A Suicidal Childhood Sweetheart 05

Being taken in and cared for in the hands of Gu Han wasn't bad.

Xiu Lin also underwent a few psychological treatment and sessions, training him to use his voice back.

Xiu Lin really couldn't understand this himself. He clearly know how to speak but it seems like he's forgotten how. No matter how hard he tried, his nerves seemed to against his wishes, as if the body was completely out of his control.

The boy was crouching on the grass of the backyard. His small body balled like a turtle. His eyes focused on the operation of the small ants. They lined while carrying crumbs of something that was twice their sizes.

He usually comes in the morning to bask in the sun, fill his cold skin with enough warmth before going back to the house to play scavenger hunt with anything at random. Nobody told him off and let him quietly tip toe and let loose with his imagination--in everyone's eyes at least.

Its been a month since he got into Gu's residence. Everyone was nice to him, the butler, servants, and even grandpa Gu was fond of him.

Xiu Lin often played chess with the old man.

It was just another normally productive afternoon. Gu Han at these times had to go to elementary school while Xiu Lin stayed at home like a cute and obedient little brother himself. As he walked into the halls with his small feet, he saw grandpa Gu sitting at the living room and watching TV.

When the boy was about to back away not to disturb the old man, their eyes suddenly met. The old man and the child stared at each other quietly for about a few seconds before the old man cleared his throat.

"Come here child." he called out.

Xiu Lin decided to just be obedient and run towards the grandpa with his small feet. After what seemed like a long walk in the large room, he found himself being lifted and put beside grandpa Gu.

The atmosphere became awkward. Two people shared the sofa quietly. One small and one big sat there while the television noise kept on. After another few minutes, two people were already asleep on the sofa with boredom.


The next day, the two decided to go bask in the sun together quietly, as if mutually understanding that this should be done. Outside the yard, the small and the big human listened to the sound of birds and slowly dozed off.

Later that afternoon, the old man spoke again. "Do you know how to play board games?" grandpa Gu asked.

Xiu Lin tilted his head, pretending to be clueless.

"Come with me, I'll teach you chess."

Without further ado, the old man stood up and started walking out of the living room. Xiu Lin leaped off of the big sofa and jogged to follow with his small legs.

tap. tap. tap. tap.

Xiu Lin's feet continuously jogged and the old man noticed this. He was a tall man. During his prime, he was a whopping 190 cm in height, rich, handsome, and the lady's choice for a prospective marriage partner. But he settled down with only one love in mind, and had a son and grandson at this age.

Now his grandson brought home another little bun.

Grandpa Gu turned his head and noticed the child whose small legs were running after him. He cleared his throat and took the boy in his arms and continued walking. The pace was quick and they reached the study in no time.

The old man then placed the child on the sofa carefully, fixed the table, and grabbed his favorite chess board. He then placed each piece while patiently explaining the basics to Xiu Lin. The boy simply listened and the two began to play.

Surprisingly, not surprisingly, Xiu Lin won.

The old Gu frowned and looked at this little steamed bun staring at the board where his king was checkmate.

"Wow, kid. You got lucky!" he exclaimed. "One more!"

He lost, but after some time, Xiu Lin decidedly let him win so this never-ending game would stop.

The next day, they played chess again...

And again.

The succeeding games were no different. The more Xiu Lin won, the more the game took hold over and over.

The baby was too busy staring at the board, his body suddenly lifted up. He turned his head and saw Gu Han who had just come back from elementary school carrying him in his arms again, looking gloomy.

"What are you doing, you brat? It's the kid's turn." Old Gu complained.

This thing had happened before. Because the old man and the little boy were too immersed in the game, they wouldn't notice Gu Han's entrance. Only when Xiu Lin was taken away would they realize that it was already noon.

Gu Han simply looked at his grandfather and hugged Xiu Lin away. "I'm taking the baby." He said before running off.

Xiu Lin didn't move until they were in the room. Gu Han sat on the bed whilst having to let the younger one sitting on his lap, burying his head between the crook of Xiu Lin's delicate neck.

"I need to recharge..." Gu Han muttered. As a nine-year-old with an adult mind attending elementary, Gu Han couldn't put up with such spoiled brats. It is really more stressful than work being in the center of such a bunch of children.

But Xiu Lin, the little angel was different. Hugging and kissing the top of his head is such a healing activity, Gu Han couldn't help but take the baby all for himself. Knowing that his grandpa was spending time with Xiu Lin out of his knowledge, he couldn't help but envy.

How many hours did grandpa spend playing chess with the baby? And there he is at school, almost wanting to teach the teachers himself out of irritation.

After 'recharging', Gu Han showed a sweet smile and petted the child. "Did you enjoy your time with grandpa?" he asked.

Xiu Lin stared at the older child who looked like he didn't even want him to answer 'yes'. So in order to coax this kid, Xiu Lin simply hugged Gu Han's waist, patting his back with his small hands. 'Now, now, kid. I know school's annoying, but do well.' he thought.

"Is the baby trying to cheer me up?" Gu Han asked, unable to hide his fond smile.

Xiu Lin blew his cheeks with a pout, his pink lips being emphasized like a ripe cherry. There was a dissatisfied frown on his delicate brows. Clearly, the boy didn't want to be called a baby. 'Boy, you're still too young to call me baby.' he complained in his head.

Gu Han laughed and massaged the young one's forehead to remove the cute frown. "Alright, Xiao Lin is not a baby anymore." He coaxed with a honeyed voice.

Xiu Lin watched as Gu Han acted cute, hugging him again and rubbing his tired-looking face on his shoulder. "Lin is very cute. Ge is happy to be your only ge." He murmured, the warm breath brushing through the younger's shoulder.

Xiu Lin trembled, but simply pet Gu Han's hair gently complying like the cute little brother he is. Meanwhile, the person receiving the treatment from the baby was happily satisfied.

Gu Han didn't understand why, but being by Xiu Lin's side made him feel at ease. As if not seeing him anywhere would make him feel like something is missing whether in his previous life or in this life. Xiu Lin might be the person he has been waiting for.

Oh, the bliss of having a baby brother. Gu Han happily hugged and kissed Xiu Lin's cheeks and forehead, inhaling the milky sweet scent that naturally came out of the child then carried him out for dinner.

Grandpa Gu glared at his beloved yet greedy grandson, whose game was interrupted. Gu Han ignored the old man's glare and catered to his baby brother kindly, serving food, putting his food preferences, and of course, that custard cake for the finale. The baby loves cakes. Whenever he ate some for dessert, his scent becomes even sweeter and Gu Han was tempted to bite his soft cheek from too much sweetness.

He didn't really hate it. He even enjoyed knowing how happy Xiu Lin was whenever he brought things he likes. His head was really muddled with meng and the only thing in his mind was pampering this adorable child.

"The baby will be attending the psychiatric session on Saturday." Old Gu said.

"I'll be accompanying him." Gu Han coolly replied, feeding another spoonful of cake to Xiu Lin.

Xiu Lin quietly ate the sweets with a smile, as if not understanding anything the two were talking about at all. He just sat like a vase, spread his golden finger, and enjoyed the treatment while thinking about his next moves. He didn't have time to ponder around anymore, he needs to find a way to die.

But as he was thinking about it, he looked up at Gu Han who smiled at him sweetly. Still very young at the age of nine. If he tried to commit suicide now, wouldn't the kid be traumatized?

Thinking of this, Xiu Lin slightly compromised and felt guilty.

Maybe... I'll do it... next time.