Arc 4: A Suicidal Childhood Sweetheart

Arc 4: A Suicidal Childhood Sweetheart

-Xiu Lin, the cute little angel is traumatized. Wanting to escape this reality, he wants to die.


Xiu Lin digested the current surrounding he was in the moment he was taken to another world.

It was cramp there. The noise emitted by children around four to ten years old were no joke. Cries and fear were everywhere around him.

Xiu Lin sat on the corner with confusion. The small room they were in did not do justice for these kids. Let alone a bathroom. They were not granted to the toilet and had no choice but to pee on their own or even shit.

This is an understatement, but it is plainly obvious that someone acquiesced to the call of nature and set out his worsened closed, noisy and shitty place. He felt nauseous but he did his best to stay still.

He looked down at his own palms that was on his folded knees. Pale, small and delicate arms appeared which caught him off guard.

'Am I a kid?!' Xiu Lin was startled. I know I get transmigrated on my juvenile days, but now I'm in a kid's body?

[Yes host. Your body is currently five years old.] The system told him calmly.


[Five.] 1204 confirmed.

'Amazing.' Xiu Lin didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

But before he could utter more the system immediately forestalled. [I will be giving you the main information.]

Flash appeared in his mind and the system began his world summary.

[Host's identity is short lived at this age. The moment he had memories were of gardens and lilies. He has a mother which face he could not remember and a father who was only seen from afar.

But those vague memories were the only ones the original had because most of his consciousness had been in this small box eversince he could remember.

This place is an illegal trafficking base. Most children are kidnapped from different countries and shipped to different places to be sold for whatever purposes these evil people may have. Xiu Lin, with a beautiful face, became their little mascot for selling. He has not been sold for a year and kept to watch new children come and go before he could even make conversations.

But there was a boy that became his friend during his year of being locked up. Gu Han, a nine year old and is an heir to the Gu group. Gu Han is a mature child, he didn't cry despite being taken into the darker side of the coin. He calmed children and at the same time, met Xiu Lin who was always gloomy and never smiled.

Gu Han reached out to him and thawed the boy's heart that has long given up on life. Xiu Lin spent a few weeks with Gu Han until they heard that the shipment for children is already prepared. The selling will start in about a week which put the boy to think that he must do his best to save his friend.

Xiu Lin was a smart child. During one of his illegal 'Advertisement photo shoots' back then, he had already known where they were after observing the place. He took Gu Han's hand and escaped with what he knew. However, miscalculations are expected. They were found and Xiu Lin, in his heroic bliss had told Gu Han the exit. Pushed him away and lured the kidnappers away.

In the end, he ended up caught again. Beaten bruised and blue and was soon sold to an old pervert and died.]

The story ended followed by another words.

[Task 1: Avoid your miserable ending.

Task 2: Be free and become an architect in the future.

Task 3: Find our about your biological parents.

Task 4: Fall in love.]

'Oh, aren't the tasks too simple except the biological parents part?' Xiu Lin hummed.

[Host's original counterpart died at such a young age. It could be said that his thoughts would be his childhood ideas that weren't able to change.] 1204 explained.

'I see.' The boy's eyes were cold. His heart was in utter chaos and anger as he clenched his small fists, covering his eyes with beautiful and soft silver bangs.

In his mind remains a dark thought and the traumatizing memories of the child who went through hell before dying. The memories that made him tremble with hate and disgust.

Because while original Xiu Lin was suffering in the arms of his captor, he was crying while smiling, telling the person who killed him that he will become a successful architect when he grew up. That one day, he will fulfill his dream.

The kid died. Putting a stop to his misery. But also putting a stop to his hopes and shattered this innocent smile.

He didn't deserve to die!

Xiu Lin did his best to control his trembling body as he sat on the corner of the small space. He looked down and pinched the hem of his shirt tightly. Closing his eyes to breathe in, ignoring the unpleasant smell that surrounded him.

He needed to calm down, only to feel a hand touching his knuckle. His eyes slowly looked up and noticed a boy a few years older than him. Dark hair and deep sea blue eyes stared at him as if assessing his very soul.

"Are you okay?" The older boy asked him.

Xiu Lin finally pulled himself back to reality and nodded. "I'm okay." He replied. "Are you okay?" The boy rotated the question to continue distracting himself with this conversation.

"Yes, I'm fine." The boy didn't let go of his fist, only slid closer to him and sat to his left. "How long have you been here? You seem very calm." The boy asked.

"I can't remember." Xiu Lin replied.

"Your parents?"

"Don't know them."

"I see. How about what you're feeling?" The boy asked again. "I'm Gu Han. May I know your name?"

"Xiu Lin." The boy replied with a low voice.

The older boy smiled. "You have a beautiful name."

Xiu Lin looked at the smiling boy. Looked down again and didn't say anything.

"Don't worry little Lin. We're getting out of here soon, okay?" Gu Han assured with a calm smile, holding the small hands of the boy in front of him.

This is a warehouse located in the docks. Easy for escape if they were ever caught. The boy had listened well and knew that there are a total of sixteen men watching over them from inside out. The children had no way of escaping in groups but smart kids can create an alternative by hiding themselves in steep places unreachable.

There are a lot of hiding places they could use because of the shipment boxes around. It's like a maze that takes you nowhere in particular, but it's the only way you can get out.

Xiu Lin used his intelligence to find those loopholes while he was taken back and forth. In order to help Gu Han, he did everything he could.

It didn't take long before he fell asleep. His breathing completely calm and his head unconsciously lead to lean on the boy beside him. The boy stared at him with soft eyes as if he had known of it for a long time.

"I'm here now. You'll never experience that pain again." He whispered. The face that lingered into his mind for lifetime. He could never forget it no matter how successful he became. Never in his years of life.

Now that he was given a chance to save him, he will not let this opportunity slip anymore.

Gu Han never thought that he will go back in time. The same familiar place and the same memory he'd lived through. Perhaps it was because of the lingering guilt and unfinished business in his years of life.

He woke up on the day before he was kidnapped when he was a child, giving him enough time to prepare to stop the upcoming tragedy of this little friend he will never ever forget.

The beautiful silver-white hair, white jade skin, and lovely and innocent big greyish-purple eyes. The soft white bun leaning on his shoulder looked pitiful with a worn-down blue shirt

He never got his name back then. But now he knew. The cute child's name that saved him is Xiu Lin.

"Xiu Lin."


Yes babeh.