Promotion to D rank

"Can someone confirm the status of all member inside that dungeon."

"Negative, sir. The barrier is too thick. We can't enter at all."

"Damn it. If they all die, I will meet the big trouble." he bit his nail in worry.

In the middle of their conversation, the portal's color changed back to normal.

"Sir, we receive their life signal."

"What. How are they?" supervisor hurriedly came to the computer side.

"They are safe and sound."

Just as supervisor was about to say something.

"Look. Someone come out." a voice rang out interrupting.

A group of hunter stepped out of the portal with the proud face.

"My dear god, look at what they have."

They dragged high quality weapon, material that made everyone's dropping saliva.

"Isn't this a D rank dungeon. Why the drop is so temping" someone pointed out the truth.

Their supervisor and board of executive wanted to know the reason fast so they asked directly at person who was responsibility for this raid.

"Kay. Tell me what happen inside" supervisor and other executive came close to captain and whispered in his ears.

"It's nothing, supervisor" he looked around before giving answer "I found castle in dungeon."

"That means"

"Correct" he wanted to say that there were another loots inside it but he didn't want to make it public.

"I understand." he coughed to clear his throat before announcing.

"Everyone has a big rest" he dispersed everyone so that he could call secret team.

"And her. Why is she shaking too much?" he looked at a person who carried the luggage for team.

"Ah, she. This is her first time in D rank dungeon so she was nervous. Don't mind it." he shruged this matter off.

"Is that so then you must be felt very hard." supervisor laid his hands on the Jean to express his caring.

Jean didn't really appreciate his action because his eyes were telling her differently.

'Why you look at me with that kind of eye?' A kind that want to eliminate witness so that they can do dirty thing behind government.

'Should I act a little bit to drop his guard down.' Jean thought.

Before she said anything, her captain reassured his supervisor.

"Hahaha. Don't pursue this too much. This raid leaves a big scar on her. Let's her have a rest. Beside, the weather today is nice."

"Yeah, the weather is nice today"

She looked at them exchanging secret code each other.

Her captain said 'the weather today is nice' meaning that 'she is harmless, no need to kill her'.

While supervisor replied 'the weather is nice today' meaning that 'affirmative'.

Hearing their conversation about killing her or not, Jean averted her eyes pretending that she had a big trauma.

"Sorry about that, we will compensate for you." Supervisor said this before leaving.

"Phew" Jean released her breath.

'So they didn't discover that' she thought while looking at the member of hunters.

The real hunter team had already been dead. Jean replaced them with homunculus that she created with alchemy combining with her first Stand 'Library of heaven'.

Because this is the product that her first Stand made so there was no fault in personality or attitude. However, what worry her most is their level.

Those homunculus were E rank hunters not D rank like the real one. One level below the real one.

'She thought that they will be discovered.' she wiped her sweat on her forehead. 'I guess I will leave this place as soon as possible.'

She put the bag down and made a bee-line to a place receiving her rewards.

After that, she left in silence. So silently that no one knew her existence.

On the street to HQ of hunter.

"I have to visit HQ for my promotion" Jean mumbled on the way to HQ.

Jean put the phone out from her pocket and texted it to her family so that they could know her situation.

When she arrived HQ, she found there were many people in there.

"This may take a time."

She took her number and waited for her turn.

Before that, she will check all her status first.

[ Jean Sophia

Level: 100

Job: Arcane Warrior

HP: 50 000/ 50 000

ATK: 500

DEF: 500

Passive: The will of sword blade (evolved)

Skill: Blood spear, Clone (Unique Skill from class) ]

"Oh. New skills" she clicked on to see more description.

[The will of sword blade (SS): You sword have your will and your strength. You can control it like part of body]

[Blood spear (A): Create a spear made in blood by sacrificing part of your HP. Your spear can paralyze a target.]

[Clone (B): Create a copy of your by spending amount of mana. The more mana spends, the stronger a clone is. (Maximum: 1)]

"I see. I see." Jean nodded her head after reading those description. Skill can be learned, evolved or obtained from job.

