Jean Sophia ... dead

8 months later

I have completed the nuclear bomb. My entire life goal was completed. This is a good new for me. After plundering from the rich, I became famous. They even issued a wanted paper for me. I can say proudly that no one don't hear my name.

Phantom. This is a fake name that I used as a leader of rebel force. Aristocrats issued that I must be died.

But badly for them, I planned to end that career for now so that they will never find me again. Like my name, disappear without explain.

I should celebrate at this moment but there is uninvited guest here now.

"So you are what people call Phantom." a man wearing white hat said.

"Yes. That is me" I kindly replied.

"You are so familiar. Did we meet somewhere?"

"Sorry, you must be recognizing me wrong with someone."

"Yeah. Someone's name is Uchiha Madara. Is this name familiar to you?" Muzan glared at me with snake-like eyes.

"Not a single bit. Actually, I don't remember anything" I lied without blink.

"No. It doesn't matter to me anyway. I don't want to waste time so. Do you obey or not?" Muzan said with killing intention. To make it clearly, his veins bulged out.

"My pardon. Look like I have to turn down that offer" I calmly said.

"You know what I mean." he broke table into 2 parts.

"Dead. Correct? Does my answer not satisfy you enough?" I replied and also returned glare to him.


This time is not a table but me instead. I can firmly say that he is crazy now. First, he want to recruit me as his subordinate and I adamantly refused which pissed him off.

"That's very hurt. I think my jaw is broken"

"Tell me. Why you not submit to my hand?" he lifted my face closer to him.

"Tehe. You fight like a moron. You lived and spent 500 years just to find Blue Spider Lily. In the end, you didn't find it. Also, you was defeated by the hand of human. After that defeat, you turned into coward who created Upper moon and lower moon to complete your goal instead. Don't those prove that you are truly a coward who hid in shadow" as if previous hit is not enough, I said like I asked another punch from him.

His brows raised in large arch. His hand balled into fist, he punched and punched me. He punched as if he want to vent his frustration.

"Your failure makes … me … want to … laugh"

Despite his threaten, I wasn't afraid before him cause I know what he want from me. Destroy demon corp.

Hmmm. Maybe but not actually. His main goal is my enormous connection or my empire. I had the biggest underground information network. I know almost very thing on this land. I traced from my received memory. I discovered that Doma, one of upper moon, had some strange cult foundation but he was never serious in helping Muzan. That is why he need me as replacement and also I was a strong demon. After all, 2 is better than 1.

His fist stopped is when I already bathed in my own blood. My wound was recovered very fast.

"You know. Your hit is worse than my mom. You will never achieve what you want in your life. Your hand tell that."

"Funny. You should know your position." Muzan is frustrated by me. He really want to kill me now.

He threw me to the ground and held my head down with his feet.

"Dust. How familiar."

"I give you a second chance so that you can submit before me. Do you appreciate that?"

"Not at all"

"Your life depend on that."

"Then yes. But first, allow me to take my stuff. I hid it at abandoned house that direction. It's very important for me and you." I pointed to the haunted mountain.

"Do you have gut to come that place with me? People said that there is ghost living on that place. Scary." I added.

"Bullshit. Do it fast."

"Yeah, yeah. boss" I limped my body to the mountain with Muzan.

While we moved together, I asked Muzan some questions.

"So Muzan. Why do you need me by the way?"

"You know I could kill with a thought"

"Sorry, sorry for my silly. I want to kill time. Boredom make people crazy for entertainment." I said but my mind told different.

In the end, we went without saying any word.

"So here we are. Can you wait me a minute?"

"No" he denied. Immediately, a door appeared under my feet. With my quick reaction, I dodged immediately.

"So you want to kidnap me instead of waiting. How impatient. You should learn taking your time lowly" I said with a smile on my face.

"You want die that badly then I will give it to you" Muzan is no joke now.

"Nope." I went into the house. A sharp tentacle grew from his back, he swung vertically at the house.

In respond, I fired a gun. A bullet blasted his arm flying.

"Good. I'm really pissed now. You should obey me instead of rebelling against me. Your broken house can't save you from me."

The house collapsed in one hit but no trace of his annoying fly was found.

Only after the house completely collapsed, he found a tunnel.

"A tunnel. Lucky for you, you can live a little longer than expected." he arrogantly complimented me on preparation.

"Since you dig your own grave, why I not give you a quick death." he entered the tunnel without worry.

Traps. No problem. Muzan just go past it.

Poison. Useless.

Snake. Waste of snakes

Gas. He inhaled it like some kind of vape.

Jump scare. Muzan: ???

In secret base

"Whew whew. Muzan almost comes down here. I regret that I didn't come here with popcorn." I heard the sound of stepping one louder and closer. All my assets turned into scrap under his hands. How strong he is?

I looked at the door. A punched shape formed on the door. It's clearly Muzan who punched that door.

The door was breached a hole revealing a Muzan's face.

2 people 4 eyes stared at each other.

"Any last words"

"Indeed, I have. But those are for you." My steady eyes looked at him without wavering."Allow me to express in song. A very short song." I sat before piano and started to play.

"The shadow comes. The wind howls"

The hole is bigger and bigger.

"Under the crimson moon, an upcoming darkness. An impending doom comes from the abyss."

He ripped and tore the door piece by piece.

"Run as you will. You can't escape. The cost of your coward can't afford. Your doom is coming soon."

The hole is big enough for him to enter but he want to tear off this door by his hand.

"Hiding in your shadow. Waiting for your own fallen." I said while looking at very pissed Muzan.

"The night is bleak. A worst nightmare of human is going to relieve tonight"

The door is blasted opened. Muzan was looking at me like a lion after interfering their meat.

Without saying anything, he plucked out my brain.

"Meaningless song. I don't know what is karma or my doom. But your is coming near." he hugged me from behind. I can feel it. Each cell of his is eating my cells.

"No. It's near than what you think." I pressed a certain piano keys.

The ground is illuminated dazzlingly.

"What …" he don't know what is that but it clearly threated his life. Before he told Nakima to open the door for him, he was already swallowed by the fire of that light.

That night, a mountain was blown up sweeping everything on its way. Which is citizen later known as the biggest gas explosion.