
Chapter 16

"He ain't ready Thompson! He just lost the love of his life! To top it off. He only has done one, two year tour with supervision. He can't be an Admiral of the greatest ship in the fleet at the age of twenty two years old. He needs at least ten more years of experience!" Admiral David trying to prove his point to Admiral Thompson.

"What if he doesn't want to serve another term? I mean he's had a rough two years." Kolten's mom. chimed in.

"Admiral..mam... With all due respect. I'm getting old like you David. I'm ready to retire to a nice and quiet flat here in the upper level. Kolten knows that ship better than anyone. With his Tara gone. He has nothing left for him here. If he stays he'll end up a drunk or a drug addict in the lower levels. If not worse, get himself killed. David all I'm asking is for you to talk to him. Besides he's your offspring. You became Admiral of that ship at twenty years of age. The youngest in history to achieve that rank. So why can't he do it at twenty two?" Admiral Thompson begged and pleaded.

They thought Kolten was asleep. David gave his son a light sedative to help through his pain and ptsd. No. Kolten heard the whole conversation. As he stumbled into the living room he spoke.

"Dad, Mom, and Admiral Thompson. I overheard every word of yalls conversation about me. Mom, and dad. I'm ready to take on this responsibility. With Tara gone. I only have you two to make proud. Admiral Thompson, thank you for the confidence in me and the recommendation. I won't disappoint anyone in this room or the crew on that ship."

Admiral David spoke up. " Son. Do you know the first mission that's instore for "The Space Hammer ?"

"Dad! I don't care! I've been nearly everywhere in the galaxy. I'll go where need be." Kolten replied with confidence.

"David let me handle this one since I was there. Kolten. The mission is to go to Earth. Find out what life forms are causing the stir of our enemies trying to conquer its moon and ultimately the Earth. I know the moon and it's Earth are a touchy subject for you. You don't have to go!" Admiral Thompson explained.

"Admiral Thompson. I want to go. I need this as closure so I can start fresh and continue in a longer career in the military like you and my father." Kolten insisted.

"Admiral Thompson. the only way I see fit for my son to go. Is if I go with him. I'll act as Commander under him and his personal advisor." Admiral David advised.

"Admiral David. This would mean a demotion for you. It would be a fucking humiliation to your position and dignity. You should just retire with pride. Enjoy your wife and grow old together." insulted by Admiral Thompson.

"Admiral my pride is long gone. I missed out on so much of his life going on missions for Elonis. I want to be there for my son and advise him like a father should. My wife will come along too. We'll stay in the commander's suite, while he gets the admirals suite." David shouted.

"Wait a minute. You mean to tell me there was a commander's suite? Why didn't anyone tell me? I lived in the quarters with the regular officers." serious, but jokingly Kolten let out.

"We leave in one week. Immediately after Tara and her Shark Squadron's well deserved memorial service son. I mean Admiral."David said in comfort but trying to find light on the situation.

Admiral Thompson chimed in for the last word. "So it's settled. after the memorial service. We will set up a banquet dinner with the president at his ballroom. The president will make a speech then hand the microphone over to me. I will the announce my retirement, appointmenting CIT Kolten as the new Admiral over "The Space Hammer" and the whole Fleet of Elonis. With of course Admiral David stepping down from his station as an Admiral at the academy to be Admiral Kolten's Commander and Advisor at his side on "The Space Hammer". We'll then allow Admiral Kolten to appointment the new position for the academy. Then you can set off for Earth. "

Everyone nodded in agreement with the plan and parted ways to make preparations.