[2.1.2022], Gyeong phone alarm started ringing, he turned toward the phone and stopped the alarm, then he stood up and went the bathroom to wash his face, after that he changed his clothes, the last took a step outside the balcony and took a deep breath and then he went out from his home, at the same time there was Richard who just got out from the washroom and started getting ready to go to the university, he went outside and met coincidently Alyssa who also was going to the university, she looked at him and said hi to him, the other replied by saying hi then he started walking away, Alyssa called him asking him if he is going to the university too, he answered saying, he is, Alyssa asked him if it's alright to go together, then Richard said, "are you not going with your friend, isn't she also a student of the same university?", Alyssa replied saying that Ryu Ki already there she woke up before her and went, Richard looked back and then told her that he doesn't mind, then the two went together to the university, after half an hour the two arrived to the university, for a brief moment the two were shocked because of what they saw, in front of the university there was a lot of people and all types of them, but what shocked them more are the cars who were standing beside the university, it didn't make a sense for them for a second to have some cars that are worth millions and you are just a teenager, a car stopped beside them then a girl and a boy came out from it, the girl looked at them and said to the boy who was beside her, "are you sure it's safe to park the car here, I don't think it's there is a lot of trash people here", Alyssa was going to head toward the girl since she was angry, but Richard stopped her and said, "it's not worth it, you should get used to this and tolerate with it", Alyssa told him that he is right then she calmed down and told him they should keep going, they were going keep going until those boy and girl jumped from their place, and the girl was pushed down by a car who parked in front of them, the boy who was beside her got angry and started yelling at the driver, the car door opened and the guy who was driving it came out, and it happen that the driver was Gyeong, and that made the boy who was yeeling a while ago scared, the girl who was pushed got scared too and told Gyeong that nothing happened and it's alright, after what she said, she noticed that Alyssa and Richard were watching them, she stood up and told the boy that they should go, the two apologized to Gyeong and then went away, Gyeong didn't say a word from the moment he walked out from his car, after the boy and girl went away Gyeong turned toward Alyssa and Richard and looked at them then started walking toward them, Alyssa started looking at him coming close to them she didn't know what to do, when Gyeong came and stood in front of them he said, "can you two move away I need to take the license plate number of those two car, Alyssa told him that they are sorry and they moved away and they were going away until Gyeong said while taking the picture, "I think you were right", Alyssa looked at him for a moment then she just walked away with Richard, Gyeong looked at them from behind and then he smiled, after that he headed inside the university, the two were heading to their class, on their way they met Ryu Ki, the last saw them from far away, she called Alyssa and came to toward her with a smile, then she asked her if they came together, Alyssa answered, yes, Ryu Ki smiled again at her adn said, "I didn't know you were capable of making first moves", Alyssa got red and whispered to Ryu Ki saying, "stop spouting nonsense", Ryu Ki told her what nonsense she said, Alyssa took Ryu Ki and told Richard that they'll be heading to the class first, Richard told it's fine, then the two went away, Richard was going to go too until he noticed that Gyeong was looking from far away at them but when Richard looked at him he turned back and walked away, Richard kept looking at him. After a while everyone started entering their classes, Richard entered to the class, the class was filled and the last didn't find a seat until Ryu Ki called him telling him to come sit beside her and Alyssa since there is some seats empty beside them, he was heading toward them, but before he arrived Gyeong sit beside them, Ryu Ki and Alyssa told him that the seat is not for him, Gyeong answered them by saying,"I don't see anyone sitting here so why is it not for me, I found it and I've took it", Richard told them it's alright and then he sit beside Gyeong, Gyeong looked at him and then looked forward and showed a little smirk, after a little while when the class was going Gyeong got a message on his phone when he looked, then he changed his expression, when he turned toward Richard he saw him looking at him, but he didn't say a word, and both of them kept a serious expression on their faces, the atmosphere that the two have been giving was intense, Alyssa and Ryu Ki didn't know what was going and they were feeling uneasy because of the aura that the two boys gave. The class finished, and Alyssa and Ryu Ki were going out, Ryu Ki asked Richard if he wanted to go with them, and he replied saying that he was sorry and he had something to do, while they were talking Gyeong stood up and passed by them until Richard called him, "You!", Gyeong turned back and looked at him, then Richard walked by him after that Gyeong followed him out without saying a word, Ryu Ki asked Alyssa, "What do you think is going on with these two, I was really feeling uneasy during the class, I thought something bad would happen" Alyssa didn't say a word and only kept looking at the two going away.

Richard was still going away and Gyeong was still following him, after some seconds and no one was beside them, Richard stopped and turned toward Gyeong and told him, "you really didn't change, you're still the same", Gyeong answered him by saying, "why would I change, I always stay how I am, I am not like someone who can change by night like you", Richard replied saying, "I think everything is still the same in your side, especially after that message I saw", Gyeong said coldly "Whatever, I am going to go if you brought me here to say some nonsense", Geyong turned and then started walking away, then Richard said "You know drowning in the dark is fine if there is still light, do you know why, it's because you can save yourself, but that light with time will start to fade and if it's gone then you the soul will be drawn in that dark and no one can save it", after he finished Richard went away and when he was passing by Gyeong he told him, "for your case there still some light so you should make your decisions before it's to late", then he went away.

Gyeong was left alone, he looked at the sky and said, "I don't think there is a light, because I've been in the dark for too long, I don't think I'll be coming back from it", then he started laughing and crying at the same time.

From the other side, there were Ryu Ki and Alyssa who were taking a look at them from far away but they couldn't hear anything from their conversation, they watched their conversations until Richard went away, they were going to follow Richard until they started hearing Gyeong laugh, Ryu Ki told Alyssa, "what the heck happened what that evil laugh", Alyssa answered her saying that for her it doesn't seem he is laughing but it's a cry, Ryu Ki laughed and told her what is she saying and that it's clear he is laughing, Alyssa didn't answer her and kept looking at him for a second and then told Ryu Ki that they should go their way before the next class start.

After some hours Alyssa was going back to her home. On her way to her home she met Richard walking alone, she then went to him, Richard didn't notice her since he was not concentrating, he was going to pass a red light until Alyssa stopped him. She asked her what was wrong with him and he did not notice the red light, Richard looked at her. Without saying a word he kept going away again, Alyssa got shocked for a second and froze she said in her mind, "again those eyes" the whole time Richard was walking. Alyssa was following him from behind until the two arrived at their home and Richard entered his home, Alyssa started questioning was happened and started getting curious. Still, she couldn't ask about it since she thinks that she is not in a position to ask about something that is private.