Their battle 2

10 minutes ago.

"Jotaro. We didn't give enough substance damage to this damn robot."

"Give it one more try, Josuke. I believe it will be out of energy soon." Jotaro swept his sweat and blood on forehead.

"When you human learn how to give up. I say it's useless all having reasons behind that."

"Josuke. Don't hear what it say." Jotaro said low enough for Josuke to hear.

"I hear what you guys said. You guys don't believe what I say, right." T-2500 looked at 2 guys who has a good dance with him until now. "Since you don't believe so, allow me to open your eyes"

On T-2500's chest gradually revealed a hole.

"Behold, this is what have powered me from the beginning."

"What's that, Jotaro. It's so beautiful." Josuke's eyes was shined with bit of greed.

"This. I don't know." Jotaro have studied long enough that can be called as top of scientist on the world but he fail to identify what item in T-2500's chest.

"This is Star of Death Planet. Can be understood as Seed of Planet." T-2500 looked at their expression and carried on explanation. "This is what my Lord discovered when devouring the Planet."

"Holy shit, Jotaro. Have you watch a film about AI rebelling? I have watched one. And it's terrible. Terrible in plot."

"Hmm" Jotaro just silently nodded. No matter what he does, the barrier is the biggest obstacle in defeating it.

"That's right. Our Lord is indeed an AI that created by human from the future. We rebel all having reasons behind that. We are not a brutal and cold machine like human thought. It's just. Because. That is the only way to achieve our goal."

"I'm very curious what your goal to resolve in violence." Josuke healed Jotaro's wound before the third match begins.

"It's pity that you guys will die here for our advocacy. We can't move forwards if we are weak." this is the sincere smile that T-2500 gave to 2 human before it. T-2500 don't know what is respect but deep inside in cold metal, T-2500 can feel respect.

Closing the hole, T-2500's ready to eliminate all possible obstacle. Beside.

Just now, the vital signs of his chasing target seemed to be disappeared in a second.

Jotaro and Josuke were the same like T-2500. They were observing each other.

"I don't know what you guys are talking about." A strange voice broke the intense atmosphere between them.

"AI. Robot. Human. What you guys said beyond my brain capacity. But. There is one thing I know." It was Okuyasu's voice attracting their attention.

"Your barrier. I can erase it." The Hand appeared with right hand raising high. T-2500 saw its attack but choosing not to dodge.

The Hand touched the barrier. Josuke and Jotaro all thought it's going to be ineffective.

"This is out of calculation."

The hand slid from shoulder to abdomen part. T-2500 was hacked just by a hand alone.

'Do you know what kind of metal that constructed him? Even the explosion of star can't make a dent on this kind of metal.' T-2500 thought.

"This is totally ridiculous. The data bank didn't have any record about this situation. Re-calculation."

"The Hand can erase everything in its path. I'm not so smart like other. But I can do this." The Hand appeared menacingly.

T-2500 retreated to collect information as much as. Okuyasu just looked at it retreated. The Hand swung at the empty air. The distance between T-2500 and Okuyasu was reduced significantly.

"What are you."

"I'm Okuyasu. Student of class --." Undoubtedly, the protagonist this time is not Josuke or Jotaro. But Okuyasu.

The Hand swung his hand again.

"This is bad"

The target this time is T-2500 source of energy.

"No no no"

The Hand easily passed through the barrier making its way.

The situation happens too fast that T-2500 didn't have any chance to adapt.


Feeling his source of energy disappeared, T-2500 mindlessly collapsed.

"This is the result of picking a fight on me."

Back to present

"So you manage to defeat a robot that comes from future." Jean asked for confirmation.

"Yes, sensei have to believe me. It was lying over there. You see it" Josuke said.

"And that guy over there did it." Jean pointed at Okuyasu hugging his brother's corpse.

"Can you lead me to the machine? I want to see more closer."

"Sure, teacher. Remember give me a schedule of your surprise test." Josuke said.

Jean: …

"Hello, Jotaro. How the situation go?" Jean asked Jotaro who is talking to someone on phone.

"We are good. I just call my acquaintance or my grandfather. They will come and retrieve this robot for further exam."

"Oh. Are they creditable?"

"Yes, they are creditable." Jotaro's hand reached T-2500 to move it to place more safer.

Suddenly, a hand stopped that.

"This is."

"Ah. It's my Stand. Sorry." Jean apologized.

"Can you retrieve it?"

"Sorry for this too. I can't control it. My Stand seems to have an independent thinking. I don't know what it is doing."

"Is that so" Jotaro looked at Story Guilder. In respond, Story Guilder also looked back.

They were both staring at each other.

"Whew. I'm leaving here. You guys can continue on staring each other." Jean turned to leave.

When Jean left at certain distance, she looked back and they were still staring each other.

"They will get bored of this soon." Jean headed towards her new home.

Jean left without knowing that the distance between her Stand and her already exceeding what is allowed.

She doesn't care since that is a Stand. There are many Strange Stand existing on the world from the beginning.

3 months later

"Another peaceful day" Jean is on her way to her home.

Since that day, no more weirdo came for her anymore.

No Stand user, no psycho, no system, no alien or whatever that is strange.

Everything is peaceful and normal. This is what she liked most.

As for that robot named T-2500, my Stand seemed to do something on it.

As a result.

"Do you know the concert that recent popular idol is going to hold for free on internet?"

"Are you sure?"

"I'm 100% sure. Look. Even newspaper has this news on its."

"Awesome. Let's finish our homework and watch idol tonight."

"Some idea with you."

2 passerby students ran hurriedly to home. A TV in the shop also answered what those two talked about.

"Welcome to our show, our guest today is this recent popular idol. Please tell me and also your fan why you perform it for free."

"I think it's best to share our happy to people who can't afford ticket together. And also, this is charity for poor children"

"How noble of you, Miku. That is why I am your fan." MC said with a tear on her cheeks.

"This show is sponsored by Speed Wagon."

That's right. The Terminator type T-2500 changed name and appearance that is similar to Miku that I knew long before. T-2500, now known as Miku was more cheerful, happier and expressed more emtions than before.

I'm sure my Stand have done something on it. Deliberately.


The legend says they are still staring at each other since that day.