A Suicidal Second Generation Young Master 09

Xiu Lin flipped a few pages of documents in his hand calmly. His eyes focused on the business sheet, relying on the knowledge that Xiu Wan had recently taught him.

Business world isn't simple. Especially to people like them who took over large portions of business and are still investing to other bigger projects. He could already feel the stress just by looking at the papers while he leaned his back on the sofa and crossed his legs.

"Wan ge, I'm done." Xiu Lin said, he made his way towards his oldest brother and handed over the paper. "Aside from four misspelled words and estimation being high by 2 percent, that's all." he explained.

Xiu Wan reread the report and nodded. He smiled and petted his younger brother's hair. "Well done! You can take a short break. If you're hungry, you can order some food." he said.

"It's okay Wan ge. I'll go to the coffee shop across the street."

Xiu Wan sighed, putting the paper down on his desk. "Alright. Be careful, okay?"

"Yes." The young man nodded and waved goodbye from his brother's office. Xiu Lin walked out the grand hallway of the company building taking the VIP elevator on his way. Pressing the down button, the double doors of the elevator slides separately making way for him. The young man entered the small box and waited.

'Hey, 1204. There doesn't seem to be any sign of the female lead around. Shouldn't she at least bring out the brightest aura around?' he thought.

[The characteristics of female lead in every words varies, host. The female protagonist in this world happen to be one of those.]

The elevator dinged and as soon as Xiu Lin got out of the double doors it was exactly the same time as a woman passed by. Paper works flew into the air accompanied by a girl suddenly screaming from shock. Xiu Lin who was slightly pushed back felt a sudden headache when his head shook a bit.

The employee sat on the floor, a pair of large circular glasses on her eyes as she massaged her butt. When she looked up, she was mesmerized by the beauty in front of her. The little saint approached her slowly and lend out a hand followed by a question: "Are you okay?" with his beautiful soothing gentle voice.

"A... yesh... I- I mean, Yes!" She stood back up herself and bowed her head as a sign of apology. "I'm sorry, sir! I didn't mean to bump into you." she said.

"Oh, It's okay. You must be in a hurry. Let's pick up the papers." Xiu Lin replied with a gentle smile as he knelt down to pick a few pieces.

Never in Ru Ye's life would she ever thought that she'll meet such a gentle soul. Usually, beautiful people who stand in front of her would scoff because of her current appearance. But in truth, Ru Ye was merely in disguise.

As part of the prestigious Ru family, she was a spoiled child who wanted to do everything on her own way. She wanted independence from her name. She wanted to prove that she was an outstanding person without the support of the Ru family behind her. But her disguise made everything harder. She looked ugly and unsophisticated that everyone disdain her appearance. Only the Xiu group saw her excellence and hired her fair and square.

"Are you sure you are not injured?" The young man asked her again as he handed over the papers her managed to pick up.

Ru Ye took the stack and sheepishly smiled at him. "Yes, sir. I'm perfectly okay. Thank you for helping me out." she replied.

Xiu Lin sighed in relief. Good thing she isn't injured, or else they might think that he was bullying an employee. He smiled at her again. "I'm glad to hear it." he said. "I guess I'll treat the sister when I get a chance as an apology." he said and made a goodbye smile before turning around not being able to hear any response from the girl.

Ru Ye didn't know whether she should collapse there again or squeal. But reasoning got the best of her and decided to act that everything was normal as she strides back to her destination holding onto the papers tightly. But deep inside, she was so happy to meet a kid like that. It's like meeting an idol for the first time and you already made him your bias.

"I wonder what his name is..." she hummed, the smile didn't leave her lips.

On the other hand, Xiu Lin sneezed.

'I want to eat cake. Custard cake.' he mumbled tiredly.

[Enjoy yourself host.] 1204 replied. [By the way host, you just met the female lead.]

The system's words made him stop from walking and looked up as if everything was normal. 'Which one?' he asked.

[The one wearing the thick glasses.] 1204 responded. [Maybe host would like to court her?] if you don't want to court the male lead...

'Why would I? Do you want Lu Jian to lose his love life.'

System: [...]

[Ah, yeah. Host is right. He will indeed lose it... He might even become twisted if he sees you dating the female lead.]

'Wow, that's quite an overstatement my friend.'

Xiu Lin continued walking though the streets. He finally reached the coffee shop a few steps away from their company.

As soon as the door opened, the chime jingled from the door. Xiu Lin entered and the smell of coffee immediately entered his nose with the sweet scent of cake and newly backed bread.

'Yo, I want to live here.'

[If the host wish so, he could always do so. After all, you are very rich.]

'I know right.'

He reached the counter and checked the display cabinet where the cakes were placed. 'Oh, they have custard cakes and milk tea. Good! good!'

Th young man was pleased. He bought a slice of custard cake and a large winter melon milk tea to try. He didn't even know why he liked custard cakes and milk tea. Ever since he was ejected to a new world, he always craved for those specific sweets. But he was too busy that he couldn't even have a leisure time to enjoy his meals.

