Fiery Beasts

King's Landing, Crownlands, Third moon of 279 AC

Ragnar's POV

Once Tywin dismissed the Small Council, Ragnar walked out of the camber fuming, something rare as few things could make Ragnar Dovahkiin mad; Ragnar was so angry that on his way out of the Small Council chambers, he punched a wall of the hall which broke the brick an open a small hole the size of a fist on the wall; something noticed by Rhaegar Targaryen, who was following him close wanting to speak to him. Rhaegar had Arthur Dayne with him as a guard.

" Lord Dovahkiin… I apologize for Maester Pycelle's words; he is of the citadel. They don't like Magic very much there." Rhaegar said, and Ragnar snorted.

" You haven't offended me, Rhaegar Targaryen; you have not the need to apologize. I am a Lord from The North, your grace; I can only forgive those who offended me and seek my forgiveness; that pitiful excuse of rotten flesh certainly didn't bother he offended me." Ragnar said as he gave a mirthless laugh, " The greatest mage of history… compared to a red priest and a wood witch… I should've transformed him into a goat." Ragnar growled. Few things could get Ragnar Dovahkiin mad; accusing him of doing sacrificial magic was one of them. Ragnar's last words seemed to surprise Rhaegar

" Can you?" Rhaegar said, and Ragnar shot him a questioning look, " I mean, can you transform someone into a goat?" Rhaegar completed.

" Ah… yes, I could. I learned it from a friend; she transformed me into an ox, then a horse; she tested a new spell on me; once she was done, I asked for her notes on her spell. It's pretty helpful, not permanent… yet." Ragnar said with a slight smile on his face.

" Are there others like you? Capable of doing magic without needing sacrifices?" Rhaegar asked; he was now walking side by side with Ragnar. Ragnar looked at him with an unreadable look

" Others like me? Very unlikely. Capable of doing magic without sacrifices? Probably, I've heard there are some wargs beyond the wall. The Rhoynar could do water magic; it was said to be breathtaking." Ragnar said as he kept walking, he didn't know where he was going; he only knew how to get there, there being Dacey's location.

" Lord Dovahkiin, I need your help with something," Rhaegar said suddenly, which made Ragnar look at him again.

" Help with what, if I may ask, your grace?" Ragnar said as he kept walking

" I cannot say it here, my lord. These walls have ears, but it's a matter of destiny. It's really important; maybe the expertise of a sorcerer is needed." Rhaegar said, to which Ragnar scoffed

" Destiny? There is no such thing as destiny; believing in destiny helps people think there's an order to this horseshit: there isn't." Ragnar said humorlessly, but in his mind, only one thing passed "the wheel turns upon the Last Dragonborn."

" Prophecies are real, Lord Dovahkiin, Daenys The Dreamer saved House Targaryen by dreaming about the doom," Rhaegar tried.

" Prophecies and visions are different. Visions aren't set in stone, and most often than not, they show one possible outcome out of thousands. Prophecies, however, most often than not, are lies." Ragnar said as he and Rhaegar turned a corner and kept walking.

" But what if a prophecy is real? What should someone do if a prophecy is real?" Rhaegar asked eagerly, to which Ragnar smiled.

" In that case, there's only one thing said someone could do," Ragnar said slowly, which in turn made Rhaegar ask

" What? What can the person do?"

" Nothing. Literally nothing; if a prophecy is false, then worrying about it is of no use, and if a prophecy is real, then it will happen anyways, no matter if someone is trying to fulfill it or trying to stop it, if it is real, it will happen anyway, so again worrying about it of no use." Ragnar said calmly, like a teacher talking to a child.

"Oh…" was all Rhaegar said, " Where are you going?" He asked after some time

" To wherever my lady wife is. What is the place that overlooks blackwater bay, your grace?" Ragnar asked

" The Gardens and the Godswoods, my lord," Rhaegar answered.

" So I am going there. Will you accompany me, your grace?" Ragnar asked

" Aye, my mother is in the garden right now; if I'm not mistaken, Lady Dovahkiin must be with her," Rhaegar said.

" Ah… then it is a good opportunity for you to tell her the good news; maybe she will find life out of Kingslanding illuminating, don't you agree, your grace?"

" Probably, my lord. Perhaps I should stay away from King's Landing as well; this viper's nest is like a disease." Rhaegar said

" aye," Ragnar said. " Have you heard of the story of the Witch, Magister Rhazdovi of Yunkai, and Red priest?"

Rhaegar and Ragnar kept talking as they walked through the Red Keep. Once they were almost at the garden, Ragnar and Rhaegar stopped at the entrance.

