A Suicidal Brainiac 11

[!!!NSFW AHEAD!!!]

Xiu Lin started to create new experiments eversince he entered his laboratory. The stolen files were gradually replaced with new rich and useful ideas almost unbelievably fast. If he was careless back then, Xiu Lin made sure that today, he will no way and never lose his things to anyone who didn't deserve it.

The other scientists who stole his ideas back then were eager to get their hands on the copy knowing that even if they did, Xiu Lin will be really lazy to face arguments. No matter how genius an Astix is, they could always take all those resources away without trouble.

It's no joke that the payment, fame and respect for every novel worthy experiment is beyond a mere house. It can even add up once it's reproduced. Which is why the greedy hands couldn't help but drool over the office Xiu Lin owns, wanting to get in there now and read the most valuable things they can get.

However, no one would realize that even though the main opponent is very weak, the person behind him is a calamity waiting to be released. The moment they were taken by greed, the more that they were stepping into his mousetrap, awaiting to be caught.


Meanwhile, the person who was usually cooped up in his lab was absent. It's not really unusual for Xiu Lin to randomly end his job hour, but he was never absent when he starts to do something.

However, behind his closed doors, the person of interest is currently being bullied.

Xiu Lin panted heavily as his knuckles covered his lips. Red face looking up at the person he has wholeheartedly nicknamed 'Dog Fei' eversince he could remember. His legs were opened in front of the man to see the cute hole peeking from beneath, white fluid was dripping down like a small stream. His stomach also had traces of his own, indicating that he himself had released.

Watching his own seed coming out, he couldn't help but looked at the little Astixian who was glaring at him lazily, having no strength to say any argument. Fei Yang couldn't help but laugh, pull up his leg and kiss the his knee. "Let's do it again, baby." He said huskily.

Alarmed by this, the young man suddenly woke up from his trance. But before Xiu Lin could close his legs, Fei Yang's waist already got in between it and did a quick penetration, using what remains of the cum as his lubrication. The young man under him gasped. Raised his feet and tried to kick the man's chest. "No more." he complained, his voice was small and milk cat like, that made Fei Yang's ears itchy.

"It's your punishment for pinching me last night, baby. This is just my retaliation." Fei Yang started moving his hips slow at first. He already knew every part of Xiu Lin, especially those extra sensitive ones that can make him moan, positions that can turn him and his baby on, different places where they can do it down to the tastiest spot that can make his baby crazy and beg for mercy to do him harder. Who would have thought that after doing this again and again, the single dog of twenty seven years finally became an enlightened sex master of sex cultivation guidebooks.

"No... uh-" Xiu Lin felt like his air ways suddenly got blocked when Fei Yang pushed his big biological weapon deeper in. His neck involuntarily arched, showing his long pale and delicate neck. When he got over that pain, tears were already threatening to come out of his eyes as he looked back at his rabid dog man. The movement became faster, and the boy's hands were now pulled above his head and pinned onto the cushion as the rhythmic pounding and slapping sound ambiguously resonated in the room.

Xiu Lin couldn't help but moan. However, he was tired which made it a bit like a sleepy cat, Fei Yang used his free hand to pleasure his lover while he thrusted in and out of him. He adjusted his stick and shot towards the spot. Xiu Lin looked back at him, his eyes finally letting out tears and his moan became apparent. "No... not there..." he tried to push the man's broad chest who looked very pleased with what he's doing.

"Baby, you're so addicting." Fei Yang whispered to the boy's ear. "Once you let me have a taste, the more I want to just keep wanting more." He dug his head through the youth's neck and licked his sensitive skin. The slap still deemed continuous and there's no telling when will Fei Yang release another set of his manliness inside Xiu Lin.

All he did was stimulate his lover by hitting the spot again and again, no rush to make the boy unsatisfied and beg for it.

Xiu Lin hated his body every time Fei Yang do this. No matter how hard he tried to say he wouldn't fall today, his body just wouldn't listen. Because of the nightly exercises, his body even earned a bit of stamina and can last more which gave Fei Yang a lot of opportunities to have different positions played.

'I miss my weak body. The one that instantly faints so I wouldn't have to see what humiliating actions this dog man will do to me.' Xiu Lin could only sigh in his heart.

[I hear nothing. I see nothing! lalalalalaalal~] the system replied, breaking Xiu Lin's heart more.

But his physiological needs are still a traitor. His voice became that of a mating kitty, moaning and clawing. "Yang..." his eyes became that of pleading. His legs buckled into the man's thicker body. "...Faster..." he forced out the words breathily.

The already steaming room became an entire new temperature. Like a volcano about to erupt, The general grabbed his lovers thin waist and started pounding.

"Baby, who am I?" The man asked.

"...Fei... Yang..."

"Who?" He thrusts a little harsher making little lover whimper.

Despite the pain, Xiu Lin was feeling ecstatic because of the attack. "Yang... husband..." the words were almost a whisper. The embarrassed Astixian didn't know where to hold on. As if possessed, he panted and grabbed the bed sheets.

"Very good. Baby, you're so good!" Fei Yang praised him and at the same time, his speed was already as fast as the sewing machine drilling inside, making Xiu Lin, the lazy Astix cry and moan with pleasure and pain, unknown which one weighs harder anymore. But he knew he will no longer be able to walk tomorrow. With the last deep thrust, another set of warmth washed over the boy's insides warming up his abdomen. Fei Yang thrusts a few more to release all out to fill his lover proudly.

Xiu Lin finally calmed down after release and wanted to stop. He had indulged the dog man, he should be satisfied--

Or not.

Fei Yang, who was looking at their connected intimate parts, turned hard again. Xiu Lin instantly felt the man's member suddenly became alive and looked back at Fei Yang who was looking back at him.

"No..." he mumbled tiredly.

"Baby, you're really good." Fei Yang's lustful comment made Xiu Lin surrender to fate.

He slowly dug up a small funeral for his dying ass. 'In loving memory of your owner. To you who had been stabbed by Fei Yang's biological weapon for more than thousands of times. You will never be forgotten.'

That day, Xiu Lin cried again, but fainted pretty much from exhaustion.


When he woke up the next day, as expected, he couldn't walk, let alone stand. The dog Yang ate him thoroughly last night and his strength went to zero motivation again. He lost all reason to be alive.

Fei Yang coaxed him with food and massage--with a little touch. The times his hands were slapped because of it were almost out of count.

Because the little lover was in a bad mood, Fei Yang was forced to sleep on the sofa on the next night only to be found snuggled back to Xiu Lin's bed again, embracing his waist with a loving smile on his face as he watched him peacefully asleep, caressing and playing around the young man's soft appearance as if engraving the very face in his heart, recording every expression, every breath and every movement as if anytime in the future, he would forget it.

Although that's impossible in this life, knowing that the only person he loved is this little lover. So no matter how many years, he knew this touch and feelings will never fade in his memories even for a second.


Three days later, Xiu Lin was free!

He returned to his lab and saw it ransacked of his important researches again. Sighing, he decided to continue and wait for the result to come back to his favor.

In every art, artist tend to put their watermark or signatures. Well, he had something similar. If you want a result on the experiment, then you'll naturally see the biggest surprise. Too bad that he wouldn't be able to see their faces of shock when they see his name on the presentation. It's going to be amazing!

'System, is there a way to record their reaction?'

[Why won't the host just hack the cameras.]

'I'm too lazy to code.'

System: [...] ah, yes. He's an Astixian. This little picky alien is really... sigh.

[System has a function that can show you different scenarios on current time and/or recorded.]

'Sweet. You're 10 percent useful.'

System is speechless.

System is so speechless.