After ordering, he settled himself on a seat close to the window, enjoying the view outside the road despite there particularly nothing to enjoy about.

He took a sip on his milk tea and smiled with a peacefully satisfied look. It seems like something in his taste bud had been fulfilled. He then took the fork and raked out a piece from the custard cake.

What happened next was beyond him. But it looked like he was very beautifully satisfied.

One thing is for sure, it somehow completed a part of him.

Can you believe that? Man, a budget friendly custard cake and milk tea is really amazing. He should order another one. Then take out an entire cake to share at home and then another box to eat when he wants to.

So all in all, he bought two boxes and returned back to the company. As he looked like a delicate high school kid carrying two heavy looking boxes, Xiu's all purpose assistant, Wu Fangze, flaunted his height of 6'2 at the poor youth who had to look up and decided to helped out in carrying the boxes.

When they reached Xiu Wan's office, he was not there. "Eh, where's Wan ge?"

"CEO Xiu is currently in a meeting with CEO Lu." Wu Fangze explained.

Lu Jian is here too? Xiu Lin simply gave a knowing nod while Wu Fangze excused himself and left. The teen only sat on the sofa and waited for his brother to be done with the meeting. It didn't take a lot of time actually. About half an hour, the CEO office door opened and Xiu wan entered with Lu Jian discussing a few more things for finalization.

Both stopped talking when they noticed the youngest Xiu sitting alone in the sofa staring at the walls made of windows. His eyes were unblinking that he was almost shedding tears because of it. Xiu Wan and Lu Jian were fairly surprised when they noticed him like he was a lingering ghost.

Meanwhile, on the main space, Xiu Lin left his material body for a while and lay down the white floors and counted every letter in his code system. The blue screen in front of him was filled with letters as he counted with boredom. He yawned and shifted to another side.

'I wonder what we'll eat at dinner.' he sighed.

[All host thinks about is food.]

'Yeah, maybe a short visit at KFC for some fried chicken.'

Xiu Lin sighed again.

'Welp, guess it's time to go back in the body.' he unwillingly changed the tab of the blue screen like it was a tablet and pressed 'leave'.

The moment he opened his eyes, he was being carried. He blinked twice and looked at Lu Jian's face that was focused and frantic while he ran going out of the Xiu company. He frowned. "Jian ge? What are you doing?" he decided to speak.

Lu Jian who heard that soothing voice coming back to life, stopped on his tracks and looked at Xiu Lin wide eyed. They were already outside the company. It was still around three in the afternoon where just a few people passes by.

The two simply looked at each other, one confused, the other panicked. When it dawned to Lu Jian that the young man was back to normal, a wave of relief flashed though his system and fell to he knees still securely carrying Xiu Lin in his arms. His hold firmed, awashed with a softer smile on his face and locking the young man into a tight embrace.

Xiu Lin was stunned to make any accessible emotion to come out. He was just frozen in shock.

'System... SYSTEM!!! SOS! SOS! The male lead has gone mad!' he cried in his mind.

[Welcome to the new world, host! Congratulations! Have you seen the light?] the jolly system asked.

'Light? Which light? The Male lead is strangling me to death! I mean I don't mind dying but what the fuck, he's crying while killing me!'

System: [...]

The system could only flip the table in frustration.

Xiu Lin who was bearhugged by the big boss has his face buried in his chest. He couldn't do anything in fear that it might become very awkward.

"Don't..." Lu Jian muttered.


"Don't scare us like that again."

While Xiu Lin was confused by the words Lu Jian had been muttering, a car quickly stopped in front of them where appeared Xiu Wan on the driver's seat. "Mr. Lu, come in and take Lin, hurry!" he sounded panicked as well.

Xiu Wan looked at Lu Jian's back while he embraced Xiu Lin. Slowly, a head popped out of Lu Jian's shoulder and then a pair of light lavender eyes peeked. When the older noticed, he eyes widened and just like Lu Jian, it was awashed by relief.

He got out of the car and knelt beside his brother who was still in Lu Jian's arms. He held the boy's hand and almost cried. "Little Lin, you scared me. Don't do that again okay?" he said softly.

"W-what did I do, ge? Why are you two like this?" the confused Xiu Lin asked.

"You looked like you were..." Dead. Xiu Wan couldn't get it out of his head as he looked at his little brother. "You didn't move, didn't blink. We tried to wake you up but you weren't even budging. So I thought we had to rush you to the hospital."

Oh... Xiu Lin could only guess that it's probably the effect when he left the body's consciousness. One becomes a lifeless doll without soul. Alive but not.

"I'm sorry. I troubled you again." The young man looked down a bit embarrassed. Just what did he look like earlier for them to feel like he's about to die?

"You're not a trouble, little Lin. Don't ever think that you were." Xiu Wan said seriously. He didn't want his little brother taking blames again. He didn't want to see him feel insignificant that he had to take his life anymore. He should know how much the Xiu family cherish him with all their hearts.