" Then what happened to the witch after she was caught, my lord?" Rhaegar asked, completely moved by the story

" The Red priest burned her on a pyre, but as she perished… ooo, the goings on. Fiery beasts circled her pyre; then rose into the sky and exploded to form letters." Ragnar said calmly

"Really? What did they spell?" Rhaegar asked eagerly

" Rhazdovi sucks flaccid cock" Ragnar said with a blank face

Rhaegar Targaryen blinked once and twice and then let out a burst of booming laughter, so joyful and loud that the ladies in the garden turned quickly in their direction. Rhaella Targaryen looked at her son, who was laughing like a child and couldn't help but openly gape at the scene. Rhaegar was laughing so hard that he lost his balance and had to hold onto Ragnar.

It took Rhaegar five minutes to recompose himself, but once he did, he seemed more at ease than he has ever been. Ragnar walked to Dacey with Rhaegar on his side.

" Greetings, Mother! You look as beautiful as ever," Rhaegar said, " My Ladies," he completed.

Rhaella Targaryen got up and kissed her son's cheek

"Thank you, my son. You look happy." Rhaella said, "And Who is this… extremely tall man?" she asked

Ragnar bowed his head low, as he should; more than a queen Rhaella Targaryen was a mother of two, something any Nord learned to respect from birth.

"My queen, it's an honor to meet you. I am Lord Ragnar Dovahkiin. Prince Rhaegar told me a lot about you, your grace. Although he didn't mention your beauty was this outstanding," Ragnar said as he gave a kiss to the queen's knuckles, he quietly cast a diagnosis spell on Rhaella, and the results made him want to murder Aerys Targaryen.

" Oh my… thank you, Lord Dovahkiin. My son also told me a lot about you… more specifically about Skagos and your magnificent fleet. Your lady wife also told me a lot about your lands." The Queen said.

" Only good things, I hope, your grace." Ragnar said as he walked to where Dacey was and kissed her " My Love. I see you made acquaintances during your short time on the Red Keep."

" Mother, father decided to announce my betrothal tonight at the feast, and the marriage will happen two moons after that," Rhaegar said, to which many ladies shared worried looks, many except Cersei Lannister and Elia Martell, Cersei because she thought she would be marrying Rhaegar and Elia because she knew she would be marrying Rhaegar.

" Aye, His Grace chose wisely. The future queen is said to be as fierce as she is beautiful. I just hope she's a Rhaenyra and not an Alyssane." Ragnar said and got a few pointed looks from some ladies.

" Lord Dovahkiin… you prefer Queen Rhaenyra over Queen Alyssane. That is a surprise." Rhaegar said

" That is something I've never heard before, my lord. Everybody loves good Queen Alyssane," Rhaella said

" It makes sense that your graces wouldn't have heard such opinion before; it's most common in The North… and House Targaryen only looks up north when it needs us to come down the neck to war against its enemies… something we always did and always won. But there is a saying, The North Remembers; we remember Queen Rhaenyra and her respect for the North just as well as we remember how Queen Alyssane took the most fertile lands in The North and gave it to the night's watch…. that later on became an order of bandits, murderers, and rapists. Still The North Remembers." Ragnar said, and Dacey, Benjen, and the 4 Dragonguards protecting Dacey said " The North Remembers" simultaneously.

" That sounded suspiciously like treason, Lord Dovahkiin. The future Queen and King might find it troublesome." Cersei Lannister said quickly before either Rhaegar or Rhaella could say anything.

" You must be Cersei Lannister… As subtle as a horse kick and not as smart as she thinks she is… your father's words, not mine. The North remembers, we remember, or oaths and we honor them; the North never rebelled against House Targaryen; we never brought any kind of problems to House Targaryen. House Lannister and the westerlands, however… history shows who is most likely to commit treason; the North is not even close to being an option." Ragnar said without even looking at Cersei.

" Lord Dovahkiin speaks true. I certainly don't find anything wrong with The North's views on both Queens, and it's not even close to treasonous talk." Rhaegar said calmly; to which Ragnar nodded; Ragnar then turned to Elia

" How about you, Princess? What do you think? Treasonous troublesome talks of not?" Ragnar asked

" Not at all. Just a different opinion, there are good and bad Kings and Queens as history shows." Elia answered; which made Ragnar smile

" Then it seems the future queen and king see no problem. Not as smart as she thinks, indeed. One can say many about Tywin Lannister but say the man couldn't read people was not one of them." Ragnar said in a low tone; after which he turned to Rhaella

" My Queen, have you seen Snowstorm? I'm sure my Lady wife offered to let your grace fly with her someday…." Ragnar joked, but after seeing Dacey's face, his own went a little bit paler

" She actually did, didn't she?" Ragnar asked to which the Queen only nodded.

" Well… shit


A/N: Small chapter; smaller than it should've been, but my phone is slow af for some reason

Thank you for support 🙏🙏🙏