Sleepless night 3

Koichi Shido hiding place.

"Sir. Everything is perfect. We wait to hear your next command."

"Excellent. Now you can go" Shido said.

"Yes. Sir. High priest." after hearing, they turned to leave.

Closing the door, only Shido remained in this place. In the darkness, the only light in this place is from candle. He kept facing the desk.

"everything's fine" muttering in low volume, he slammed on the table.

"hahahaha" he laughed in mouth.

"HAHAHAHA" now he burst out loud. He laughed maniac like Joker in DC.

"Everything is perfect. Not seeing those annoying face, I feel refreshed"

"I have everything now. Nothing can stop me from stepping onto the road to glory."

"Now it's perfect time to repay all humiliation that those bitch made."

He picked the pen up and wrote on blank paper.

"First it's Rei Miyamoto and her family. If this were like the past, I could only harsh Rei but couldn't do anything to her family. All of this because of her father." the pen was broken in his hand

"Calm down. I have time to do this. Let's take it slowly."

"Next is Takashi Komuro. He is Rei's boyfriend."

"I guess it will be pleasant if I throw him into horde of zombie while Rei witness."

"Just image it. I can't conceal my excitement" Shido hugged himself. Rubbing his arm with each time image that scene.

"Heaven must bless me that it give me this opportunity."

"Those 2 people will be my main dish but first"

"Let's start with Jean." he ripped the paper into thousand piece.

"This bitch. Dare to disrespect me. Each time meeting her. I couldn't hold my anger with each time thinking her" he gnashed his teeth in frustration.

"Let's aim her first." he cleared the throat. Reaching his hand for the bell, he rang it.

*Clenk Clenk*

The sound reverberated through the hall. No respond was replied.

He rang the bell one more time but no one can.

*Bam* his fist punched the table.

"Those impudent. Where are they when I need them."

*Creak* immediately, he turned back.

"What the fuck are you …" he stopped in middle.

Because the person stood before him is not familiar.

"Who are you" Shido said.

"Hah. Obviously not you subordinate." that figure said. Throwing the bisected head next to Koichi.

After saying that, that person stepped out darkness illuminated by the light of candle. Revealing that it is an armor. To be more detail, a modern combatant suit with blood splattered on it.

"Why did you get here? Where the other"

"They are your subordinate, right. If that so then I would like to say a bad new that they're all dead."

"Impossible. You monster. They are just innocent citizen." this new dumbfounded him.

"They. From my eyes. They are not. They are already corrupted by their own desire." that figure drew a gun aiming at Shido.

"You want to kill me, right"

"Yes. After watching your achievement, I believe you should be eliminated soon. You cause many people broken" that guy stepped forwards. Each step made the ground shock.

"What. I believe they are saved from the suffer, grievance. Why the fuck are you saying that to me." he stepped backward in fear.

"Save. You call those people were saved. How hilarious."

"I am the messenger of god will. They call me a high priest. They know me and respect me.They thank me everyday. Not like you. Unnamed clown." he swung his hand to chase that strange guy away like some wild animal.

"Unnamed clown. Sound right to me" that guy stopped advancing.

"But at least, I believe I more better than all of you."

"My common sense is not broken like all you. You used sex to suppress fear and took control those people. How cute. Don't know why this works." that man shrugged the shoulders

"You don't see people out there. They are truly happy."

"Of course they are happy. They let lower part take control instead of their brain which store all knowledge. They should be in heaven right now."

"They play 2 person, 3 person and even 4 person. Male vs female, male vs male, female vs female. To be honest, you can convince them to do that is really incredible. I admit that."

"And that is the main reason why you need to death." that man cocked his gun.

"Any last word." the muzzle was aimed at him.

"NO no no …" Shido muttered.

"You can't do that." he roared out.

"Are you despair too much that born delusion?"

"You can't. Why. Because I am the saviour who save people from the mire of despair. I am the best leader who lead people a right path. And ultimately. A god who." he stepped forwards with each word while preaching to that man.


"This … what is this red thing? It come from my body." Shido looked down at his body still confusing.

"My leg. Ahah. My leg. You heinous. ahah" he hugging his wounded leg.

"Seeing you are still dreaming so I wake you up. How do you feel? Do you become more sober than before."

"Ahah. My leg … is so hurt." he glared in anger.

"Thank for comment. Shido-sensei."

Hearing this, Shido looked at the person standing before in shocked.

"Where. No why did you know my name? My name is as scarce as national secret." he was now shivering in fear.

"You overvalued yourself. Guess who is this. Let me give you a hint. The person humiliate you two time."

"Humiliate. No, it can't be"

"Yes, it is and who is that."

"Jean Sophia."

"Correct. Good to know that you remember me. Look. You even plan to kill me in advance. We are similar excepting that I am going to kill you now." I swayed the paper before him.

"Let me read this for you. Must kill list. Wow. You have your own death note. Wonderful. I must copy this from you."

"Rei Miyamoto. You must be hated her so much. Next is Takashi Komuro. And next is me. You place me in third. You are disappointing me. You place me in 3rd while I place you in 1st ."

"You are misunderstanding. I am going to save you in future." he crawled backwards.

"Please. You are disgusting me. Anyway back to topic." I pointed the gun at him again.

"You know I could shot you in your head but I change my mind"

"So you want a quick death or slow death."

"I choose neither of them"


"Ah what's wrong with you."

"Mate. Since you don't choose, I choose for you. Don't need to thank me."

"You motherf*cker"

"Move to next choice. Your shoulder. Which side do you want?"


"What say out loud."

"Left" he shouted out.


"God. That is my right."

"Sorry. I thought you told my left. Let me fix this."


"There. Your left."

"Ahahah. you" he cried in pain.

"Don't thank me. Thank this Mr. Gun. He do his job well."

"Hahaha" unexpectedly he laughed while holding his wound. I was confused by his action.

'Does he love to copper candy?' I thought.

"What are you laughing at?" I asked.

"I laugh because you are going to die"



A sound of something hit behind me. Luckily, I still wore armor. I hold the steel bar and turned back to see the culprit.

"You should have run"


"Well. Not all of them die so forget this."

"Let end this soon." I aimed at Shido's head. This time I don't want to toy anymore.

"Before you are dead, I want to say one thing. You have a great talent but your personality is trash."

"No no no" he crawled faster backwards.

"You make me a little jealous. You can make people respect you and be loyal to you. While me can't do that."

"There is no way I am dying in here" before the door of dead, he mustered all his last strength to run. Despite his deep wound, his ambition to live is still big.

A gun sound rang out. Shido felt a searing pain from behind. Rolling down on the ground, he stopped until crashing the table. He used his arm to hold himself. He held the face desk but his wound make it impossible. In the end, he lost balance pulling everything on table. The candle was fell because of this.

"You should have sat still so that you can have quick death but now the bullet stuck in your bone beneath your heart."

"I am not a doctor but I once read human anatomy. I can tell that you have 20 minutes more to live before die so cherish your last time. I'm out of here."

The candle rolled on the ground until it hit the table. The fire is still on candle even though it fell from that high. Its fire tough the table burning it. The fire quickly spread area.

"Look. You even set your own cremation. Wonderful. Goodbye Shido-sensei." I turned back and left the scene.

Leaving the Shido-sensei behind with roaring fire.

"Man. What's a wonderful death"