Mugan train 2

"ahahahah" I screamed out in horror. I raised my hands to touch my head.

"Ah. Oh. It's still there." there is no hole on my forehead.

"Ahahah." another scream rang out. This one even more tragic than me. I turned to that sound. I saw a teenage sitting opposite me.

"What's wrong. Meet nightmare." I said to him.

"What's kind of life did you experience?" he stuttered in panic.

"What do you mean?" my eyebrows raised while looking at his face. Trying to decipher his expression.

"There are a lot of dead people walking in your inner world."

"Dead" when hearing this, I immediately acted.

"Who are you? And what are you doing?" I drew the sword and placed it near his neck.

"Who am I. Doesn't matter. You should know that our lives is bound together" Now I noticed there was a rope binding me and him.

"Oh. Is this some kind of tradition that I don't know? However, I refuse." I brought my sword ready to cut the rope.

"It's no use. If you do that, we will be all dead." He said with a threatened voice.

"Hmm. It seems to be true." I can sense tiny demon's presence on this rope. Does this demon have this kind of perverted ability?

"So. What are you trying to do? Kill me. I don't care. I don't have any thing more to lose anymore." his tear ran down to his jaw. On his hand, he held the knife.

"You must be desperate to be deceived by that demon." I smirked at this boy. He was manipulated by demon who held responsibility for this accident.

"You don't know anything. I see them. They are there." the boy tried to explain me.

"Them." I responded to his excuse.

"My parents. I see them. I … I can see them. We are happy at there."

"If that so then your parents must be disappointed at you."

"No, they are not. Even they encourage me to kill you and go with them after that."

"Well. It's not wrong though." inspecting the rope, trying to find a way to cut it.

"Only one step. And I will reunite with them." he raised the knife intending to kill me.

"Too bad. I don't plan to die here." I dodged aside and redirected his attack to my seat. His knife stabbed into the seat.

"Since I can't kill you 100%, that means I can only kill you with 50% at best." I held tightly his throat.

"What's do you mean?" being held highly on the floor, his word wasn't clear.

"That means I beat you half dead half alive."

"You can't do that. It will inflict damage to you." he tried to break my lock.

"That's a joke. I'm going to knock out you. There is no way I spend my strength on someone like you." I smiled back.

"What." he didn't complete the sentence. His head was slammed to the ceiling at quick speed making him lose conscious.

"Job's done. Now how to solve this rope." holding the rope, I tried to think a solution. Suddenly, there was something tugging me from behind.

"Nezuko. You didn't sleep." a cute demon held my clothes.

"So are they fine?" I pointed to flame pillar and 3 demon hunters sleeping on seat.

She just shook his head to express that they weren't fine.

"Oh. So do you have any methods to solve this." I asked. Hoping she can solve this. I don't want to drag this burden along to fight demon. Of course, I can cut this but it's a risky move when I don't know it's okay.

She raised but put it down shortly after that.

"So cute." I want to pin her cheeks very much.

As if she had an idea, she came near to me and touched the rope.

"Why are you so cute?" she burned the rope with her fire. And also she burned me along the rope.

"That's fine. You are cute anyway." I still smiled even though I was on fire.

The rope was burned. I was separated from this boy.

"Ho yeah. The rope is burned. Now I can kill demon without worry." I clapped my hands. She also clapped following me.

"You stand guard and I will kill demon." opening the window, I jumped out and landed on the roof of train.

Using my ears to sense demon, I moved forwards on this high speed train.

"So you are here. Good morning by the way"

"This time is night. You color blind."

"But for me, it's a morning time. You know. Morning is a time that human work. So night is no different from morning to demon."

"Morning is morning. Night is night. There is no thing called night is morning. Except you have color blind."

"Whatever. You have just missed your golden chance to have a peaceful death" Enmu said.

"Me. No. I don't need that. Instead." I touched the handle of gun.


Taking this opportunity, I dashed towards him.

[9 form: splashing water flow turbulent]

His head was sliced into piece.

"Uhm. That's too easy." I killed him in confusion. Why he was too weak.

"Ha ha ha. What's a splendid performance there. I must give you an applause." his head talked to me. "This is" I said with surprised. Even the train was running at high speed. His head is still on the train. If it explained logically, he will fall because of pressure of wind.

