[3.1.2022], Gyeong, Alyssa, and Ryu Ki were on their way back, the silence was controlling the atmosphere in the car, at first, no one was able to say something, sadness was dominating them, Gyeong didn't know what to say since Alyssa who was beside was looking tired, and feeling low, while Ryu Ki was feeling frustrated toward the atmosphere surrounding her, after a while, Ryu Ki tried to break the pressure that surrounds them by thanking Gyeong for what he did today, Gyeong turn his head a little since he was driving and told her that it isn't much, meanwhile, Alyssa was looking at him with silence, Gyeong noticed that she was looking at him, he asked her why she is looking at him, Alyssa said

"I am just wondering if you are the same guy that was going to hit me with the car that I am now riding"

Gyeong for a second became speechless,

then he said "I needed to act like that in front of everyone since I am rich, I am not saying because I am rich I don't care about what people say, but it's that I need to be aware of them since a lot will need just a small reason to get something out of me"

Alyssa got shocked but she have been understanding for the reasons he gave, but she told him that the way he act is sometimes ruthless, and it may hurt the wrong people not just emotionally but physically and his driving has nothing to do with the people, after what she said Gyeong told her that that day he was feeling angry due some personal matters, he didn't mean to harm her, and he didn't know what happened when she fell so he just acted the way he did. Meanwhile, in the backseat, Ryu Ki wasn't following them and didn't understand what they were talking about, but when she heard Alyssa saying she almost got hit, she reacted by yelling while asking them who got hit and hit by who, then she asked Alyssa how does not she know about this, Alyssa and Gyeong at that moment caught off guard, they forgot that she was sitting behind, they answered her at the same time saying

"It's nothing we were just talking"

They said that while holding their laugh and uttered a titter instead, Ryu Ki kept looking at them while doubting the situation then she just shrugged her shoulders and said whatever.

After that, the silence came again, and each one of them was focused on something. Ryu Ki and Alyssa were looking at their phones, while Gyeong was driving, later a call came on Gyeong's phone, everyone saw the caller since it was in front of him in the phone support, his mother was the caller, after some seconds of it ringing Alyssa asked him if he isn't picking it up, Gyeong didn't answer her and he just muted the phone, the call kept coming in for several times, after that he got a message saying,

"You really aren't going to pick, do I need to go to your house again, like last time"

Alyssa saw the message but didn't say anything and his mother called again after sending the message, Gyeong asked Alyssa if she can mute it, when she touched the phone she accidentally answered the call, she told him she answered it, Gyeong got a sudden shock, the phone was on the speaker at that time, when his mother heard a girl's voice she yelled at him saying

"Don't tell me you were messing with some girl that's why you didn't answer, I thought you weren't like that, but I think son like father is true,"

Alyssa was going to answer her but Gyeong stopped her by putting his finger on her mouth to not allow her to speak then he said

"What do you want, why are you calling me"

His mother replied by saying she called him to remember him of the meeting that he needs to attend with her and to not forget to dress well, then she said

"One more thing I heard that Ryeom is bringing his girlfriend with him, so I thought I should tell you to find someone to bring but I think you already have some"

Alyssa pushed Gyeong's hand and answered his mother saying she misunderstand something, and that there is nothing between her and Gyeong they are only friends, when she said the only friends part she said it after taking a silent moment for a second, and his mother said

"Whatever, as I'll care, I only need you, Gyeong to bring someone with you, I don't if she is a friend or a whore or a paid girlfriend, I only need her to be aware of what she needs to do, and if you don't bring one, don't come to call me you mother, because I don't need a son who doesn't stand by my side"

After what she said she hang up, Gyeong got a little nervous Alyssa was going to ask him why his mother is talking that way with him, but she couldn't after she saw that nervous face, she turned to see Ryu Ki but the last wasn't present in that situation since she was asleep in the back seats, she was going to wake her up, but Gyeong stopped her and told her that she needs to have some sleep since she has signs that she is tired, he told her that he'll wake her when they'll be close to arriving at her home, Alyssa said

"But you don't know where my house is"

He said that Richard have sent him the location since she is his neighbor, Alyssa didn't say anything afterward and before she closed her eyes she turned toward him and said with a tired voice

"Thanks" then she closed her eyes and directly slept, Gyeong got stunned at the moment when he heard her thanking him, he turned toward her, then he found her sleeping, when he saw that she fall asleep he smiled and said

"You really are an interesting person, do you know that"

Then he continued driving.

The three arrived, Alyssa and Ryu Ki were still asleep, Gyeong stopped the car, at first he was going to wake Alyssa up, but he noticed she was sleeping deeply, he returned his hand and kept looking at her, he smiled while looking at her, he was dozing while looking at her, until Ryu Ki made a noise while she was sleeping, Gyeong got freaked out when he heard the noise he turned back to see if Ryu Ki is awake, but he saw that her eyes are closed and her head is looking in the window direction, then he took a deep breath and then laid his head back and closed his eyes and went to sleep, at the same time on a different place Richard saw what Gyeong did, he kept looking at them sleeping on the car, at first he was going to go to them but when Gyeong laid back he just stopped and he was in shock moment he started smiling and laughing and said

"Wow, to see that you couldn't wake a girl up, and just go to sleep too, you really made me shocked"

Then he returned to his house, after some hours it was the midnight, when Gyeong was asleep he started hearing some girl's voice calling his name, at first he ignored it, but the voice didn't disappear until he remembered that he was in the car sleeping and he wasn't alone in the car, he opened his eyes to see that Alyssa was the one calling him and trying to wake him up, he looked around and noticed that everything is dark outside, he asked her what is the hour, she told him that it's midnight, then she asked him why didn't he wake her up when they arrived, he said

"You looked tired, so I thought I'll let you sleep for a few minutes, and I laid my head back too, to relax, but I think I slept too"

Alyssa smiled at him and said with a sarcastic note

"You think!"

Gyeong looked at her while he was surprised and then he turned back to wake Ryu Ki up, he kept calling her but she didn't open her eyes and started snoring, Alyssa at that moment started getting nervous and embarrassed and looked at Gyeong and found him laughing, then she yelled calling Ryu Ki, the last woke up with a scream, she got scared when Alyssa screamed her name, while Gyeong was looking at Alyssa with a shock, Alyssa got shy and then she went out from the car and opened the back seat the one near Ryu Ki, and whispered to her

"You were snoring, so get out fast"

Ryu Ki went red and looked at Gyeong with an only half a look and then went out of the car and went to the house running, Alyssa said

"Thanks again, see you tomorrow"

Gyeong smiled and replied by telling her to have a good night then he told her to go.