First time always hard

"So this is the other side. Not as I have expected" I said nonchalantly.

" I thought there will be someone who guard here and will guide me … like dead god or hellkeeper"

"I just wanna see how god of death look like but it seems like I don't have an opportunity to do so" I sighed heavily.

The place I was currently standing is a something like universe. A universe with lots of stars scattering around.

I have expected the other side must be hotter than this and the reality is adversity to what I have thought. This place is very chill here. I could see that I was in soul state but I could still feel the bitter here.

"Hello, anyone here. I'm shaking now. Could you please lend me a blanket? I very appreciate if you do that" I asked with a shaken voice.

My voice reverberated for a while in this space. And I still didn't receive a respond or something like that.

I didn't know how to describe my feelings. Maybe I felt scare before this unsure situation or maybe I was excited that I can still keep my memory and believe that I will be given some chance to compensate for my pity karma.

It seemed a good opportunity for me who was suffered by sudden illness.

I didn't know this space had its limit but I would like to see it. First I took a stroll forwards to explore this space.

And the result that I collected from this stroll is this space didn't seem to have limit. It seems like an endless ending. I have walked straight for 1 hour and I changed to run after that.

I thought some theory that this space doesn't have limit or I was just running around all time.

All my question won't be answered in future. But putting that aside, I need to judge my current situation.

Now I can see that I was in soul state. White skin, white hair and my body is soft. If I press strong enough, I can implant my hand into body.

I haven't seen this kind of situation before so I am kind of fright of this. Fearing that my inside body will meet problem or my soul will be messed up so I stopped this experiment.

And let's change to another topic. Since I arrived here, I can feel something very fresh in space. When I tried to put that unknown energy into my body by meditating or sowing it into my mouth. I can feel that my soul become healthier than before. It seems like it was some kind of fuel feeding for soul.

Having been waiting for so long, I decided to call one more time to see 'Are there anything will answer my call'.

And that reality proved it, a sudden voice rang out.

[ initiating the system]

[Welcome host, Jean Sophia]

It was a cold machine voice. There is no hint of emotions in it but the domineering.

I can sense a part of menace in it. Standing before unknown thing, I am very sure that I was freaking out at the moment.

" Wha … What the hell was that"

[Scanning host's soul]


[Ready to transport host to the world]

"What … Can I ask what is going on?"

[Ready in]


"Wait … I have a lot of thing to say" I spoke unclearly in hurry manner.


"What are you"


[Have a nice trip, host]


Then I disappeared from the space. The silence came back.



In certain high school.

"This part is very important for your exam so I want you to take note it down."

With that advice, every students in the class started writing.

The only sound you can here is the scribble sound.

But there is one student sleeping in the class.

Suddenly, that student flinched and fell backwards.

"Eh, What the fick has just happened?" I said it out loud.

"Ana, you are being rude in my class. I have already said it from the beginning".

The person that looked like teacher made his way towards my table and watched me standing with expression as if seeing something ridiculous.

"No abuse words in my class" The teacher said with a sense of menace.

I just stared at him absentmindedly.

Do I know you?

"But my name isn't Ana. It's …"

"I don't know you can pretend dumb. You have the guts to do that to me. Now I want you go out of my class"

"But sir"

"No sir here, I want you get out" Teacher now threatened me.

Although I was still confused, I accomplished with his command.



"Surely, that teacher doesn't show mercy at all." I muttered.

"If you don't learn well, you will be discarded in this social" I mimic his tone of voice.

"Like hell I will believe in you".

So now I should go back to my part.

It looked like I was transmigrated here and the voice backed there was my system.

The evidence is in front of my eyes.

There was a board of status float before me.

Name: Jean Sophia, Smith Ana (current)

Experience: 0

Soul: 75

Life: 55

Charm: 51

Wisdom: 145

Mental Strength: 75

Luck: 10

There is an explanation for each attribute.

Life gives you a body. The higher score is, the stronger you receive when transmigrating.

Soul gives you get fitted into body. The stronger soul is, the better you control body with ease.

Charm gives your body a beauty.

Wisdom gives you an intelligence.

Mental strength gives a resistance to mental attack like brainwashing, brain attack wave,…

Luck gives you a chance to meet hidden encounter, secret or something like that.

I have read it and I understood it completely. To be honest, I felt pity for my luck but look on the bright side, I was an intelligent person.

And my beauty is slightly higher than average. Then does it mean average for charm is 50.

I knew average IQ usually laid between from 100 to 110. This means I can be seen as a genius.

Maybe I exasperated this a little bit but I'm still considered as smart person.

Now that is all my basic information and move to next topic. I wondered what this task is about.

It said "If you want to leave this world, you have to complete the task"

[Search for the original of disaster]

This thing bothered me right now. What kind of disaster that I will have to find its original. Disaster have many kind like volcano erupting or big meteor colliding the earth or earth changing like movie "2012".

I don't know what kind of disaster that I will do to complete the task.

"Maybe I will look into more deeper tomorrow."

I breathed heavily. I can feel my legs become numb.

Time will answer that question for me.

While I was standing in the hallway and dying inside.

There is a boy run very fast towards me.

I don't know there is a person was this late. But when I double checked him, I realized there is a sense of fear in his eyes.

The boy ran pass me and said in hurried manner.

"you should run, there is a terrible thing happening in this school Now" His voice reverberated in hallway.

"Terrible thing, what kind of terrible thing" I shouted back.

"I don't know how to describe but believe me"

I felt confused right now.

"What do …"

Not longer after his reminder, there was a scream outside window.

That scream intrigued so I reached out for the window to have a clear view.

And the scene before me frozen me. The chill sweat ran down behind my spin.

I can see people down there were eating by the other. Be it students or teacher, they were all tore apart by bloody students.

Needless to say, that thing on the ground was zombie.

"Great, very great"

" Zombie apocalypse"

I was watching female students ate a man student's organ.

"Bollocks" I cursed in small volume.

"What a crazy first week. I think I need a vomit bag right now".