[31.12.2021], it's almost midnight, in Ansan, Korea. The Blue River University is hosting a new year party, it's an opportunity for their students to have a rest from the stress of studying, they also let the students who are integrated into clubs make their events, and they can raise a profit from it. The blue River University is one of the best Universities in Korea and only the best who can enter it, or need to be simply wealthy, this made the university one of the most known for the bullying cases, but since the people who get bullied have no power they need to stay low until there study years to finish. Some girls were gathering beside a small bar beside the university, most of them were there for one reason, it was because of the barman who works, he was a young boy who was also a freshman at Blue River University, he was handsome, "Is this bar that famous I see a lot of people gathering here?", one girl from the crowd asked her friend who was with her there, the last answered her saying, "from what I heard there is a barman who's handsome and I also heard that his name was Richard, I think he is mixed blooded, that's why these girls are gathering here to see him". At the time when people were gathering there a luxurious car parked in front of the bar, some people were stunned because of it, the car driver's door opened and a young boy came out from it, he was wearing some quite nice and expensive clothes, the boy, "Oh My God it's Gyeong, the son of Butterfly corp chairman", one of the people yelled at, people started making way for the boy named Gyeong while he was getting closer and closer toward the bar entrance, he passed by the people and didn't look at a single person of them and just went in, he entered the bar and went to the seats beside the bar, he sat beside a girl, the girl at first was flirting with the barman, the last wasn't paying her that attention and only serving her. The boy named Gyeong called the barman telling him to bring him one cup of whiskey, when he requested that from the bar man, the girl turned toward him and she was saying, "this bar man is taking go find a waiter to serve you", but when she saw the face of the person who was sitting beside her she started flirting with him by saying, 'Oh, I didn't know that there was another nice face will be here, unfortunately I already chosen the face of the one here", Gyeong answered her saying, "I don't think we are that close for you to talk with me, and a simple advice fix your flirting sickness", the girl got mad and yelled at him saying, "Do you know who I am", he answered her saying he doesn't care who is she and asked her if she can keep it down because she is disturbing his peaceful drinking, the girl got really angry and she was about to make a bigger fuss but the bar guard came in and stopped her and asked her to step out fro m the bar without making this any big, and then he said to the man, "Sorry sir Gyeong, this won't happen again", when the girl heard the name of the person she got shocked and froze out, then she turned toward and said with a calm voice tune, "I am sorry" and then she went out, then Gyeong said to the bar man, "you'll make your bar have a bad reputation if people like her came in", the bar man answered him saying he is sorry for the inconvenient, when the girl was going out running she hit a girl and when she looked at her, and then she said, "I didn't that this bar had a lot of pigs", then she went out, the girl friend said, "Alyssa don't mind her, and let's go in and have fun since it's your birthday", the girl named Alyssa answered him saying, "I really need to go work, you know I can't have any free time", her friend insisted that she should have fun today and get back to work tomorrow, the two went to the bar man and asked for drinks, then Alyssa friend asked the bar man about his name since he looked handsome, the bar man looked at them both and then he said, "my name is Richard if your going to ask about what year I am, I can simply say I am in the same department as your friend", Alyssa friend got excited and asked him if he know his friend and how, Richard answer her saying, "who wouldn't know the first place in our department, she always gets the highest place" Alyssa got a little shy since her friend kept looking at her with an exciting look, then the last came close to Alyssa and asked the bar man to bring another drink, then she told Alyssa, "what a win for you, to get noticed by someone who's this handsome, here you go, haha", Alyssa got shy and asked her friend if she's drunk,when she said that her friend got more excited and tolled her "look who's shy", the bar man came in with the drinks, he served them drinks and then was heading toward another customer that when Alyssa friend said, "by the way you can call me Ryu Ki I am one hundred percent Korean, and this one next to me is Alyssa she is also one hundred percent Korean but since her parents loved foreign movies they named her an English name", the bar man smiled and told her that he'll make sure to remember, at that instant he turned toward Alyssa and looked at her with a smile on his face, afterward Gyeong said "ugh, it's so noisy here I didn't know I'll regret coming her" he said that while looking at Richard and Alyssa and her friend, later he stood up and he looked at them and then turned back and walked way letting the others look at him while walking away, Ryu Ki got a little offended "it's unfortunate for that look to be with some bad personality" that what she said, Richard looked at her and smiled and told her that he is sorry for that inconvenient and that he hope that what happened won't disturb there night, Alyssa answered him saying that he doesn't need to worry, she said that with a smile on her face while looking at Richard.

Later on, after the party finished the bar was starting to close Alyssa and her friend were drunk, Ryu Ki went out first telling the other that she need to go first, Alyssa told her that she doesn't need to worry and that she'll get home alone, after a while Alyssa started drinking more, she asked for another beer, Richard serve the beer and told her "I don't think you should drink more or you will not be able to go home", Alyssa looked at him and told him that she'll manage herself,after a while the bar started closing, one of the workers in the bar came toward Alyssa and told her that they'll be closing and that she needs to go, the last stood up and went out, she was walking the drunken walk, one the other side Richard was looking at her for some time until she went out from the bar, after one hour everyone went out from the bar, Richard changed his work clothes and went out from the bar and went toward a market to have his dinner, on his way there he found Alyssa on the road side sitting there, and beside her there was two guys that looked like they are trying to take her with them, Alyssa looked like she was fighting with them telling them to leave her alone, one of those guys captured Alyssa from her hair and started yelling at her, after some seconds the guy who was graping Alyssa from her hair was going to punch her on her face, but someone stopped him by graping his hand, when the guys and Alyssa turned, Alyssa was shocked while the other two guys got angry and told the guy who's graping the hand to let go and keep going if he doesn't want to get his ass kicked, Alyssa at that moment said at that moment with the shock, "Richard!!" then she throw up one one of the guys, the guys got angry and they were going to punch her until Richard punched one of them first and putted him one the ground, the second guy tried to punch Richard but the last avoided the punch but he got a little scratch one his face and lunched one on the face of the guy then he told them, "I advise you to go you way since I already called the police to come here", the guy's went away saying that he should remember them, then Richard looked at Alyssa and asked her if she is okay, she answered him saying she is, after what she said she fall asleep on his chest, afterwhile she wokke up to find herself sleeping on the table of the supermarket she looked in front of her to see that Richard is sitting in front of her, she graped her head because she was feeling dizzy and then Richard asked her, "are you still feeling dizzy can you walk?", she answered him saying that she think she can she tried to stood up but she couldn't, then Richard asked her where does she live near Banseok station, Richard stood up and went in front of her and gave her his back and then graped her on his back so he can take her, she told him htat she can go by herself and he don't need to lift her on his back, he answered her saying that it's alright since he leave near the Banseok station too. Alyssa kept looking at him from behind since he was giving her a piggyback she didn't say a thing, after a while, she fell asleep again on his back, after a while, she woke up to find herself still on his back and he was standing beside the station, she asked him if they arrived, he answered her saying yes, Alyssa told him that he can put her down now since she can walk now, the last did so, then she told him "I'll go from here, thanks", then she went away, when she arrived at her home she started opening the door then she started hearing keys sound beside her when she turned around she found Richard opening the door of the house that was near her, she got shocked and asked him when did he started living here, Richard answers her saying that he just moved here today, then he went in, and she also went in while looking at the direction where Richard was.