Mugan train End

"Impossible" Enmu shouted in regret. He gradually turned into dust.

"Yeah. You should regret." I amused trying to catch a breath. His expression in last moment is priceless.

Immediately, after he disappeared, the train derailed sending me flying up slamming the ceiling.

Caught off guard, I went faint.

Shortly after that, my consciousness came back.

"Wh… What happened." dizziness, I squinted my eyes looking surround. I can see train car scattered everywhere.

"Oh. Right. The train derails." I coughed violently. Blood splatter on ground.

When I looked down, there was a steel bar stabbing in my abdomen.

"Oh my fucking god." I pulled the bar off and disinfected the wound with alcohol and water that I found nearby me.

After that, I washed my wound.

"Okay. Jean. This is nothing. You have experienced something worse than this." I started to stand back up. Taking some first step moving to outside.

I used remain strength to open the door in clumsy way.


The door fell off. I rolled on the ground kissing the dust.

"Nothing is worse than this." I mumbled. From afar, I can hear the sound of talking. Those demon hunters were still alive and they were in better condition than me.

"I guess only me met this bad luck. Oh wait. Tanjiro also in same condition like me. At least, I have accompany now." as if seeing light in my life, I dragged my body towards them.

As if destiny doesn't want me to live, there was a loud sound of landing right behind me.

Dust scattered into the air blocking me from seeing who is coming.

After the smoke settled down, I can see him clearly.

It was a red hair boy with tattoo on body. He didn't start talking bullshit like Enmu. Instead he attacked first. Directly and without hesitation. Undoubtedly, this put me into danger.

As soon as I saw him disappeared, I picked my sword up.

In edge of death, I can see his fist aiming for my head in slow motion.

This is the first time in my life, I have met a person using 100% brain. Mostly, they will talk first and fight later.

Slashing towards the incoming fist, I want to counter this attack.

However, the moment it touched his hand stabbing into his fresh. His muscle consolidated making my sword stuck in his hand.

Not stopping at that, he turn his arm at perfect 90 degree breaking the blade.

A shock expression showed on my face looking the broken blade on my hand.

Just as I feared, he punched straight through my stomach making a hole on my abdomen. He is ruthless and effective killer and fighter.

He grabbed the broken blade part on air and stabbed it through my lung.

He disabled all my breathing technical. I was no longer breathing properly. My breath is full of chaos.

He raised his hand intending to end my life.

A stream of fire aimed for his arms slashing his ready to end my life arm. It was Sengoku trying his best to save me. But that guy barely dodged with me on his hand.

"Oh. Very nice blade" he complimented. Immediately, a new hand sprouted back.

"You. Let that girl down." Sengoku said with angry voice.

"Don't be hasty. I will do right away." using his new arm, he punched my chest shattering my ribs.

I vomited blood more violent than before. Of course, Sengoku didn't stand there to see my suffer.

"Why you attack the wounded. You didn't see it a shame to you" Sengoku swung his sword restlessly.

"I thought she was getting in my way so I decided to kill her first. Don't worry. I will end her suffer right away." he raised his hand forming into knife. He want to chop my head off.

"This is my fiasco." I held tightly his arm.

"What did you say."

*Bang* a gun shot roared.

His chest was wide openly. I immediately stuffed grenade into it.

"Last struggle of the weak" he said.

A bright light appeared in his chest. Accompanying with that, a thunderous sound rang out.

I was blasted flying by grenade. Successful escaping from his grab. However, I was now in door death.

"Tricky but effective. I'm impressed" Akaza complimented me "At least, there will be no one interfereing our fight."

"This is my first time I met you, I already hate you" Flame pillar said.

"I really hate weak human. Each time I see them, I will feel disgusted."

"Look like I can't stall this talk longer. I have people needed to be in care." Sengoku dashed towards Akaza.

"This is what I longed for. Bring it on."

Two of them started fighting while I'm tremble on the ground. That was a hard fight.

'This is the worst outcome' I thought in pain.

"I guess I can't live any longer."

'System. Can I go to another world after this?' in my mind, I asked system.

'Negative host. Your mission is failed.'

"What" it was a breaking new that made me stand back up but fall to the ground after that.

'Your mission is 'become millionaire' have failed. Cause of this because the person you put trust on have betrayed you. All your asset was turned into his.'

