A Suicidal Mafia Heir 05

Getting better from his fever, Xiu Lin studied a lot of pattern in his prison cell.

The camera was on the upper end of his right and it had a lens of 140 degrees. Which mean, it has an entire layout of the room but the blind spot was the area on the doorside.

The mealtimes was also delivered regularly three times. The meals were edible enough, but it was not enough to satisfy the cravings of a free man. Xiu Lin played the knife under his bed and decided to run at lunch time.

First, because others would leave the parameter to eat during their break. Second, because of traffic, people will delay their arrival. And Third, he's eager to leave.

As the son of a master gangster, Xiu Lin got the skill to instill fear with aura and force. He checked his physique not long ago and felt like his hate for the system had lowered.

'This body! It's no longer that small and baby! It has meat and is toned!' The boy was happy. Because he knew this body could still improve.

[Unfortunately, there is no abs.]

'Look at that, it's still on the process of forming.' he replied, his hope didn't diminish.

[Okay...] 1204 just let him be happy. After all, this is the first time in years that his host didn't curse him. Isn't this a good thing? The host is satisfied with his body now. Not only is it strong, it is also very flexible and most specially, it is bent!

But after his self loving, Xiu Lin went back to being lazed and waited for lunch to pass. He didn't even exercise yet he want to be ripped? Is this guy for real? 1204 was a bit confused if his host has brain problems.

Timing the lunch, Xiu Lin heard a few noise outside. He also sat on his bed as he noticed the door opening. Entering a staff. It was a young man which was taller than him by at least 5 centimeters. The physique was obviously leaner but Xiu Lin could only make do with this. As the man put down the tray on the table, he indifferently made his way towards the door again, tapped a certain electronic key and the door slid open.

Xiu Lin was already at the back of the man, hit an acupoint and set him unconscious as he sprinted out freely while tinkling with the knife on his hand stabbing the loose end of his bangles and removed them both within the minute while running.

The boy had calculated it carefully. On the end of the empty hall, he saw the floor map briefly, picturing the image in his head as he turned and ran. He reached the 'changing room' written on the map and entered. Fortunately, Xiu Lin found someone changing clothes on the end running to the man who was caught off guard and knocked him unconscious as well.

He immediately got down and undressed the unconscious person before throwing him to the bathroom cubicle. As he changed into the person's clothing, he was quick to also make his way towards the elevator and bowed his head where the camera was unable to see. This floor was called b-5. Which meant that he was underground which he wasn't expecting at all.

He glanced at the cctv and think about what he will do. It's been five minutes. Xiu Lin timed the time he got out and got into the elevator. It took him exactly five minutes. But it's enough time that someone might notice that he was gone. The elevator stopped on b-1 and opened. There are others who were on the other side, chatting about and went in, not noticing that in the midst of their conversation, the person behind them was gone.

At the floor B-1, Xiu Lin immediately realized that he was in the parking space on the basement.

He could only blink twice. Not really understanding how he got out easily.

[What kind of godly luck is this, host?!" 1204 was baffled in confusion as well.

'I thought that I'm going to have a lot of action...' Xiu Lin agreed.

[Maybe... because it's lunch time?]

'Yes, lunch time is the most important meal of the day.' Xiu Lin said as he leisurely made his way to a parked car. He tried the car handle and... it opened. it was unlocked.

Xiu Lin was even more stunned. [Godly luck!]

'Did my golden finger changed? Or am I too lovable that I could even make a nonliving engine open up for me?' Xiu Lin asked.

[I don't know host. But please buy a lottery ticket.] the amazed system said. Somehow looking at his host with innocent admiration. What kind of devil is this?!

'Sure.' Xiu Lin tinkered with the wires and got the car starting, driving off the building with ease. Upon opening his eyes to the outside world, Xiu Lin was quite dumbfounded. They weren't in some type of secluded area nor were they anywhere with high security base. The were still in the center of the city.

A big company building from above that was called Jishian co.

Noting this behemoth, Xiu Lin stepped on the gas and drove away with ease. As the system suggested, Xiu Lin stopped by a lottery house and abandoned the car knowing that it will be traced. Xiu Lin took a lottery ticket and amazing enough, got the jackpot.

'Oh, I guess it's my lucky day!'


"He escaped?" Mo Xunian was surprised.

"Yeah, he was all behaved all day. When his meal entered, I thought I'd make myself some coffee but when I came back, his room was empty. I thought he was on the toilet so I waited a bit but no one got out." Hawk explained in distress. "I checked the coordinates of his shackles, and saw it's not moving in the corridor of B-5."

"He used the time where everyone have their guards down."

Whether or not this is a coincidence, but because of this, they had an important prisoner out!

"I've traced his wherabouts in these thirty minutes. The car was found abandoned in the lottery house of the city. He went to the lottery and actually won... the jackpot."

"Then his traces were gone again."

Mo Xunian massaged the bridge of his nose. "Of course. Xiu Lin already knows the pattern of this city. He can avoid surveillance when he wants to." he said.

"Then surely, he must have went home to tell about our base."


Xiu Lin who is currently in the barbeque house leisurely devouring kebabs: ...

[Host! What are you doing? What if they find you?] the always panicked stricken system asked.

'There's no surveillance camera here, okay? Also, why would they look for me here? Do they think a high status kid like me who got out of a high definition prison of the intelligence will come to a barbeque store to eat uncle owner's kebabs?'

[Who would think that--] oh... who indeed? 1204 stopped panicking and deadpanned to the guy who won a jackpot price on the lottery and immediately bought barbeque.

'Come on, let me get my energy back! I didn't eat the free lunch so I need to buy food.'

Host's craving is so powerful, he could even escape to the intelligence's prison...

After eating his full, Xiu Lin immediately went back home and found his father who just came back from his out of town business.

The two looked at one another. "I heard you were caught by the rats." Old Xiu started. "Why are you home so early, this is not so much like you." he even added.

Xiu Lin nodded. "Yes. I enjoyed the experience." he replied nonchalantly. "But as soon as I heard you were coming home, I decided to welcome you which is why I went home early today." The boy smiled and openly lied to his father.

Old Xiu snorted. "Good, good! Tell the old man what adventure you had and I'll tell you how I launched a bomb in City S's little trading port!" he got into his son's side tapping his back as they entered the main door with harmony.

This was one of the things Xiu Lin had learned from the memory. Xiu Lin and his father Xiu Cui were actually close. After his son's death, Xiu Cui became deflated with grief and died immediately because of the other underground people who regarded him as enemy and had him killed. In the gangster world, 'The enemy of my enemy is my friend' is a deeply circulated norm.

Xiu Cui's successor was found dead, beaten to death. Found thrown in the garbage dump lifeless. And now Xiu Cui also died because of betrayal was also found on the same place his son was found.

Now that Xiu Lin didn't die and Xiu Cui is still the head of the underground, the problem hadn't arose yet.

Now it's time to do some task.