Death Throes

"Marshal Azure, please let go of the Brown family. I beg you. Back then, it was my fault. Let me pay for it with my life. Please, I beg you."

'If Jack was just another hot-headed, vengeful man, I'd crush him like an ant with no effort.

'But now, he's the mighty Marshal Azure. Even Frostine can't do anything against him. I simply cannot act rashly.'

Emily kneeled in front of Jack and pleaded for mercy. 

"There are thirty people," Jack said coldly. 

"Except for you, Xavier, Bobby, and the three heads of the family, all twenty-four of you need to be present at the Ferrell's cemetery on the fifteenth in the early morning. If a single person is absent, I will bury all of you together. 

Jack shook off Emily's grasp, stood up, and left. 

Before he headed out, he took a glance at Emily, who was lying on the floor, looking as if she had lost her will to live.

"Do as I say, and I'll put this incident behind me.