In your face (2)

What video recorded is a student who sprained his ankle grabbing Shido sensei's corner pant

He was begging Shido sensei in pathetic manner.

What he received didn't a help but a kick from him. Shido sensei kicked him towards a group of zombies chasing them. Then he went to the bus without looking back.

This was my trump car.

Although the video was recorded from a far and there was no sound on it, everyone can certain that Shido sensei had indeed left a student behind. This scene shocked every one on the bus. Especially the group of people who supported Shido sensei to be a leader. Now there is a hesitation in their eyes. Some people still believed that is a false video to frame Shido sensei.

'This is a result I want to see.'

'Doubt. The seed of doubt started to bloom inside the brainwashed students. Everyone seemed to realize the true self of Shido sensei'

"So now sensei. What you want to say." I smile mischievously at Shidou sensei.

Shidou sensei started to sweat on his face. Now his face was changed to intense hate and scorn.

I had this record because of my old habit in the past. Since I stayed in hospital and to check my health periodically, I started to have habit recording myself everyday.

Thank to this habit that I could prove my point now.

"That video is fake right sensei"

'At this time, there is still an idiot don't believe in this solid footage' I thought it amusingly.

'Let's take a good look at that idiot'

It is a orange hair girl but not Rei. She had her hair shorter than Rei. If I remember right, she is one of faithful follower of Koichi Shido and the one who shouted abusive words at me from the beginning.

If I describe her in one word, the suitable word will be 'bitch'.

"Which part of it fake, can you please tell me" I asked for explain from that girl.

"No. It must be you who is planning to frame our beloved sensei. You must hold the hatred that you have prepared for this moment."

'I don't like talking to an idiot. It wastes my energy'

I sighed heavily at her remark.

Before I spoke, someone spoke for me instead.

"Idiot, you still believe that video is fake then can you explain the part of zombie in that video" it was a voice of two pony tail girl.


"Komuro, you still protect for his crime even though you have seen record" she said with a angry voice.

This made the boy speechless.

'So the boy with spiky hair is Komuro and the girl with two pony tail hair is Saya'

In order to create the strong relationship, I have to remember their name first.

"Thank you Saya chan for speaking for me"

She hummed in respond.

"As you can you. We can't choose a killer to be our leader. If we do, there will be a time he will do this to us"

"Maybe now, tomorrow, or maybe this year. We don't know what is he thinking but one thing that I am very sure is"

"He will kill all of us like this student in video" I pointed my finger to my phone's screen.

"Don't be so presumptuous, Jean" he threatened me with a scorn look.

But that behavior looked hilarious to me. The more angry you are, the more happy I felt.

"It's not like what you see. I just …." he tried to deny.

"It's what you see. He killed a student and he will try to kill everyone here" I interrupted his speech again.

It's not like I will leave you a chance to fix your image.

"So anyone have any question"

There was only a awkward silence. They seemed to be hesitated because he is the only adult in this bus.

'They really depend on him to survive. It looks like I have to find more fault'

"You are Rei right. Can you tell me more your opinion" I invited Rei into the talk.

From the beginning, I noticed this girl always looked Shidou sensei with a scowl.

"I knew him. He is the one made my father suffered."

"My father is the kind of person who can take anything but he was brought tears as he asked for my forgiveness"

"And it's his fault that I was held back a year. He were the one managing the grades" Rei spoke emotionally.

"He …"

"Okay Rei. Too much personal story in here." I made a stop hand sign.

'It works out than I expected. And he raises the flag before. He's worth of third rate villain'

"You can hear that he is the one who held back our friendly classmate a year. In addition to that, I also knew some funny fact"

I made a short stop at my speech.

"For who don't know, every year in our school, there will be a thousand students graduating at our school. And also who don't graduate. You know why they don't graduate"

"Because he changed their score and made them to learn one more year. I heard this from my father and my father still gather evidence to prove his evil."

"You know how many people have to learn at our school one more year."

"There are 39 people have to learn again"

"in our school"

"All of this because of him" I pointed at Shido sensei and everyone looked at him.

Yeah, this was a blatant lie that I created in short moment. There was no way I have just been coming here and knew everything here so I fabricate this story. I copied one of popular situation from some manga I read to make him ashamed. I have learned at my school for 12 years so I know what students hate most.

The scum teacher control the grade at his will is one of them. This is a rare case but I met it at my school in previous world. To be honest, I'm very hate this kind of teacher.

And beside, just image this guy become a leader. That means I have to accompany all the way or I may go on foot.

"That is a lie. Everyone listen to me" Shido sensei tried to deny my accusation.

I knew this is a lie so I have to play this one devious. The moment he finds fault in my accusation, it will be my end. I don't have much choice. To make him look evil in everyone's eyes, I must do this.

"Of course, I'm not saying a lie. I'm 100% honest about this statement" I objected his statement.

"By the way, I also know some one can prove my point"

"Saya chan here will share information about this Shido sensei here." now I tried to invite Saya into the job.

I don't know her but I know she is not stupid to let him be a leader. I could tell this by looking at her arrogant and stubborn appearance.

"I don't know Shido sensei but I heard his father's deeds from my father" Saya raised a voice.

"His father is politician and he is as well as candidate for cabinet minister. Before public, he looks like a noble man but his life at home was opposite. I don't know is this true but the rumor say he is always hitting his wife at home and cause his wife to die of alcohol poisoning" Saya put a hand on her chin.

'Thank god I pick the right person'

"Thank you Saya chan. Now as you hear, his father is an influence politician and here what I am going to say why he can commit those crime above" I tried to be more mysterious to intrigue everyone.

