-like style giving him a more jagged appearance.

"There is an old saying... It goes, "Yesterday is history; tomorrow is a mystery... But today is a gift; that's why it's called the present." funny thing... Time..." Ragnar mused. Davos chose to stay quiet; he had nothing else to say.

" Go rest a bit, Davos; you deserve a little break, and if anything happens, I will send for you..." Ragnar said as he smiled at Davos.

Ragnar and his fleet would sail with no problems for three more weeks; Ragnar wasn't enjoying the warm weather; he was from Skyrim, his blood and bones were chiseled by the cold and by the snow, he felt tremendously uncomfortable.

"PIRATES" screamed someone.

Ragnar then looked around only to see a few small ships coming his way.

"STAY CALM; these pirates will be dealt with shortly... Do not worry about them; keep following the route." Ragnar shouted; his translation spell was active the whole time.

The sailors obeyed Ragnar and followed his order; the pirate ships were getting closer by the second. Ragnar thought of them as rather dumb... How can you attack a fleet made only of battleships? But again, pirates were not known for their intelligence

" IF YOU DON'T WANT TO DIE A EXTREMELY PAINFUL DEATH, I SUGGEST YOU GET AWAY FROM MY SHIPS," Ragnar shouted once the pirates got close enough to hear. The pirates didn't seem to want to give up on their venture.

"Why is it that they always choose the wrong option? Who attacks a fleet of battleships with three ships?" Ragnar asked Davos, who only shook his head.

" They don't seem to be very bright people, m'lord," answered Davos.

"Well, you will now see the pinnacle of magic casting, my friend…." Ragnar said

"Magic Casting, m'lord?" Davos answered.

" Oh Yes, I haven't tell you, have I? I am a mage, and a mighty one a that." Ragnar replied, and Davos's face seemed to age ten years.

" Is that why you are bringing these people with you?" Davos asked; he was clearly afraid of Ragnar.

" Are you implying that I need these people to use my magic? As in sacrificial magic? I'll have you know that my magic is mine and mine only; I don't get it from sacrifices… you are the first person who asked me this. Why?" Ragnar said he wasn't mad at Davos. He understood why he would think like that. The Valyrians left a strong impression on the world with their sacrificial magic.

"I had terrible experiences with magic users one the past… I saw a Red Priest sacrifice a child in Volantis a few years ago." Davos answered; he seemed more collected

" Oh, yeah, R'hollor. He is strong in Essos; his power there is strong, but not strong enough… Miraak was probably stronger." Ragnar said.

"Who, m'lord?" Davos asked.

"Never mind, let me deal with these pirates," Ragnar said as he jumped to the closest ship to the pirates.

"Such arrogance shall not be forgiven," said Ragnar, as his hand lit up with fire. Ragnar gave the pirates a last look and simply RAINED FIRE AT THEM. They had no time to react or ask for mercy, the speed at which Ragnar cast his magic made it sure. They would die as they lived, unimportant.


Skagos, The North, 10th moon of 275 AC…

The rest of Ragnar's Trip was uneventful. The days went by smoothly on his trip. He was expecting to arrive in a few hours.

"We are almost there, my friend. My land is a hard one; the people are simple and strong, but the riches on those mountains are numerous, and now that we have workers, we can begin to change the tides," Said Ragnar to Davos; his smile was exuberant, and his mood seemed to be as good as it comes.

" We are all lucky to have a lord like you, m'lord. Most noble don't care about us, the smallfolk. You sailed and traveled Essos for a year, looking for the people to help you change your land for the best." Said Davos; he was now wearing heavy clothes as the winds of the North had caught up with them.

" Thank you, my friend… it means a lot coming from you," Ragnar replied.

It only took a few hours for Ragnar to be able to see Skagos, the colossal island seemed bigger in Ragnar's eyes, but Ragnar knew it was just a misconception of his.

A/N: According to the Wiki, Skagos is the size of Ireland,in my fiction, most of it will be mountains. The Plains hidden in The Valley will be the size of Connecticut ( State). This will give me enough space to develop the land

Ragnar could see most of his whaler's ships anchored in the sea as the Docks weren't that big, but as he had instructed in one of his letters to his steward, new sectors of the docks were under construction.

Ragnar ordered that once they docked in Skagos, all people he saved in Meereen were to be assembled as he wanted to tell them something.

They did as they were told, and as soon as they got out of the ships, they assembled and waited for Ragnar.

"Here we are, my land. It's a harsh land, but if you are willing to work for it, to nurture it… to believe in it, then you will prosper here. Here's my last gift for you…." Ragnar said as he slightly bowed his head, and from his body, a golden-red light came out towards the 9.000 people and enveloped them.

"I gave you my knowledge, my understanding of the common tongue. Now there is nothing to hold you guys back. I wish you all the best of things."


A/N: Sorry guys I fell asleep yesterday and forgot to upload this chapter!

Thank you for the support!
