Struggle against the dead 2

Takagi's estate, 5:23 AM

"Sir. We are almost out of ammo and dynamite"

"How many are there left"

"Roughly 500 ammo and 5 dynamites, sir"

"I see. Continuing throwing molotov cocktail" Souichiro commanded.

"Yes …"

"Ah ah ah … " Their conversation was abruptly cut off by a scream that resonated through the air.

"No no no. It can't be true" It's from a office man who was holding his bloody arm. Undoubtedly, anyone watched this all had one thought. That's this man was bitten by zombie.

"That's right. This is not true. I'm just having sleep in my office. There is no way zombie was existed. This is just a dream" this man stammered.

As if not letting this man dream anymore, one zombie grabbed his arm and bit it. Its teeth stabbed deeply into his arm. Despite this painful moment, that man didn't feel anything. Opposite to this, office man was even smiling cheerful than before.

"It's just a nightmare. When I feel pain enough, I will surely wake up" that man started hypnotizing himself. Soon, other zombie grabbed other part of him and started eating like buffet. The blood stained the ground with red.

Witnessing this bloody scene, the rest of survivors can't bear with it and started shivering. Their fear is back. In survivor's eyes, it seemed like this is the end for them. This scene, absolutely, causes negative impact for them.

"AHAHAH. I can't bear with this. There is no way I am dying here" very soon, a first person was influenced by this. That man is fat and almost bald. He was scratching his hair very hard that his head was now completely bald.

"I'm outta here" Immediately, he ran away. Some survivors seemed to reconsider again. Is this a reason for them to die for?

"I'm also out of here"

"There is no way this is my place to die"

People were in a serious panic. The left front was several weakened as a result of this. Zombies were able to quickly get past the left defense putting the middle and right fronts was in state of danger.

Those escapees were running with all their might toward mansion. While they were running, they were interfered by Souichiro's loyal subordinate, named Yoshioka.

"Back to work"

"No way, we are fighting to death because of your fault" the fat man took an initiative against him.

"Our fault" Yoshioka replied with an annoying tone.

"Yes, it's your fault that zombies can enter here. We are just an innocent citizen involving in your failure." The fat man wasn't back down before the cold aura.

"Innocence. Ridiculous. No one is a saint here. Your action have involved 50 lives. Because of your greed that the front line was broken. And now zombies were unstoppable"

"You're just being ridiculous. You want us go to dead place that you placed before front line" the fat man was hidden behind a woman, peaking only his head.

"I don't know if it is a dead place or not. Once we fail, we will become the meat for those cannibals." Yoshioka glared at him.

"You know nothing." he shouted angrily.

"You're just a fool running away danger. Have you ever considered how will we live if zombies invade this mansion." Yoshioka snarled.

The communication between them already attracted those at front line. This is no longer a normal dispute anymore, this thing will affect everyone's mood here.

If the guard allowed him to escape peacefully, everyone will follow his step. So by no mean, no one was allowed to escape. However the barrier was already tore down, they are now fighting equally with zombies.

The benefit of 1 vs 100 was already disappeared. The survivors will be easily crushed by overwhelmed number.

From afar, Souichiro was looking with stern expression.

"It seems like the situation have escalated into the worst." He mumbled.

"Everyone, retreated. Now or never" Saya's roared with all his might.

"And you, my daughter, go back. Me and your mother will hold them back"

"Father" Saya said with caring voice.

"Go. I will go with you"

"Let go now. Saya" Rei tugged Saya's hand.

"I will watch your back" Takashi said while reloading his shotgun.

"Load your gun and prepare to fire in one wave" Saya's father said while killing 4 zombies approaching them.

"Ready" he raised his arm as a sign of stop.

Without people holding, the zombies were freely entering. Those cannibals were walking towards Saya's father and his subordinates who were holding with guns.

The moment zombies entered the dead zone. Immediately, a fierce roar was reverberating.


With that, roughly 500 ammo was all spent for this retreat. Zombies were collapsed one after another.

"That's scary" Takashi commented.

"Are you okay" Saeko asked.

"I'm okay. I just wonder my first choice is correct" Saya was borrowing Saeko's shoulder to walk.

"Maybe yes maybe no. No one know the answer"

"If that so then I have no complain."

"We need to move fast. They are coming" Rei urged them.


While they were moving, Saya muttered in low voice that even Saeko next to her can't hear it.

"Where are you now, Jean"

At same time, Taniuchi and Kawamoto approached Saya's father who was commanding his soldiers and was ready to make a sacrifice in order to buy his daughter more time.

"Sir, can we have a word" Taniuchi looked at him with guilty eyes.

"Talk fast"

"I propose that we will stall time for you" Kawamoto said.

"Do you want to die soon"

"No sir. It's just we want to repent our sin by saving Jean's friend"

"We have done a lot stupid thing so that is why we want to prove that we are at least we are helpful" Taniuchi and Kawamoto grabbed each other hand.

"You have something to protect so leave the rest to us" Taniuchi and Kawamoto both begged Souichiro to pass this heavy responsibility.

"Very well, we leave the rest to you and take this" Saya's father handed over 2 dynamites.