"As Saya said, his father is a candidate for cabinet minister so his father has a big power. With his father's influence, he can commit any crime he want. That is what I want to say from the begin. I even heard that Shido sensei raped a student in out school"

That was also a lie.

"He used his father's influence to erase all his crime. He fucked that girl until she quit that school and no one know about her after that"

I tried to fabricate his father is a corrupt official. Why I do so. Simple put, mostly everyone hates politician especially corrupt official. What they only do is 'talk no action'. Even I also hate them. It's not a popular idea, it's my idea. I have a phase for them "a dog only bark no bite". I know out there still have genuine official but that is a small part of them.

"Shidou sensei mustn't be our leader because he killed a student and even his father killed his wife. I want you to think about this deeply. Why we allow an incompetent person to be our leader" I talked with serious tone.

"Jean, shut your …" Shido sensei looked at me with threaten gaze but I paid no attention to it.

I saw him as an air.

"He's selfish, dishonest, amorous. And had some weird sex cult" I spoke slowly and clearly for everyone to hear.

"Jean is lying. Don't believe at what she said." Shido sensei roared back at me.

But his voice had no influence on this bus anymore. Everyone started to ask themself that should we let him be a leader.

"Like what sensei said, she is lying"

'Tsk, her again.'

"Sensei promised creating a peaceful world and you are the hindrance to make his promise come true" that bitch added.

"A peaceful world from this guy" I said with a surprised voice.

"Yes, as a teacher and good citizen. I have responsibility to create a paradise for everyone" Shido tried to turn table with this remark.

"How's hilarious" I grinned and shook my head at her remark.

"Listen here orangy hair girl. A peaceful world from this guy isn't a good thing as you think. Judging from his weird sex cult and treating woman unfairly. I assume his peaceful world would be full of sex."

"And you, did you throw a brain for a dog to eat? This is a simple fact." I ridiculed at her IQ.

"Look out the window, can you see where is the peaceful world now"

Everyone knew that even they don't watch, there was no peaceful world out there anymore.

"Finally,at least you can realize your situation. I could see that there are a lot of smoke, fire and zombies are wandering on the street."

"I know what are you thinking. Because I also the same with you. Just a hour ago, we still studied and now we are here watching apocalypse"

"Apocalypse isn't a good sight, is it?"

"The truth always hurts but we must accept it not running from it. Running from it not an option". I said in melancholic voice.

"Jean, you impudent student. You should know your place. In here, I'm your teacher." now he really exploded. His usual smile was no longer on his face.

While I was immersed in my memory, it was unknown voice that waked me up to the reality.

"I think she is right"

"Shido sensei isn't suitable to become leader and I also realize that his promise may be fake " I was taken back by the voice at the back row.

'Nailed it. I succeed deceiving them' I was happy back since my efforts wasn't useless.

I still remembered the purpose I had to do this from beginning.

'For revenge'

"Indeed. Can I ask what your name" I expressed my affable manner.

"My name is Yamada. Then who should be our leader" it was a lame boy but fine. I will use every thing I have.

"For now, I nominate Saya or Miss Shizuka. Although they are both woman, they can take good care of us." I suggested those people.

Saya and Shizuka looked at me with confused and surprised eyes.

If I nominate myself a leader, I will be picked by Shido sensei again.

I must dodge this bullet so I nominate other people except me. So far I only see two of them have good personality and performance.

"They can't be our leader. I'm the only one who have most experience in this area." Shido sensei denied strongly at my suggestion.

"No, I think she's right. I also want them to our leader" Yamada expressed his thought.

I heaved a sign of relief.

'In your face, mother fucker' I yelled happily inside my brain.

I realized the situation was somewhat advantageous to me.

Then he changed seat from back row to front row.

"Sorry, I just wake up from my disillusioned hope"

"It's nice to hear that, Yamada" I shook his hand and spoke with friendly voice.

While inside me is shouting 'Hell yeah, you see what I have done. Loser' and making a guts pose.

"I would like to ask you. Can we trust at you" It's now two girls asking me.

I snapped inwardly.

"Yeah, you can trust at us rather than a guy with weird sex cult"

'To be honest, I don't know.'

'It's just a moment ago, I was transmigrated here without knowing what is going on'

"Can I ask your name?" I showed them a caring manner.

"Mine is Kawamoto and here is Taniuchi"

"I also think Shido sensei is a bad person now"

"You are welcome Kawamoto and Taniuchi"

The results was I persuaded 3 people into this group. And the rest still showed some hesitation.

But I assured that Shido's group almost break after this because of all my bullshit lies.

That is how we ruin one's reputation.

"You bitch" Tsunoda growled on the ground. I could see his mouth was bleeding.

"he is …"

"Don't mind about him. He's fine" I changed the topic while maintaining poker face.

"You break my teeth"

"Shesh, don't be such a baby. They will grow back" I showed him my mother aura although I have never been a mother before.

"No, they won't" I muttered in my mouth.

So far Shido group only have 5 people. His group included Koichi Shido, a bitch, a punching bag, a boy hiding behind a seat all time and a plain guy who always claps hand.

It was my win situation for now. I had succeeded turning him into a ghost figure in this bus and created a conflict in his group.

He wouldn't bother me for a while.

I could see he threatened me with his domineering aura but why I should care. If he wants, I can give him a good beat.

From now on, I should pay a special attention at him. Only when I truly kick him out of bus can I relax myself in this chaotic and messy world. The world where is full of zombies and bandits … Maybe in future.