Nameless masker

"Chill girl. Can we spend some time talking about this. " Karaku, who is one of manifestation of Hantengu's emotion, said with a sense of excitement and joyousness.

"Yes, little girl. Demon like us shouldn't fight each other because it wastes of time. Why not spending those time in something more meaningful. Like me. Who is enjoying the show." The bird man, Urogi, added. Despite being cut in 4 pieces, he still chilled as if his death is nothing.

The ground shattered, many trees collapsed. From afar this battlefield, there is another battlefield. Even I stood farther from there can see the heat of fire. Night is like a day at this moment.

"Don't interest in talking with mental retard" I kindly replied them."Although we have a short time to know each other, I already don't like you guys." ignoring their talking, I continued hacking them down with 10 swords. Blood slashed on trees, ground like a piece of art.

No matter how many time I have done, they always recover back to their prime state.

"You guys are unique in your own way. Which makes me think that you guys are a clone." I said while observing their expression.

Not only they surprised but they even praised me for that.

"Wonderful. I like it." Urogi said with a smile on his face. In bonus, he attacked with sonic wave.

"Hmm. Useless." I controlled forming into a shield with many layers of sashes. Directing the sound back towards Karaku, he received full impact.

"You such a ruthless girl but I like that aspect of your" Holding a fan, he created a wave of tornado strong enough to blow me away.

I flew 100 metres long.

"A very strong wind, if it's possible, I want you to be my generator."

"Ho ho. Please. Don't praise me that badly."

"Indeed. But sadly, you have to die here."

Using years of fighting, I flew back by using sashes as a cable to hang myself on air. Pressing more pressure on sashes, I flew towards and beheaded their head at sound speed.

My body was enhanced beyond what normal human can do.

"I'm not a fan of fighting so I will speed-run this night."

"Wh…" suddenly, a vicious fire appeared on their body.

The fire burnt violently.

"Careful. Being burnt by white phosphorus is not a pleasant experience." I left the scene immediately. Only wailing sound was left behind me.

Following the path, I arrived the village. The people were attacked by fishes.

Yes. Fishes. But those fishes looked very weird and horror.

"Help me." a guy was eaten leaving only upper body crawling towards me. I can see his remain organ on the ground. I want to run away from this guy but I don't want to show my panic side so I stay.

"By the grace of god. I can't help you at the moment." I only looked at him in pity. Being weak is also a sin. Since it's a sin then you will get eliminated by natural law.

"Heeellllpppp…" and he died, right in front of me.

"Such a burden soul. Rest in peace, I take care of this." I took off his mask and closed his eyes with my hands. He already became a cold body.

And I wore his mask by the way.

"Such unforgivable deeds. I will never forgive your sin. Does bully the weak is fun?"

Fun. Maybe yes. But being bullied is not fun. I experienced it once time and I don't want a second time.

That's why I sympathize him. And that is also why I will help them pass this sudden attack.

I drew the sword and withdrew sashes back into my body forming a new clothes for hiding identity.

I want to fight as a human not as a half demon and human.

"Remember your training." focusing all target, marking them, I analyzed and came up a shortest path to kill them all in just one breath. With a mind of gamer, I quickly found a way.

"Third form: Flowing dance"

A thunderous sound of earth shaking, accompanying with that, another place was also exploded.

"What is that."


In middle of chaos, those swordsmen can't have a clean mind to judge the situation.

Before the awareness came back, those demons that they currently fought were cut right before them.

Very confusion, they all looked surround and found that all demon fishes were killed.

"What the hell is just happened" They looked each other as if they expected the answer from them.

"Look. Over there" a swordsman broke the silence. Everyone looked the direction that he pointed.

On a big mutant koi fish, there was a shadow of said person. That said person turned. They both exchanged gaze. In a blink of eyes, that person disappeared right before them.

"Is that. A person who kill all fishes"

"Since when our village has such an person like that"

"I don't know. Maybe he is a secret protector of this village"

The discussion was baked into hot topic among demon hunters. They came up many theory and thus, many rumor were created on this day.

They only stopped when the raven gave them new order.

"Go to other place and support them. There is no time for rest."

They just nodded their head and moved to other place for helping.

Although those amateurs didn't know about that mysterious person, the ravens who was raised as special unit in demon corp can feel something wrong.

"We should inform this to our lord."

"Yes, this is a breaking new. A new demon attack demon."