Test subject

After the conversation with Yamato, I collected a lot of useful information. Like Wisteria Flower. Somehow it's very poisonous to demon. Which means I can create strong poison from it. I also did some research why it's lethal to demon and I didn't find anything. My skill is so bad. Look like my road to amazing scientist is still too far.

"Relieve me, human. I promise I won't hurt any innocent people."

"Yes. We have discussed and promised to the god that we don't harm anything even small creature."

"Believe us. If we breach our promise, we will be punished by god of thunder."

I was in underground base. Currently conducting some test. And those demons were imprisoned behind steel bar. A very strong cell that even demon can't break it.

A bunch of demon united to persuade me. Such a touch scene but.

"Like hell I would believe in your blatant lie." It's effective only when I was 4 years old.

"Trust us. God is testimony our oath. God is invincible and fair. Of course, he will punish us if we breach our oath."

"God. Funny." I smirked at those demon's IQ.

"You will face your retribution if you don't release us." a demon smiled evil in the dark.

I picked up his file. It said his nick name is Thousand face. He skinned human's skin face and wore it himself. As for his original face, for some reason, he ripped his own face off. After that, he started to wore skin that only from handsome boy or famous actor. He was a menacing of night town. At least, to normal human. Many beautiful and young woman was killed by him. Polices also died under his hand.

"It's funny. The handsome butcher. You even tried to deceive by me back there. You failure. You must be emotion damage" Only 2 words for him back there. STU_PID.

His face was frown after hearing this. But he recovered his compose shortly after that.

"Darling. Please don't do this. I really like you to the core. Your soul. Your smell" he said while wearing other people's skin. This made me want to vomit.


"Please. For our sake and your sake, I had freedom and you avoid retribution." he showed his pathetic face to me.

"Hear what he says. Release me."

"Release me"

"Release me"

Demon after demon followed this trend. Thousand face smiled even more beaming. It wasn't hard to guess he started this trend.

"Do what we say and we promise that we don't harm you."

Just because of him that this place became noisy.

"You really want to be free, right" I asked him in polite manner while holding shaft.

"Yes. I assure you that I won't harm anyone more."

"Ask and receive." I smiled back even more beaming than him. I pulled down the shaft. A mechanical gear rang out.

The cell wasn't opened but ceiling was opened slowly.

"Way to go. Thousand face."

"Yeah, we know we can count on you"

The rest of demon yelled in happiness and excitement.

"Thank you for your compliment. I really appreciate that." he repiled to his fan. And then he turned to me.

"Thank you."

"Your welcome" I replied with poker face.

The ceiling was moved a little bit revealing a small gap. The darkroom was illuminated by sun light through that gap..

"No no no." his instinction started to yell at him.

"Be free and sway along the wind. Like a bird. Or ash." I held popcorn watching he was melting in cage.

"You can't do that. That thing will kill me." he tried to stretch his arm to me.

"You deeply want to be released and so, I do as what you say. It's just this time is morning. Your timing is very bad. You know."

"No. Make it back."

"Make what."

"Make the ceiling. Close again."

"Nope" I threw popcorn into my mouth.

"You bitch. Do as I say or else I won't give you any damn mercy?" he threatened me.

"Why I need your mercy but in fact, it was you who very in need of my mercy." I smirked at his angry face.

"Your family will be dead. Your descendant will face a suffered life." he let out rude words.

"My family are all dead and I think I won't have descandant. At least, for now." his face was even more panic when the light coming near him.

"My god will kill you. He will find you no matter where you hide. He will eventually find and kill you." he let this last words before terminated by sun light.

Watching him dissipated leaving no trace."Wow. Turn out stolen face also disappeared along with him. I thought he would leave stolen skin behind. Mystery solve." I took it down into my notebook.

"God. That's the funniest thing that I have heard. You hear what I say" I turned to the rest of demon. They now glared at me with killing intention.

