Dungeon 2

"That day have come." Jean looked at the big door that she once entered. Now she came back to challenge it.

She was no longer a chicken level 1 facing T-Rex level 1000.

When opening the door, she could see her opponents waiting for her, the last survivor.


[ Gurdian Golem

level: 100

HP: 80 000/170 000

ATK: 1000

DEF: 5000

Skill: Indestructible shield ]

[ Snake Golem

level: 100

HP: 45 000/100 000

ATK: 5000

DEF: 1000

Skill: Parade of snake ]

Golem is a big nightmare for low level hunters because of their huge basic parameters. For high level hunter, they are just a sand bag.

[ Jean Sophia

Level: 67

Job: Warrior

HP: 5 000/ 5 000

ATK: 300

DEF: 100

Skill: Telekinis ]

"So they can't recover after a weak." she said in happy tone "That's good for me."

Golem couldn't heal themselves because they are machines.

She had planned that her job would be a mage. Thank to this dilemma, she chose warrior instead. If she chose mage, she couldn't clear this dungeon with current level and knowledge.

Although their basic status still had big gap, Jean still believed that she could win against 2 of them.


Thank to boss this time is Golem or else she didn't know how to counter perfectly.

Since it was a golem, it was programmed in the core. As a result, it didn't have independent thinking.

Only low level golem gets this treatment, high level golem with advanced program has independent thinking.

She remembered the order of attack and range of attack. As long as she don't receive any hit then clearing this dungeon is easy.

The boss of room sensed her existence, they immediately activated to eliminate intruder.

Gurdian Golem picked a block of stone and threw it towards her. Jean slightly moved backwards a little bit. After the block of stone missed its target, Snake Golem started crawling around to corner Jean in center.

She remembered this combo. There was 2 possible cases.

One is Snake Golem strangling her to death by closing the circle.

Two is Snake Golem circling her so that Guardian Golem can jump and perform Hero-landing at center of circle.

If she saw Snake Golem moved closer and that was the case 1.

After seeing the circle wasn't smaller, she shifted her attention towards Guardian Golem.

As her expectation, it was ready to jump.

"You choose wrong move" Story Guilder appeared behind her.

Guardian Golem charged full energy towards its legs. Immediately, it jumped 30m high.

She moved closer to the wall of Snake Golem.

Targeting her in its sight, it launched towards her position.

She could see the big shadow under her feet. When she saw it close enough, she flew along with Story Guilder out of it range of attack.

On the mid air, Guardian Golem couldn't change the trajectory. As a result, the attack landed on Snake Golem instead.

Guardian Golem's legs stomped on Snake Golem's body and Snake Golem's tail hit Guardian Golem's face. Both hit each other.

"That's friendly fire." Jean commented.

"You see, my captain." she looked at her former Captain who had already dead. "As long as you have brain, you can see they are fighting in script"

Why she bothered destroying them with her strength, she could take advantage of their huge body to harm each other.

"The only remain thing to do is repeating this process for 123 times"

That's why she chose warrior not mage. Warrior has big stamina and fast recovery.

15 hours later

Guardian Golem's fist hit Snake Golem's face. Out of HP, Snake Golem collapsed first and dismembered itself.

Jean could see a chest appearing after Snake Golem's death.

"Only you left. You are a bit tanky but not a problem to me" Jean drew her sword deciding to fight the last Golem.

[ Gurdian Golem

level: 100

HP: 5 000/170 000

ATK: 650

DEF: 700

Skill: Indestructible shield ]

It put both his hand forwards ready to charge. Jean stood near the wall of room.

Charging its legs, it dashed towards Jean. Seeing this, Jean climbed the wall waiting for a perfect moment.

The target was very closed, it increased the speed twice than before.

She jumped over the charging Golem.

Going at high speed, it couldn't stop. It slammed into the wall and was stunned for a few second.

"Telekinis + Breath of Stone" she combined two skills into one. She aimed at the statue on the wall and pull it down.

Gravity + Weight of stone = BIG DAMAGE

It hit right into Golem's face

[ Gurdian Golem

level: 100

HP: 4 500/170 000

ATK: 450

DEF: 600

Skill: Indestructible shield ]

"Few more."

She repeated doing this until it collapsed and dismembered itself like Snake Golem.

"Perfect clear"

She made her way towards 2 chests.

"First, what we get" She opened the first chest.

[Sword of ruin kingdom

Rank: E+

+500 Attack

Skill: Can shift between heavy sword and dual sword.]

"Not bad. Not bad. I will use you as my first weapon. What's next." She opened another chest. A book appeared before her

[Beginner to Master: Golem maker

Rank: D]

"A book creating Golem. Very good. Very good. S tier for me"

After done with opening chest, she looted material dropped from boss.

+ Golem's core

+ Golem's iron

She also looted from dead hunters

[Book: Introduce to magic]

[Health potion]

"Your asset will be donated to future SSS hunter" She spent a little time solemn for their death.

"Now. I should go. The dungeon is collapsing."

Outside the dungeon

"Haiz. This job is boring. Why I'm watching this screen for hours" a newbie complained his job because of boredom.

"Hey you. Wanna hang out with me"

"Ah. No. We are working now."

"Be easy. Monster can't escape it. Just ignore it."

"But those parameters" he pointed at computer.

"Tsk. Just ignore it. They can't change."

He thought for a while before answered "Maybe only this time"

Although he knew his job's mission, he still wanted to experience the culture named "Fake Working".

"Yeah. Sure. I will go after you"

"Don't be late" person who invited left the room.

He stood up and left the chair.

"No change. OK" he took a last look at computer screen then left.

The door slammed leaving no one in room.

Suddenly, the light flickered abnormally. The parameters on computer changed dramatically. All numbers decreased. This showed that the dungeon was collapsing.

The barrier broke down and a shadow flew at high speed from it.

No longer after that, the dungeon portal disappeared.


The area returned normal.

On the random street

Jean walked on the street and watched the big TV on building.

"No major new about double dungeon." Jean had been waiting the plot kick in.

While she was walking to home, a horde of people ran opposite her direction.

She grabbed the nearest guy.

"Mind I ask what date is it"

"What, miss. I can't hear it clearly" the bald guy shook nervously.

"What date is today?" she spoke lowly and clearly.

He answered the date.

"So it has been 9 days."

"Miss. Please run. They are coming"

"Hmm" Jean wondered what are those guys running away from.

A howl reverberated through the street reaching her ears.

Jean looked behind and saw a pack of wolf.

"Monster" she released a pool guy running first.

They started to circle her as if she was their prey.

"Want to hunt me" she drew her weapon from dimension bag. "Too bad. My meat is high quality for you."

She aimed sword at the leader of this pack. "Beside, I'm in hurry so no mercy for you"