
In the lively city, there was a consecutive thundering sounds.

"You can hear that." Mob 1 said.

"Clear and sound. According to police, it must be Raijin." Mob 2 replied.

"Are you sure? There is no lightening."

"I don't care it's true or not. I only care there is a demon out there. Each time that sounds appear. Police always find a trace of fighting."

"Do they have a conflict of territory?"

"Maybe but human like us can't handle this. Speaking of devil, Police come"

"What can they do beside clearing? Waste of our money."

"At least. They do their job properly"

"By the way, I'm also curious how that demon look like. Do you want" Mob 2 communicated with eyes.

"See it. No. I still love my life. There always have victims when this sound happens."

"Come on. We are the man. Maybe we can kill them in row."

"Dream. Even if we kill them, do those police allow us to leave this trouble."

"Probably not."

"Since you know the answer. We will go home."

"Attention. There is a murder in this area. Please go home and lock the door. Don't go outside during this time." A police said with siren.

After hearing this, a bunch of crowd muttered.

"You hear that. Another people die."

"How horrible. Hope them catch murder soon."

"Rest assurance. They say they will succeed this time."

"How do you know?"

"He told me this" pointing at police holding siren, the mood of people relaxed. This time they can sleep in peace.


In dark alley.

"Stand right there. I promise that I won't hurt you."

"Like hell that I believe your bullshit. You kill my other brothers. What is the different from hurt and death." a demon said.

"You misunderstand. I send them to hell so that they can redeem and become better version. Just stand there, I will make it quick" I reloaded the shotgun.

"You lunatic." demon ignored my words continuing running for his life.

"You are being so fast. Slow down" aiming the gun at his leg, I fired.

Seeing the gun, his fear rose. Without thinking, he hired behind the structure to block bullet.

"Damn it. Why you not die for me." seeing that I missed the shot, I cursed him.

"Tsk" he gave me a glare then dashed into darkness.

"Wait for me, friend." I sped up to catch up with him.

After hour of chasing, he led me to abandoned storage.

"Friend. Are you there? Cause your best friend and your second best friend also here." I cocked a gun while observing surround.

What I see is darkness and darkness.

'In that case, what you need to do.' I racked my brain.

"If I'm not wrong, among breath of water, he taught me how to sense the presence with this skill" an idea appeared in my head.

"Let's see. Focus." I imagined a tranquil surface of ocean. Suddenly, in my imagination, a surface of ocean shook violently.

"Right there" I shot at the direction that I felt according to my instinct.

Immediately, a group of rat ran away.

"Look like I have to try harder. Focus again. Looking for bigger target" a image came back in my head.

While I was immersing myself, a door behind was automatically closed.

"I hope this is not a horror movie which all characters die in despair."

Even so, I still moved forwards while using breath of water to detect enemy.

In the middle of deadly silence, I tried my best to perfect breath of water. When cornered, my talent will be explored.

In my image, the surface vibrated again. When I opened my eyes, the demon that I chased was in front of me.

"So close." I drew my sword and slashed towards it. However, he used advantage of darkness to dodge my attack. When I was aware the situation, he already appeared behind me while I have a cut on chest.

"It hurt badly. Bastard."

"You hurt. I'm happy" he blended into darkness again.

"What's a wimp. Let's hone my skill again." deep inside me know that I must perfect breath of water so that I can kill higher demon. This is just a small fry who I can kill with gun. However, I'm not doing so. After arriving this world, I realized that I'm too depending on gun. What if I meet invincible entity in next world. Then it will be my death.

"Don't be hasty. What's common between first and second time" I racked my brain to find the answer. The answer to make a breakthrough.

He kept making sound surrounding me as if he assessed situation or made me lose focus.

There is even no light in this place. To put it in simply, I was not different from blind. I can only count on my hearing and sensing skill.

He wasn't blind to see what I was doing. Immediately, he launched another attack with aiming at my ribs.


I can hear my broken bone sound. I attacked him in return but fail.

"Look at you. Trying your best to entertain me. I'm amused now." he roasted me but I don't care.

"What's a key. Tranquil like a lake and violent like a tsunami." I muttered

"You're boring. I will end your life at this place." his speed was increasing several level.

Although he will kill me this time, I still bet my life on this. My mind is still clean and tranquil like a water.

A big sound exploded behind me.

"This is your end."

A lake suddenly vibrated in my mind. I slashed the sword. His fist and my sword met each other.

His fist landed on my shoulder. My shoulder was broken again.

"You still have strength to resist. I'm impressive but you miss that attack." he laughed maniac behind me.

"You say I'm missed"

"That's right. Next will be your death." listening him talking, I laughed.

"Funny. I don't know you have a sense of humor"

"What are you saying" he stepped forwards but he found that he can't.

"Why I can't move. You. What did you do."

"Breath of water: water wheel."

"What did you say."

"You have already dead"

"Nani" A cut appeared from his head to his crotch. His body was bisected into 2 parts. He couldn't even scream before his death. His body fell to the ground. Blood splashed on surround.

"Thank to you that I realize what I was lacking."

A sound of applaud rang out.

"Bravo. Bravo. You have shown us a fancy show." behind me, there is another present.

"Who are you." I was just getting my confidence back but why you crushed my confidence mercilessly like this.

"I'm the boss of this place. You have killed many brothers and sisters. I'm planning to kill you here but I change my mind."

He offered his hand and slashed his own arm. A cut appeared on his wrist.

"Obey and death. What do you choose?" immediately, countless shadow appeared behind him.

They were all demons.

"Come on, bro. This is not opera. Why you let me choose." I scratched my hair.

"Because I like so. Choose wisely."

"Okay then. I will choose option number 3."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean like this" I drew my demon hunter X-1 and quickly shot at him. His head was exploded into countless piece.

"F*ck. That girl kill our leader."

"Let kill her"

A consecutive sound of firing reverberated the storage. After 10 minutes, it went quiet.

The door of storage was opened and the light of moon illuminated inside the storage. Blood and blood everywhere.

"Dare to mess me. You don't stand a chance. Only me have that right."

"Freeze. Raise your hand where I can see." a sudden voice interfered.

Many light was converging on me.

"We caught a murder."

In case like this, I had only one choice. I put my gun down and knelt on the ground.

"I'm innocent"