"Just make it clear. I have challenged your god. Your god will be doomed." I shouted out loudly so that even the demon imprisoned at the end of tunnel can hear.

"There is no retribution. Only winner. And that person will be me. He is a coward. He won't save you and revenge for you."

"You're dead meat."

"A mortal dare to challenge immortal"

I can hear lots of bad comment for my future.

"No matter how strong he is. He never be a god and be an eternal."

"You arrogance."

"That's right. To make my winning chance increasing, I specially come to visit all of you guys. Just to introduce this." I unveil blanket.

"What is that."

"It's so small."

"You think you can kill god with this." a demon pointed a flashlight on the table. It was big and crude. It like computer in 80s.

"No. But that thing will." I said in mysterious way. "Whatever, I want to test it first on you guys. You over there. What's your biggest sin." I pointed to the demon cower in the dark.

"Please. Don't kill me. I didn't harm any one."

"But this one says yes" I threw his file in front of his cell. It's written. Killing many children.

"Now you will be my first test." I turned on the flashlight pointing at him. The light was illuminating on the wall beside him.

"Hah. Do you think this can kill me."

"Yes. I deeply want to" I turned the flashlight.

"A toy like this dare to…" he stopped in middle. He looked into his arm and he found that his arms were burning at super speed.

"Hot… hot" he used his hand to distinguish fire but it didn't stop. He can't bear with this anymore, he moved to the darkside.

"What are your feeling? Can you tell me?" I held the pen ready to write all his word.

"You fucking bitch."

"Thank you. I will take it as surface pain. Now we move to next level" I pushed it to level 2. The light is more stronger than before.

"Ahahaha" he let out an endless scream of pain. His body started to appear some smoke "Stop stop. Please stop." he begged me to turn off the light.

"What are your feelings?"

"Stop. Don't do it anymore".

"Fine. I will write it as super pain. Next is you." I appointed demon that behind me.

"What are your feelings?" I asked. He let out many meaningless word that I can't understand.

"Aggressive. Good. That's what I want to see at you." the moment I said this, his face started to blacken.

"Level 3. let's go." I turned the machine and pushed to level 3.

He was shinned by the light. After 5 minutes, his body started to catch fire. He screamed in indescribable pain.

I turned off the light "Good. Vert good." he was burnt to the degree that his skin started to fall off.

"Level 4" he couldn't say any word to stop this.

I turned on. A miracle appeared. He was on fire right at first try. If I put in simple compare then, level 3 like clothes catch fire and level 4 like oil catch fire. He was burnt but not dead. That's strange.

"Okay. Let's stop here."

"You demon" a demon said this to me.

"If I am a demon, you must be angel."

"Heinous deed."

"Well. Look like our experiment will continue." he let out an evil smile.

"I forget to test level 5 but I will try right now. Do it kill you or not. We will find out."

I turned on the switch. Immediately, the whole base were illuminated by the bright light. No shadow was found. My eyes went blind. I started to feel dizzy on my head. All of demon were screaming.

"This is too strong." the machine started to shake violently. After that, It was exploded. Ending their torment.

"I know this will happen." I anticipated like this will happen. The machine wasn't strong enough to bear this overload.

"Great, guys. We will meet again shortly in future. Good morning, everyone." I said goodbye to them. But they don't have mood to reply.

[The result: No demon was killed. They are just in great pain] I wrote this in my notepad.

"It's very strange that this device can't kill them" I mumbled on the way to the ground.

It hurt me so much that this can't kill demon directly or else, my life in this world will be rich and easy. I gave money to those who created this machine even generous than Nobel Prize. And this machine was created by top of the top.

Just one machine can give me a lot of money. Cause I knew some strategy of marketing. Even it doesn't use to kill demon, I can still sell it well.

"Whatever. What I should test next on them. Poison. Drug. Or new grenade." I hummed the song. Holding the key, I opened the door. Bathing in the sun light, I picked the wooden sword up and started a day.