She wondered that she could learn [Taunt] from tanker class so that her clone can be her sacrifice.

"Interesting." she was a Moba player for many years so she was very curious about the interaction between skills.

"Put it aside. Let's check my unique job first."

Not like other people in this world, her job is the most unique among hunter like Necromancer which was owned by her brother, Jin-woo. Although they sometimes misunderstood it as mage.

"Whew. With this world's common sense, of course they will understand it as mage."

Job titles in this world were Mage, Warrior (Fighter), Tanker, Healer, Assassin, Ranger.

However, there was no advanced job like her, Arcane Warrior.

Each path has their own unique development so Jean wondered what path that her job will evolve in future.

"Let's me see."

[ Arcane Warrior

The path between mage and warrior. A style of fighting is warrior and a style of skill is mage.Combining those 2, Arcane Warrior is dominating both close range and wide range. ]

"This is pretty broken." She widened her eyes.

Mage was good at wide range and AOE but was very poor at close range. While warrior was good at close range and solo but was poor at wide range and AOE.

For example, Mage can use spell to create illusion for himself. When monster comes, it will attack illusion first. In mean time, that mage had already relocated and cast his spell.

Taking her class as example, she could give that monster a back-stab or relocate like that Mage. She had more options than that Mage.

"Aren't this filling the gap between those 2 classes."

"I can't wait to test it in dungeon" Jean slid the screen. She wanted to check the requirement to promote C rank hunter.

[ C rank quest

Clear: 150 D rank dungeon (with or without party)

Clear: 1 C rank dungeon (without party) ]

"This. I can complete that."

"Jean Sophia. Who is Jean Sophia?" Someone called her name.

"Ah, me. It's me"

"Please step inside" she indicated me to enter a room.

Jean entered to update her profile. She wanted to have privilege of D rank.

From dawn to dusk, time moved very fast for Jean.

When Jean stepped out of HQ, the sky started to turn dark.

"It's almost night" she walked to the food street.

She chose the store that didn't have many people. In the end, she chose a store with zero customers.


"Welcome. Please have a sit. Menu is on table." Jean picked menu up and put it down in 2 seconds.

"Give me all what on menu."

"Yes. Please wait a minute." the owner replied.

She played her phone while waiting for her Korean food. Suddenly, someone sat in front of her.

She just inspected the person in front of and realized that he was somehow familiar.

"Captain." Jean said.

"Don't be polite. You can call me Kay if you want."

"Right. So captain. What make you come here?" She asked before pondering.

"I'm here for this" Kay laid a monster core on table. Jean knew that thing.

[ Vampire King's core (SSS)

Type: material ]

"That's your rewards. Why give it to me?"

"Jean. That's your name, right."


"Ha. I'm giving this because I feel that I owe you."

"Owe what, captain. I'm just carrying baggage."

"Yeah, you are carrying baggage. But you do more than that." he took his hat off.

Jean looked at him while thinking this homunculus may have problems with brain.

"You are the one killing boss. Not us." he whispered.

"What. No way." Jean started to sweat profoundly.

"When I ask each member of my team. They all said they have a good fight against ghoul king." he stopped before continuing "Only I remember that we were facing Vampire King not Ghoul King."

Jean looked at him to indicate that he should carry on.

"I know that I had died but somehow I'm alive again. However, I'm sure that you had killed that boss. And that is the reason why I give this to you."

When hearing this, Jean realized where she made a mistake.

'Tsk. I put wrong book. Instead of copy, I put the original.' Jean tried her best to hide her embarrassment.

"Don't worry. My guild doesn't pursue this matter. Consider this as my thank for reviving me."

Before she had time to say something, he had already disappeared.

"Dear, customer. Is there anyone there." A voice rang out.

"No one is here" she took Vampire King's core and a note on it. "It's just me"

She read the note on it.