A Suicidal Childhood Sweetheart 09

"Damn!" A middle-aged man kicked the table down, causing the papers to fly separately on the floor. "That damn Gu destroyed everything!" he cursed.

The underlings remained motionless on the sides, quietly looking at their boss nonchalantly. After taking out his anger on the furniture in the room, the people began to move and took the things out to discard and replace as if this was normal.

The papers were sorted out and then place back on the new table. On the front of that image was a juvenile with soft light hair and soft lavender eyes. He was already in his teens, petite, delicate, and still childish in both appearance and body.

Xiu Lin.

The man looked at the papers again and felt angry. Not only did this little brat survive, he is also protected by the Gu family! If they had not seen this person alive in the flash in the city to eat desserts, they would not have believed that he is still alive.

He picked up the file again, trembling with anger. He wouldn't have recognized him if he didn't look an 8 out of ten like that woman. No one can deny it once those two stood side by side. Not only that, his eyes resembled that woman's husband as well!

If they found out that the heir is still alive, would he still the leisure of the family riches? His trembling hands tightened their hold on the paper creating creases. His eyes were red from the sudden burst of emotions. The boy's disappearance was his plot.

Xiu Lin's parents went out of the ocean to join a party, but to an unfortunate fate, the ship sank and some of the passengers were deemed missing and dead including the Xiu couple. At that time, Xiu Cai became the 3-year-old Xiu Lin's guardian while he was not in the legal age of inheritance. So he took advantage of the child's helpless position and sent him to hell.

The illegal human trafficking was also part of it. He originally sent the boy there to die, but after seeing the resemblance of his sister-in-law whom he had been obsessed with throughout the years, he stopped the thought of selling him away.

He also prevented the spread of the news of a child being missing. The files were deleted, almost as if the child did not exist, and took over the large property belonging to his older brother. He sat on the president's chair and leisurely enjoyed the riches that never belonged to him.

He thought it would be wonderful to wait until that face that resembled her would bloom and then he will possess it like a caged canary.

Who would have thought... oh, who would have thought that not only did the brat escaped, he also destroyed the business with the help of the Gu family.

Now that he found him again with the emphasis of his long lost beloved's face, his urge of possession became stronger. Xiu Lin must belong to him.


Xiu Lin sneezed and suddenly felt an incredible chill from the back of his neck.

"You caught a cold?" Gu Han immediately grabbed a coat and placed it around the boy's shoulder.

Xiu Lin shook his head and continued to face his work book with boredom, answering the questions for them to be done with. Gu Han, was of course, helping him out. But because he knew that his baby was a little genius, he simply guided him and watched him get serious.

College entrance examination is coming. Gu Han is also going to be a second year soon. One is a genius who can answer basically any academic question and even skipped a few grades up because of his aptitude, only a year lower than Gu Han's, and the other was someone who went back in time, also had an outstanding background and great academic performance. This meant that there will be no succeeding problems about both Gu Han's forwarding and Xiu Lin's university entrance.

Gu Han was delighted just thinking that the baby will enter the same university as him, but it still worried him that Xiu Lin might find it hard to adjust and be picked on again due to his age.

Gu Han watched the little guy work so seriously and even caught a cold. It made him feel distressed. "College isn't that hard. And you don't have to get sick for an entrance examination that you can easily get into." He said. "I believe that you're already overqualified." He rubbed the boy's head lovingly, and reached out to kiss his temple.

Xiu Lin complied by leaning on his shoulder with a sigh. He made a sign to tell Gu Han that he wants the 'best result' so as not to disappoint his tutors and grandpa Gu.

"What about me?" Gu Han asked.

Xiu Lin signed: "Yes, you too."

"Don't worry, baby. I'm already very proud of my cute little Lin." He hugged Xiu Lin to the side and buried his head on the boy's shoulder as usual, inhaling the milky and sweet scent coming out of the young man's skin. "Baby, what course are you going to take?" He asked.

Xiu Lin took Gu Han's hand and spelled the words in his palm.


"Alright, as long as you're happy." His lips that was a millimeter close to the skin moved under the boy's neck, feeling tickled. His 'unintentionally' intentional action of teasing the boy always gave a satisfactory result. The boy trembled and his cheeks let out a tempting blush, so cute. He raised his head and spoke close to the young man's ears in a low matured tone. "I can't wait to see the house baby will design for us." he said, his warm breath brushing through those red sensitive ears.

Xiu Lin was stiff yet simply nodded, shyly looking down. In fact, he was already complaining in his heart. Dog man! Dog man! Dog man! Ambiguous dog man! Stop teasing and confess! Stop torturing me! Xiu Lin wanted to slap his face hard because of these little seductions that Gu Han was doing lately. Of course, he would retaliate too, pretending to have innocently touched something he should not have touched whenever the two shared the bed at night, make him sleepless for all these careless whispers he is doing!

Gu Han can't touch him no matter how much his baby 'innocently' step on his bottom line because 'he didn't realize how he's stimulating a man out of Gu Han since he was not exposed to desires.' Although he did come from that illegal children trafficking den, it's no doubt that he has not seen the worst of it. He is still innocent from all of it.

Gu Han, as a time traveler has experienced variety of things... so sex and pleasure is no stranger to him. So whenever Xiu Lin unconsciously ignited a flames, the older could not even eat the meat. But he made sure to eat some tofu too!

Xiu Lin's most common innocent actions almost drove the man to tears, such as suddenly joining him in the bath showing his fair beautiful body. Because they usually bath together when they were smaller(child body), they would bath together. But After adolescence, bathing together became awkward for Gu Han but Xiu Lin still felt that this was normal. Although this was such a beautiful scene to behold, he was also nervous of unconsciously standing up. So in order to save Xiu Lin's innocence, he endured the fire, suppressed the heat, and recite the sutra for a few minutes after the boy finished showing and going away. Once he was gone, the abstinence suddenly let the chains go. What was supposedly down suddenly stood up.

But he still had to persist. He was willing to wait for his love to accept him, depend on him, get used to him, and miss him all the time. Until those things are not yet in his grasp, he will maintain his baby's innocent and clueless ambiguity. He will protect it well against himself and others.

If Xiu Lin heard his thoughts, he would laugh his head to death. Dog man, do you know why you're a dog man? Two lifetimes. Yes, two lifetimes! And no matter how much I beg for mercy, you always get harder! My poor ass was stabbed to death by such a big gun! And sure enough, in this lifetime, you're also growing well! Damn!

But of course, thankfully, Xiu Lin can not read minds.