"Betray" I lost my trust on humanity long ago. Now I tried to trust them again. As a result, I lost that trust. Again.

'System. How much chance will I live?'

'0,00000000000000000000000000000001% esteemed host' this is not different from sure death.

I can only wait for death and swallowed bitter of blood.

At my last moment, Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Inosuke surrounded me.

I no longer can hear them anymore.

What I hear is death god is waiting for me.

My eyes started to lose color.

I was taught not to be swallowed by emotion. And now, I was. Hate, rage, regret, despair, fear,… I'm no longer think straight.

"Tanjiro" I said.

"Yes. I'm here" he replied.

"That machine. Turn it on." I pointed at the machine on the ground.

"It was a key to defeat him" at least, before I go. I will drag that guy together with me.

"You …" his eyes and me stared at each other. In the end, he still did what I said.

He brought the strange machine to me.

"Here. Jean. What I do."

"There is a button behind. Turn it on"

"Button. Where is button. Is this button." he fumbled the machine.

"Yes. Turn it on. And throw it towards him" I pointed at Kyojuro fighting with Akaza.

He did like what I said. Punched the button and threw it towards him. It tumbled on the ground for a while before it stopped before Akaza.

"What is this." he raised his leg ready to crush a encumbrance.

The machine roared a strange sound. Immediately, a radiant life illuminated the night.

"What the." Akara exclaimed. His skin started to burn. "Annoying light." his leg raised again.

"No, you don't." but Sengoku didn't allow that.

The battle was now in Sengoku's home advantage.

"Support me get up. I want to watch his last moment" I said. As if I accept my emotions, my death. To be honest, I should be dead long ago until system present me another chance.

"No. You should take the rest." this is the first time Tanjiro refused my proposal.

"Whatever." laying on the ground, watching the sky is not bad for me now. My eyes were heavy now. I can sleep at any time I want.

My sight gradually turned black. I can see reaper in front of my eyes. After that, I went faint.

"No no Jean. Don't close your eyes."

"You are not allowed to die before me."

They both cried before Jean. They killed Enmu, Sengoku dominated the battle. They won but at what cost.

"Pardon me." a strange voice rang out breaking this emotional moment. They both directed their eyes towards the strange guy.

He wore plague doctor that only had in Europe but this land is in Asia.

"I can see your friend is dying. I can help."

"Stay away, weirdo guy" Inosuke protested but was prevented by Tanjiro.

"You said you could help"

"Yeah. I'm a doctor. A very talent and special one"

"So can you help my friend?" Tanjiro asked.

"I'm such a righteous and gentle man. Of course, I will. Also. She saves my life one time on train. This time, I will pay back my debt" the crow mask moved with every words.

"What can we help?"

"I need a clean, quiet and safe place so that I can start surgery" he looked at the battle between 2 monster. One is real monster and the other is human with monstrous strength.

"We can do that. Please help me me with this"

"Serious. Are you believing his words in first time?" Inosuke said.

"I don't know him but I know one thing. He is a good man" Tanjiro replied. An awkward atmosphere covered them.

"Fine" 3 of them carried Jean towards the derailed train while doctor walked behind them.

"By the way, sir. What is your name?" Zenitsu asked.

"I have many names cause I am a traveler. But my favorite name is Faust. I want you introduce me to your friend as Traveler. She will understand if she is smart enough."

"And what is your dream." Zenitsu curiously asked.

"I want to be a doctor that break normal logic. A miracle doctor"

As soon as he said this, they have already entered a train.

"Okay. Place her on this table. I will take care the rest." Faust said.

They gently placed Jean on bar table.

"Now. Please leave. I need a complete silence."

Hearing this, they both left. Only Faust and Jean remained in this place.

"Look at those wound. It looks like WW III normal injured solider." he commented while cutting the clothes revealing naked body.

"46 ribs broken. Blood vessel broke many parts. Strange object in blood. Parts of steel in lungs. Foreign blood mix with her blood. Bones breaks at many place. Such a horrible wound. Vital life is gradually decreasing."

"Meeting normal doctor, they can only shake their head refusing this case but me is different."

From the air, his hand drew a line. Immediately, a tool box fell from the space.

"Let the surgery begin."