A Temporary Peaceful Life

Sister Anna looked at the puzzled me and said helplessly, "Actually, people like us were all cheated into this line of work. In the beginning, we were all unwilling. However, after a long time, we've gotten used to earning money without working. How can we go back to working normally like others? In the end, we will all come back to this line of business."

Hearing this, I had nothing to say. I did not understand this, but I still knew very well about the laziness of humans. These were all written in the books.

I couldn't help but worry about what to do with Liu Jia in the future. I wondered if my advice had harmed her. I couldn't help but feel uneasy.

As expected of an old fox in the social world, Sister Anna immediately saw through my thoughts. She told me that Liu Jia would definitely come here to find my mother when she couldn't make ends meet anymore.