
"Hello brother." Jin-ah greeted her brother who survived a dangerous exploration.

"We are very worried about you. Here are some gifts that your sisters bought for you" Jean laid a basket on the desk beside his bed.

"What are those?"

"Open it and you will surprise." Jean replied.

Jin-woo reached out his hand for basket. When he opened it, his eyes widened.

"Jin-ah, Jean. Where did you get those?" When he unveiled the content inside basket, he was shock. Because inside it was potions. A lot of expensive potions that you only found it at channel for the rich.


Jin-woo showed some worry.

"Whew. Brother. Actually, I have just promoted from assistant to official hunter." Jean laid her hand on chest to show how proud she was.

"Here. Drink this one. This is healing potion." Jean took out a red bottle and forced pouring it into Jin-woo's mouth.

"Don't vomit it. It's very expensive." When hearing this, Jin-woo couldn't help but drinking all it despite bitterness of medicine.

"Look. Your wound is healed." A scar on Jin-woo's face disappeared like miracle. "Here. Drinking another potion." Jean poured various color potions into Jin-woo's mouth.

+10% ATK

+HP recovery

+Mana recovery

+5% DEF

Many buffs increased in Jin-woo's status.

"Look at you, brother. You are no longer needed to stay at hospital." Jean said.

"Why you do that? Our house don't have that much money." Looking expensive potions on the floor, Jin-woo delicate heart couldn't endure with this loss.

"Be ease. I buy it my money. Like I say, being hunter can bring many money." she brought another potion from another basket ready to pour into her brother's mouth.

Hearing this, inside Jin-woo had something changed.

When Jean saw the change in his eyes, she knew that she had succeeded on persuading him.

In some possible future, he chose to give up being a hunter and change to a job that was less dangerous.

With her action, that possible future had been sealed.

Now she moved to another plan.

"Brother. May I sleep here a little bit." Jean pulled a chair near Jin-woo's bed.

"Jean. You can go home and sleep." Jin-ah said.

"Take too much time. I have work to do tonight so I will sleep at here." Jean closed her eyes and slept before their eyes.

"Jean. This is not a place to sleep" Jin-ah tried to drag Jean but Jean wasn't moved a bulge.

Jin-ah felt like she was dragging a big stone not her little sister.

"Leave her here. I will take care her for you." Jin-woo said while looking at screen in front of him.

"Okay, brother. Remember. If you get hurt one more, I will quit learning." Jin-ah took her bag and went home.

Reading an email from the so called his system, Jin-woo paid no attention and went to sleep like Jean.

Both of them slept like a baby from morning to afternoon.

"Mmmmmmm" Jean was the first one to wake up. She stretched her hand and stood up.

"Already afternoon. That means he will send to penalty zone for punishment."

Jean knew what he will experience inside it so she took out a potion and gently poured into his mouth.

"This potion will help him survive in that place" Jean took out a pair of shoes putting it on his legs.

"This shoes will help you move easily at desert"

She left hospital and went to her destination.

She arrived a bar at famous slum. She knocked the door in morse code. Immediately, a big guy opened the door for her. She gave him some coin and entered the secret path.

He was the veteran gatekeeper but he didn't see people young like that entering dangerous place.

Since she knew the rules then he slipped this matter aside. He closed the door after seeing no one around.


There is a light then there is a darkness.

Jean entered black market which was banned by government. Anyone was a member of this underworld will be sent to high security prison.

She ignored this punishment since benefits overwhelmed punishment.

She put on a coat and mask before opening the door at the end of tunnel.

What greeting her behind this door was a lively city building by a famous criminal.

This city contained 95% dangerous killer, murderer, mercenary, … and 5% left was corrupt hunter.

She made her way towards the biggest building lying at the center of city.

She entered the building and made her way straight towards registration section.

She placed a bag of gold coin on the table.

"Name" a voice rang out.


"What's business."

"Dungeon. E rank or below." a hand stretched out from the darkness and took a bag of gold coin.

After waiting for a while, a hand stretched out again and gave her a list.

"There are E rank dungeon or below in this underworld. You know the rule, are you?"

She nodded her head.

"Good" that hand retrieved back to darkness.

Reading a list, she counted there were 32 dungeons on this list.

She left the building and made her way to the nearest dungeon.