A man named Muzan

"This trip harvest many good thing." I was smiling brightly while carrying a big device on my back.

The day like this I was waiting for so long.

Walking on the street, I talked to myself. "The competition finally bears some result." A voice was full of happiness.

"As expected those scientists, they successful create something that I long for."

That right, they created artifact sun light. At least, that is theory. They tested with plant, water, glass with physics. I only gave them a guide and they do rest.

"I can't wait to test them." I hummed my favorite tone on asakura's street in Tokyo.

"Since I work hard, why don't I relax for a bit." I observed around the popular and dense people walking lively on the street. There are many staffs selling accessories, food, drink,…

"I will eat to full fill"eating was one of my favorite habit.

"Greeting costumer. What do you need?"

"One take away, boss. Size big."

"Right away. One for beautiful lady."


After waiting for a while, he gave me a big packet of tayoyaki.

"Food's done. Next is beautiful scene." I searched surround.

"I guess this is enough" I was on famous city so of course, it was beautiful than other city.

"Speaking of this, this is my first time that I traveled into ancient city. How unique."

"There is noise and bustle of city. Never rest city. Happy and excitement mixed into melody of lively people in here. Also there is a scream too. They must be excited." Yes, I do hear a scream reverberating through the air. It should be near.

"Someone is injured"

"Should we interfere."

"No, polices are coming. Let them solve this."

They didn't want to involve something like this.

"It looks like a fight happen." I thought. "Let go find out who has that gut" and also curiosity.

I followed along the scream to trace a brawl. When I arrived, I found a man pinning the woman down.

"This flow. His breath. All indicating that he is a demon." I stuffed one tayoyaki into my mouth.

Facing this situation, I can't kill him. However, something bothered me most is that he is a new born demon which means he just get infected recently.

I looked around to inspect the panic crowd. According to my understanding, only demon dared to live in big city like this. This also means I got involved into big trouble.

Now I had 2 choice. One is help this lady. Two is trying to find the culprit.

Of course, I chose option number 2. Remember this is a newborn demon, that means the culprit was near here. He observed somewhere. I don't want to reveal my identity as demon hunter before him. Cause it will lead me to bad situation. Even worse. Death.

It's easy to detect the suspicious cause normal people all wore same expression. Fear and panic. Also hesitation.

I tried my best to maintain fear on my face so that I can detect in peace. After a while, I detected abnormal person. He looked like a husband to that lady and a father to that daughter. His eyes. Belongs to serial killer.

To make sure, I used breath technique. As expected, he is a demon. And also in my expectation, he is a strong one. One that I never win no matter what.

He turned his eyes towards me. I immediately averted my eyes looking at 2 people struggle.

"Why police is so long. She is bitten by a mad man."

"Why don't you help her."

"I'm afraid of him"

I could hear clearly they were discussing whether to save or not. If that guy weren't there, I would save her for sure.

He seemed like he was staring at his natural nemesis.

Suddenly, a boy pulled the man off lady. I knew him. He was the one saving me in test. His name was Tanjiro Kamado. He is a very talent young one.

I couldn't hear him clearly but he looked very pity for the man that he pinned down. When I looked back to the suspicious, that guy's eyes indeed changed to the fiery beast.

"His eyes alone can freeze me. That guy maybe a demon king." I assumed. I once lived in dangerous world and dangerous situation so my intuition was very sharp.

He talked something to lady seemed like his wife and then he turned to leave. I had witnessed a great wonder. Does demon and human do it creating baby human not demon or half demon? What kind of this gene.

Looking his leaving, I followed him.

"Sorry boy. I need to aim at bigger predator." I looked at Tanjiro who struggled to pin a demon down.

I followed his every movement.

I observed him leading daughter and mother out of danger area. He said goodbye to pair of mother and daughter who were leaving in the car.

"Not only strong but also rich." car in this age is very expensive. Only the rich can afford it.

I watched him walking into alley. On his way, he bumped into 2 thugs and a woman. They were shouting at him.

"They are dead for sure." although I felt pity for them, at least they arrived at best time. I want to measure and analyze him so that I can decide kill him or not. Look like a looking drunk guy started to make fuss.

He punched the drunk guy.

He fell to the wall beside. And a big guy confronted him.

I stood on a building so I can assess all of details but I can be sure that drunk guy was dead. That big guy's fate will be the same.

As expected, he kicked the big guy to the sky.

"That's 2 kills. As if slaughter chicken" I grasped some of his power.

He stabbed a woman's head who was really terrifying. A woman's body started to swollen and rotten. In the end, she was reduced to dust.

He flipped the fingers. Immediately, 2 demons appeared from the shadow. He seemed like to pass some mission to them. Like a master and slave, they immediately obeyed and departed.

"Shesh. I run into big trouble" I looked through monocular. I was observing from the high ground but suddenly, he turned his face towards me.

"Holy sh*t. He found me" without hesitation, I started to run. I jumped from this building to another building entering someone's house to hide. When I looked back my old position, he was right there.

"That was close one." I heaved a sign of relief. His search wasn't last long.

His boring was written on his face. Not long after that, he left.

"He is a dangerous one. He must be Muzan." Muzan. A name of person that I laid my eyes on his information at first glance. He was described as the original of demon. Result like this was the consequence of an incomplete drug.

I didn't believe that drug can turn human to monster but now I believe it. This world had unique talent people. It's a pity that doctor was killed in the end.

"Look like those 2 demons were on some kind of mission." I remembered those 2 demon face.

"Let's trace them and kill them." I decided to kill small fry first.

"So where are they now."

"Father. There is an intruder" a child's voice rang out.

"Stay away from my daughter and get out of my house now" a beard man entered with a gun on his hand.

"Whoa. Whoa. Calm down. We can talk. Don't turn this into big trouble."

"Never bargain to the thief." he pulled the trigger and I tackled him directing the muzzle to the roof.

"I say calm down. We can talk" I whispered next to his ears. He resisted my block technique.

"Darling. What's wrong."

"Honey. Call …" I knocked out him with gun stock.

"How dare you." she charged at me but was pushed to the side my me.

"Father. There is an intruder and she is hurting my husband." she screamed out while I put the man in my hand down.

"Where is the intruder. Let me handle it" an old man with gray hair appeared at the door. Although he was old, his body belonged to the young.

He charged at me but was knocked out by me.

"You monster. Grandfather. There is an intruder."

"Where. Let me deal with it." an elder appeared at the door again.

He charged at me with the cane on his hand but was knocked out by me again.

"You disrespect to the old. You impudent. Great grandfather. Someone bullies your favorite grandchildren."

"What are you saying?" an older man appeared at the door.

"Great grandfather. She want to hit me."

"How dare you touch my grandchild" he charged at me with a speed that didn't belong to old man.

However, he was still knocked out by me.

"Great great grandfather."

Immediately, a wall was shot on the other side.

"Don't interrupt my sleep time. That is my rule"

"I'm vert sorry Great great grandfather but she want to steal out asset." she pointed at me with crying face.

"How dare you. Only me was allowed to steal in this house. Get out of my house" he shot with his gun but missed.

"Great great grandfather. You are nearly killing me."


Seeing them having dispute, I took advantage and knocked both of them.

Watching those people lying on the ground, I shook my head in empathy.

"Look like I beat 4 generation."

Suddenly, a cold voice machine rang out.

[Achievement: beat 4 generation.]


[You receive 2 points.]

"Heh. That's pretty good."