What's the good news? Roshni asked his husband she couldn't wait to hear it. All the family member turned to look at him, waiting to hear the news too.

Next week there`s going to be a royal ball, Gerald announced and the whole family broke in to a smile sure it was a good news, a royal ball was the ball which always took place after ten years, where all the people in the village and cities, rich and poor all had equal chance to attend the ball, the main reason for that ball was to bring all the people together, breaking all classes , creating union among all people. It was also during this ball that the king had a chance to speak to his people. It was during this ball all kinds of food and drinks were available a good chance for the poor to enjoy good meal, and a good dance. Many young lady loved this ball because it was the only place to find a good match , and for men to find good partners.

Roshni was happy because her daughters might be seen by good men such as dukes or any other good men, she wished for her daughters to be married into good families . it was only Chutki who was under age, but all other kids had reached the age to marry or be married, she also hoped for his son to find a woman he liked this was the only chance. It has been nineteen years since the last ball was performed. she was happy for her kids,

Priyanka was the happiest of all, it was in this ball that she believed that with her beauty she would be able to catch a heart of a potential man, maybe a duke or the king. it was rumored that the king who sat on the thrown was a young man who hadn't married yet. every one in the family were happy on their own ways

But in the same family one person wasn't happy at all, aunt Durga even her face could clearly show how displeased she was.

inside the boxes the are cloths, shoes and other accessories of high quality, you guys are going to wear them in the ball, I want my kids to look the best there, added Gerald

Papa you didn't have to, Shaniya felt like his father had been troubled

If you want to look like a lowly peasant in the ball its you, don't include us in it; Priyanka replied to her sister

okay guys open your presents Gerald interrupted he didn't want this discussion to go far, he knew what kind of personality Priyanka had.

Every one got busy opening their boxes, Priyanka was the first person to finish opening her box she looked what was inside, and then turned to her siblings to see if they have been given something better than hers, every body finished opening their boxes. Shaniya was the last one to finish.

When Priyanka eyes looked at her sisters dress her face turned green with envy.

Papa I don't like the color of my dress, Priyanka spoke; every body turned to her

Why your dress looks beautiful and the color looks great, Chutki said looking at Priyanka's dress

All the dresses were make of silk of high quality, and very expensive during that time. Gerald bought all the dresses made by silk because he wanted all his kids to feel equal and the words of Priyanka made him feel bad

Yes the dress is nice but its color doesn't suit me, I need to wear a dress that would make me glow, and besides the design of the dress looks too simple, this dress suits Shaniya more, I want Shaniya's dress and jewelries they would suit me better , they look classy just my type.

Shaniya had been given a beautiful dress with the color of red, Priyanka had an eye for that dress,

No, why do you always want everything that belongs to Shaniya, dad has given us dresses that are all beautiful, just wear your own dress. sister Shaniya don't give her your dress;; Nina said a little bit upset she was now tired of Priyanka's selfish behavior.

We are all the kids of this family, why Shaniya is the only one who gets good things but not us, Priyanka was envy of her sister.

Shut up Priyanka or else....? Roshni didn't know what was wrong with this daughter of hers. she always wants to fight and compare herself with her sister.

Shaniya was the eldest, she knew where this conversation was heading, and knowing her younger sister personality , she wouldn't give up easily, Their father had done everything to make his kids happy and Shaniya didn't want to disappoint his father,

Okay you may have my dress, I also like the color of your dress so lets exchange our dresses; Shaniya was trying to make things look normal. But people clearly understood what was going on. they weren't kids after all to be fooled easily, but for the sake of the family`s happiness no body said a thing.

Thank you sis , you see I told you this dress fits me better said Priyanka happily holding the dress closely. I will look like a queen that day, trust me if the king sees me in this dress, I'm sure I will be the next queen of Makenia, she added proudly;

May be the queen of zombies., replied Laksh sarcastically he wasn't happy with what had happened earlier;

Papa you see this son of yours? he`s always mocking me. I'm telling you,; you guys are gonna to miss me when I get married. and she left to her room to try the dress she took from her sister.

Gerald moved closer to Shaniya and caressed her daughter`s hair, are you ok dear? he asked her beloved daughter

Shaniya looked at his fathers eyes and smiled sweetly; yes papa thank you for the dress, let me go to my room I want to try it. And she too left to her room to try her new dress.

Now Durga found a chance to speak, Laksh go tell the butler to prepare your father`s dinner. Nina and Chutki dear, go to your rooms I want to speak to your parents privately.

Yes auntie they answered and went to their respective rooms, now left alone Gerald knew what Durga wanted to talk about.

Lets go to a private room , some one might hear us if we speak so openly. Suggested Gerald

So the group of three went in to a room and closed the door behind them.