Mugan train 7

"F*ck. Tentacle everywhere. " Past Jean slashed tentacle surrounding a forest. Making its way towards deeper into darkness.

The Past Jean showed her ruthless and diligent but still not showing some signs of effectiveness.

The dis-formed arm still aimed for Jean's head.

"I don't know whether energy of this armor can hold this long. But."

Looking at tentacle, Jean didn't have much hope.

"What do his spiritual core suppose look like? My future self did mention his spiritual core but there is something I still wonder all time."

The earth shattered. My arms sprouted from the ground. The wind is cold and chill sweeping past Jean.

"If I were her, I would do this silently instead shouting before that guy."

"The question is why. Why her or future me do this kind of action. Do I grow stupid in future?"

"What's wrong with you? Are you feeling something not well" a voice rang out. She didn't need to see to know who is this voice owner.


"Surprise. I thought you will be lonely so I come to play with you. Are you glad to see my presence." attack coming from all different road. Horizon. Vertical. Cross. His attack all slammed beside her instead of aiming for her precious life. As if he was toying her.

Leaving Jean no time to think, she dodged accurately. Instead of fighting him, she moved deeper into darkness.

"There is no way I will fight this perverted."

"Don't go away. I have a lot of thing to do." he looked her disappear far away.

"Very well. I will do it later. For now, I will play with other version of her." Enmu face showing a devil smile and disappeared after that leaving no trace.

The quiet returned to this place.

Return to Jean. While he was immersing himself in his imagination, Jean have already arrived the destination.

Past Jean entered the deeper forest and also understood as human's subconscious.

"Where am I?"

"What am I?"

"Why I can't feel anything."

"My leg. Doesn't feel anything. My ear. Can't hear anything."

In the darkness, everything single sense of her was disappeared

"Why I am doing this."

"By the way, what am I doing anyway."

Wandering in the dark, not knowing where to go.

"I guess this is what people feel when they lost all their senses. So lonely."

"And so scary."

One step, two step. In fact, she doesn't know how many steps.

"No. I must destroy his spiritual core. I must keep this sanity."

She moved forwards not knowing whether she made a straight line or circle.

"Peace is here. I don't like this." while walking, a question come back to her again.

"Once again. Why me. My future is doing this. Doesn't make sense. Something was wrong."

She walked until she can't move anymore.

"What is this?" she touched it but didn't feel anything. She stepped forwards but it didn't even bulge a little bit.

"A wall. An invisible wall." She tried to break it with hands but no use.

"Knife. Knife. Where is my knife" she reached out for her combatant knife but doesn't know where she is touching.

"Is this my leg or my waist. Can't sense and can't feel very annoying."

She repeated doing this until she found a knife. It was a difficulty process.

"I guess I will stab this." she placed a knife before invisible wall.

"Here we go." she stabbed it but stopped at last seconds. Stop a milimetres before the wall.

"Still this didn't make sense."

"Why. He let me go so easy. Something was wrong about this."

As if no answer, she decided to come back to find a answer.

"There is a missing piece. I need to come back"

She used invisible wall as a point to move opposite. Breaching the dark curtain to come back.

Once again, she moved under the darkness. She stepped forwards until she met first light.

"This is." Looking the surrounding again, she realized nothing was changed. Even the collapsed tree, the broke log or shattered ground. Everything returned normal like previous.

"There is something she is hiding from me."

She ran for Current Jean.

"What is this."

Something is unbelievable meeting her eyes. A factory which was supposedly destroyed yesterday was restored to normal.

"How." feeling confusion, she still entered.

"Oh. You are back. Just in time I need you." it was Enmu who greeted her. And also the person who held the Current Jean. Her hair was disorganized and messed.

"You're back. Idiot. You should be there a little bit." Current Jean said to Past Jean.

"Why are you doing?"

"Whew. It's basically for your safe. I can deal with him by myself."

"I need an answer right now."

"If you need that answer badly. Allow me to tell you." Enmu said with a devil voice.

"Actually. She want to create an infinite loop so this ant can defeat me." Enmu pointed at Current Jean.

"How silly. How pathetic. She believes that she can defeat me so I decide to teach her a vulnerable leason."

"Look at her pathetic face. She can't scratch me even a little bit" Current Jean was lifted by Enmu in embarrassing way.

"I teach her in violent way. Cutting. Crushing. Slamming. She all dies every time"

"Wait. You say."

"Like him said. I try to solo him and receive an embarrassing experience in exchange. For roughly 100 thousands."

"One thousand"

"100 thousands. I lost count after that." although the Current Jean was beaten mercilessly, there is no fear in her face.

"And I crush her like an ant. Not knowing its place" he added.

"Listen to me, Jean. He can't kill you and you can't kill him so I make this strategy. Each time your memory reset, I also reset too."

"She uses this loophole very well. I acknowledge her efforts. The moment you entered that place, you are already near dead experience."

"I know you better than him. Whatever you do. Don't accept his hands."

"Now. Move to the topic a little bit." he threw Current Jean to the wall. Like a rag doll without string, she dropped to the ground motionlessly.

"Like I said. I have a proposal for you. Do you want to escape this nightmare so that you can have a dream" he offered the Past Jean a hand. But she didn't batter this into her eyes.

"Never I receive a handshake from retard" she drew gun but was held by Enmu.

" You can't defeat me." his strength is stronger than he thought.

Like the Current Jean, she was threw like a rag doll.

"This is a fair deal for you. You should accept this and you have dream forever."

"From the demon. I believe not."

[9th form]

A water dragon slashed towards Enmu crushing him into pulp.

"You should do this soon."

"Sorry. I was absentmindedly a little bit."

"Will he come back" looking at blood pulp, the Past Jean asked.

"Ah no. He won't come back. For now." grasping for air, Current Jean took a deep breath.

"So what is your plan exactly."

"Like he said. I try to create an infinity loop."

"Didn't you say that as long as I destroyed his spiritual core. He will be eliminated."

"Ah. That. Yes. I was. And I was wrong."


"Look. Don't be excited. Destroy his spiritual core also equal killing ourselves. If you ask why, cause he fuse his consciousness into it."

"That's horrible. Why you let a lamn guy like that breach our place."

"That's completely out of my expectation but we are not hopeless yet."

"What are you waiting for?"

"I planned this so I also expected this will happen so I prepare for this day so long."

"Describe more detail please."

"I will banish him into abyss of forgotten"

"There is a place for that."

"Yes. That is a place where all forgotten memory stays. We succeed in throwing him. We will be safe. And for methods. I don't know."

"Throwing our memories."

"Yes. Only corrupted one. Cause there are no use anymore."

"But how exactly we do that."

"I prepare for this so long. Just me. I was killed 100 thousands time just for this day."

"We are at that weak."

"I don't have any technical relating to soul so I fight in big disadvantage."

Past looked at Current in vigilance.

"I guess I will trust you only this time."

"Okay. He comes back. Prepare for weapon."

The blood pulp formed into humanoid. Enmu was resurrected.

"Are you done cause this time I won't be mercy." his voice was full of menacing.

"Are you sure this is going to work?" The Past Jean.

"Don't worry. You are a master of this place." she jumped at Enmu.

"What" not hearing the answer, she also followed her.