"Use it wisely"

"Yes and we need to transport our word that we are grateful to be save her"

Souichiro just looked at them and finally gave in.

"I will transfer this without a doubt"

"Then we have no regret"

With this parting, Souichiro led his men to retreat. While running, he stopped.

"Why you two do this?" he questioned.

"Because we believe in miracles" they both affirmed.

"If that so" Seeming him accept this kind of answer, they both looked at each other for last time.

"I swear to see you again if there is an afterlife."

"Me too"

They both grinned as they lit the fuse on fire.

Zombie hordes soon poured onto them. The device detonated as soon as the zombie bit them.

People inside and outside were startled as a loud noise suddenly burst from behind.


The sound of keyboard was reverberating in the dark mixing with the sound of battering door.

The silhouette was sketching towards the door. The only light in this place is the light of laptop and the light of armor.

"Come on. 91% already. I need more time"

Suddenly, an arm pierced through door. I turned slowly.

"Oh jesus."

Immediately, another arm sprouted on the door.

"What I have expected. This place is old so of course the metal was eroded to some degree"

I was watching the screen in trepidation.

"92%. Come on. Only 8% left. Why you run like turtle" I slammed the table.


The door was blown half open revealing the naked zombie.

As soon as zombie was revealed, the gun roared which blew its brain.

"Get out of my sight. You disgusting thing" I pumped the shotgun.

This zombie was killed. Another zombie inserted its head through the gap.

Without waiting for them to come close, I shot their brain.

"Bang … Bang"

"Quadra kill" I blew the muzzle.

After hearing the sound, zombies became more fierce. Now they were battering the door like a mad dog.

"Come on. Quick reloading" I cried while looking at the screen which showed 96%.

"Just wait you all b*tch. The moment It completes download. I will let you kiss cold metal"

Suddenly, a sound rang out. I looked at the laptop.

[Unknown error occur]

"I hate my life" I quickly sat on chair and started repairing.

The banging on the door bonus with error made me very crazy.

"Why you appear now not appear before" I cursed at laptop.

Nonetheless, I still tried to fix it. I tried my best to contain my anger or else I will punch through the screen.



Not having time to celebrate, the door was blown open. Some zombies fell because of those junk parts.


The zombies were approaching me but I was faster. I ran towards the armor that I poured many effort and sweat to make. At the moment, I felt time was slow down strangely. I can feel zombies were behind me including their breath, their footstep. Before they grabbed me, I jumped into the suit.

I closed the armor and started to operate it.

"This time. I will surely make you all pay the price for scaring me"


"Masters. Zombies are now surrounding up." the servant talked to Souichiro and his wife.

"I can see it"

Although the yard was large, it was now filled with zombies without letting any gaps. Even a mouse is hard to pass this.

"Gentle man. It's my honor to have you as subordinate"

"You have accompanied me all the years. Even the door of the death was near. You are still following me until the end"

"I want to say that you are all great people. Thank for following. As this is may last order. Do you still want to follow to the bitter end"

Immediately to response his feeling, his subordinate let out battle cry. Opposite to this cheer, the rest were covered with gloomy mood. After all, they knew this is the end for them. To be isolated in the mansion maybe even worse than being eaten by zombies. The mind is adult so of course they will know how scary will be no food and surrounded by zombies.

They're fear whether they can maintain this sanity or turn into the wild beast to overcome this predicament.

"Saya, father and my companion will open way for you to escape. Take that moment to run away, don't look back." Souichiro said with serious tone to his daughter.

"I understand father"


Souichiro looked at sad daughter from behind.

"Is this good for daughter" His wife asked

"All thing is for our daughter's sake"

"What is the plan?"

"I will use dynamite to lure them into this mansion creating time for to escape. After all, our daughter confirms that zombie was attracted by sound"

"Indeed, our daughter is best"

"Then let's start now".

With that, he and his wife came to the front door with their comrades.

"I count from 1 to 3 and you throw all dynamite"

"Yes sir"


Everyone was clenching their weapon.


Their eyes stared at the door. Those carrying dynamite started incinerating the fuse.


The door was blasted open. Everyone hurled explosives while the others would stay inside to defend.

Unbeknown to them, the majority of zombies were already attracted by other thing.

His men find it hard to believe what is happening before their eyes.

There is a monster truck was mercilessly running over the corpse.

The truck was rampaging with uncontrollable speed and horns.

It spanned widely before colliding with the wall and turning over.

The engine was overload and started catching fire.

The vehicle detonated when the fire quickly spread to the tank.

No one believes that there is still a person choosing their own death like this.

The fire cast a silhouette in front of their mesmerizing eyes. From the silhouette's shadow, it appeared to be a warrior using two swords to slay a zombie.

The shadow started moving in their direction. Everyone was watching with bated-breath.

A samurai stepped out but this samurai looked like from science-fiction movie. The costume had a brilliant stripe on it and was made of cold metal. The unidentified person has two swords for cutting down zombies.

"I apologize for being late. Do I overlook something crucial?" a voice rang out. Some people felt this voice somewhat strange but no one they knew came up in their mind.

Excepting Souichiro and Saya, they knew who is this person.

"Jean" they both yelled.