Speed run to A rank plan

First POV

"This is not good. Totally not good." I said while biting my nail.

"If we go as this rate, I can't become A rank hunter before ant-nest raid" I burned the paper that calculated the speed of my leveling up.

'I need to clear 150 D rank dungeons to meet requirement of promotion to C rank.' I rubbed my head.

"I need something to speed up. Something that is different. Something that is out of box"

[Process: 3/150]

"I don't have no idea how it turned into 3. It's clearly that I didn't do anything." I slided the screen.

I thought about the dungeon trying to find the difference between D rank and C rank.

Since I was at home, I spent 10 hours watching video about the raid of D rank, C rank and B rank. But A rank, S rank or above it all declared confidential.

"How about I clear C rank dungeon or B rank dungeon this time !!!"

Speaking of this, I remembered that mission only mentioned only 150 D rank dungeons. Is it necessary to be a D rank dungeon?

"What if I clear C rank dungeon. How much will it affect?"

I had some doubt but I had to test it in dungeon.

After thinking this possible, I came to underworld for clearing C rank dungeon.

After 10 minutes in C rank dungeon

"Phew, the boss is easier than I thought." I stood on the cut head.

[ Boss: Diamond Snake

HP: 0/0 ]

"Is it legal to sell this corpse at high price?" I mumbled before turning the screen on.

"As something that I had expected"

[Process: 6/150]

"It didn't restrict me only D rank dungeon." as if something burned inside me.

"Let's go Alpha Jean" I talked to my clone. It will be awkward keeping calling her as clone so I gave her new name.

My clone nodded at my command.

After 15 minutes in C rank dungeon but 2 of them is separated.

A cry of beast rang out before it took last breath.

"This monkey's quite tough"

[Process: 12/150]

"This number means my clone has successfully cleared D rank dungeon." I took out a bottle of water and drank it down to my throat.

"I see. What if I try to clear B rank" an aggressive thought came out from my head.

"Let's recall my clone first." I canceled skill and re-used it.

Alpha Jean appeared before me.

"Let try to clear B rank this time" I laid my hand on Alpha's shoulder. In return, her eyes tried its best not to show her tiresome.

35 minutes in B rank dungeon.

"Even with 2 of us, it's still difficult." I refilled mana so that Alpha Jean wouldn't disappear.

[Process: 17/150]

"So it give me 5 times comparing with D rank." I calculated the best strategy to level up fast. After skipping time to eat, sleep, loot, mine and travel, I thought it's possible to become C rank hunter in one day.

"Yuh, I decide." I touched Alpha's shoulder again. "Let's aim C rank right today."

If I and Alpha Jean try our best then C rank won't be far from out grab.

After spending 15 hours in underworld, I went to home for a rest.

"C rank. Yes. I believe we can do it. Yeah." I said in cheerful tone.

[ B rank quest

Clear: 200 C rank dungeon (with or without party)

Clear: 1 B rank dungeon (without party) ]

"Jean. Is something happy come to you." Jin-ah said.

"Yes. My salary have just got increase." I stuttered while looking the thing behind Jin-ah.

"Wonderful. I will make your favourite meal for you."

Waiting Jin-ah leaving, I came back to my true self.

"You know. That thing is very terrifying, right." I talked to myself but actually, I talked to my clones.

"Alpha, Beta. Tell me what you think." I looked at 2 clones standing behind me. My skill [Clone] now can create 2 copy of me.

One was shaking its head while other one was scratching its head.

"Jin-ah's death may come sooner than I thought"

The thing that I saw floating behind Jin-ah was a skull.

Although it was obscure, it became clearer with each day. At first, it was a dark aura floating on Jin-ah's head.

Now, it revealed its true self. The nature of her death.

"Look like this universe is very crazy. Human almost don't have a chance." when thinking about this, I suddenly remembered my adopted mother.

"I forgot to check mother's fate." I opened the phone to text to my personal nurse who is caring my adopted mother. I told her to lay next to her bedside so that I could check her fate.

"Let's aim more higher, shall we." another unfortunate event will fall on my adopted mother.

A door opened.

"Hello brother. How is your day?"

"Ah. Very thing is great." Jin-woo answered in hurry tone as if he was in emergency.

"Your head. It's something wrong with your head." I said.

"Ah no. Nothing."

'Kill her. She is not your sister. She is just a *beep* living in your *beep* house' A voice in Jin-woo said.

When hearing this, I was very annoyed but I didn't want to show it on my face.

'You are lucky that you are stronger than me' I tried telepathy to being living inside Jin-woo.

' You *beep* *beep* *beep*'

'Look like it's so pissed.'

I gave brother a potion for recovery.


"No need being polite, we are family." I departed to my room while waiting Jin-ah done with her cooking.

'Tsk. Jin-woo becomes darkened with each day.' I remembered the plot where Jin-woo was forced to kill human.

'If this continue, he may become lunatic.' I thought this scenario since it was showed in his possible future.

"More job to do" I jumped on the bed summoning Alpha and Beta.

"Beta. I count on you taking care our family." I said to Beta. Beta gave OK sign.

"Alpha. We will go to foreign country."

Now, this time will be hard for me.

Leaving Beta observing situation at home while Alpha and me will clear dungeon as much as possible.

"My next destination is Japan." I chose Japan fist because I understood what they said.

Beside, the underworld in Japan had many dungeon for me to choose.

"Don't know why but I'm sure Korean underworld is threatened by something. They behave like they are going for a big war" I didn't want to involve in gangster's business so I will absent for a few month.

"The only thing that worry me much is Beta Jean." I looked at Beta who played video game on computer.

"It should be fine."