"Look at your face. You should have your mirror in your pocket. You think why I don't be killed right. "

I looked at him with vigilantly. Trying to analyze the weakness.

"Cause this is no longer my body anymore. I have fused this entire train."

Nevermind, he said it.

"I guess I will attack inside." I broke the windown and entered the train.

"200 lives are in my hands, try your best to protect. Human is fragile and weak." Enmu laughed lightly in disdain. His word made me feel unsatisfied. I know most of demon had pathetic past.

"Yeah, yeah. I know. You think human are a weak species. If that so then you are correct." I replied but with the tone full of denial.

"But at least, human have something that you once discard."

"And what is that?" he asked in curiosity.

"Unity. Hatred. Vengeful. And ready to die for a good day."

"And how are those things can help human defeat demon?" he lightly laughed.

"Demon are stronger than human all aspect but they don't have cooperation. They all believe themselves are the best of the world so it's hard for them to reach a consensus."

He looked at me as if I was a clown.

"Not only that, their greed, arrogance also reach to high level. If I compare, then I give demon as individual strength while human as number strength."

"Quantity can't win quality." his corner mouth raised into smirk.

"Nature prove it win though. Like ant. No insect can win its number." My mouth raised into smile like him. After done my message, I went back into train. I need to tell them that the whole train is demon.

I ran to the cabin that had the rest of demon hunter there. The moment I came, they were already in combat with demon. Mostly, lump of meat tried to devour human and they tried their best to fend off and protect at same time.

"Guys. This train is completely a demon now. We need to head the first cabin and behead it." I slashed lump of meat trying to attack me.

"That's interesting. I will stay to protect them, you guys go ahead." Sengoku said.

"I will open the path for you." saying that, he plunged his feet into the floor. And he jumped.

"Whoa. So shock." I exclaimed.

His jump was strong enough to shake this whole train. Almost derail.

"The train has 8 cars. I will protect 5." he said and disappeared before people's eye.

"So fast and handsome. I will protect 1. You guys go and kill that outdated villain." I said. Heading to the car where I left my stuff.

"That guy actually think he can win this match. Without doubt, he will lose for sure."

Actually, I think he can kill flame pillar. We were pushed into dream without awareness. He should attack us in that vulnerable state. Not everyone can protect ourselves while sleeping. But he chose to observe.

"That guy know how to play the prey."

I ran with my whole life depend on it.

"But he didn't know that he will regret it later." before, I didn't understand why human can resist demon to this day but now I understand. Cause they don't have brain. If they have brain, they will be careful and cunning. They will have plan to execute for future. Not like this dumb head.

I could see my bag hanging on the window. Just a little more will be flying out to outside.

"4th form" I moved and slashed what is blocked my way.

Until I reached my bag, I unzipped it and took the machine out.

"Time to shine, my buddy."

I switched on. It rang out a strange sound.

Several hand formed on the wall reached out me. Under the radiant light, those hand extinguished to dust.

"Yeah. It work. It *** work. Even 1000 Muzan can't kill me now. Who is playing god now. Me. Yeah."

I danced under flashing light with various colors. This is new function that I recently added. To compete with other market, I added this for fun and making money.

It's really fun though and I made a lot of money from this.

Tool to kill demon in disguise. Those demon must be crying about this unknown new for them. This machine was sold everywhere in market.

"I'm sure you will be happy." immersing myself in my own world, wall formed several hands trying to crush the machine and other trying to eat human.

"Not on my watch." I drew sword and slashed all of them. Usually, I will use a lot of force to cut the demon's body part but now, I just swaying my hands is enough.

"Like a hot knife through butter so you don't dare to face me, right. Enmu." I looked towards certain point. Expected, he went out from there.

"How did you do that?" his face was frown in pain.

"This is my baby. Do you enjoy bathing in sunlight? It's artifact. Not a real thing."

"You're an unstable factor. I must eliminate you." he raised his hands. An eyes were opened on his palm.


Gradually, I felt my body heavy. I fell to the ground but I used my own sword to stand.

"You are being serious now." saying this, I fell to sleep.